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Planning Commission Minutes 06/04/2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
155 College Street Extension


The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


The Chairman seated Mr. Cooke and Ms. Milliken to act in absence of the absent members.


        A.      Minutes

The Commission postponed approval of the May 7, 2008 meeting minutes for lack of the all the members present at that meeting.
        B.      Correspondence

The Commission received minutes of other boards/commissions and newsletters.

        C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports

Ms. Nelson reported on behalf of the Road Regulations Update Committee that the draft road regulations will soon be completely edited, and the Chairman asked that that be scheduled for consideration at the Commission’s next meeting.  Mr. Tietjen reported to the Commission on the status of initiatives of the Connecticut River Estuary Regional Planning Agency, as well as the goings-on of land use in other towns in the region.  Ms. Nelson reported on the status of projects championed by many other Town boards/commissions.

        D.      Appointments

MOTION to appoint Donald Renaudo to fill the unexpired term of Judith Gallicchio; MADE by S. Aresco; SECONDED by C. Cooke; DISCUSSION on process for appointment of appointing regular members; APPROVED by R. McIntyre, J. Esty, S. Aresco, C. Cooke, and M. Milliken (5-0-0).


A.      The Plan of Conservation & Development
        ACTION: Review municipal improvements, programs, standards yet to be implemented.

The Commission reviewed the current status of implementation of the municipal improvements, programs and standards prescribed by the Plan of Conservation & Development.  

The Commission discussed its role in guiding and supporting the other land use boards/commissions in their implementation of the Plan’s recommendations for which they’d taken responsibility.  Ms. Nelson stated that the quarterly gatherings of these agencies are where the Chairmen give updates of their initiatives in a round-table fashion.  The Commission suggested an annual re-orientation and update might be additionally helpful in its role as the Town’s planning agency.

Ms. Nelson noted that much of the plan is complete, but asked the Commission if any of the outstanding recommendations stood out as more timely than others.  Ms. Milliken spoke of the need for a bicycle plan; Mr. Aresco spoke of the need for more specific characterizations of areas of Town to guide design; and Mr. McIntyre spoke of the many mentions of need for affordable and attainable housing in the Plan.  Ms. Nelson mentioned that the Commission would soon be in the midst of adopting new road regulations.  Other recommendations of the Plan were discussed, and the Commission asked Ms. Nelson for background material on several topics so that the Commission could continue its discussion at a subsequent meeting.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting to the next regularly-scheduled meeting of Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension; MADE by C. Cooke; SECONDED by M. Milliken; NO DISCUSSION; APPROVED by R. McIntyre, J. Esty, S. Aresco, C. Cooke, and M. Milliken (5-0-0).

Respectfully submitted,
Christine Nelson, Town Planner