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PC 081507.Minutes

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.
Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
155 College Street Extension

I.          CALL TO ORDER

Chairman, R. McIntyre, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.        ROLL CALL

Attendant Members       Absent Members
           Robert McIntyre, Chairman   James Conroy, Alternate Member
Judith Gallicchio, Vice Chairman                              William Voigt, Alternate Member                                                                                         
Salvatore Aresco, Regular Member        
Janis Esty, Regular Member      
Richard Tietjen, Regular Member

Attendant Staff                                                        
Chris Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Kathy Noyes, Recording Clerk


A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve the minutes of July 18, 2007 as amended: on page 10, the next to the last sentence should read as follows: “B. McIntyre stated for the record that there was no one in attendance from the public.”, and on page 12, the motion regarding “Pizzemia” should be amended to add, “ to continue to the next regularly scheduled meeting on August 15, 2007.” MADE
By J. Gallicchio. SECONDED by B. McIntyre.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Esty, J. Gallicchio. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: R. Tietjen, S. Aresco. APPROVED: 3-0-2.

B.      Correspondence

Members’ packets contain the following: copies of minutes from the various boards and commissions, copies of Public Acts 07-239 re: responsible growth, 07-182 re: the purchase of subdivision lots, 07-102 re: resubdivisions and inland wetlands decisions by Planning and Zoning Commissions, an article from Wikipedia re: “Fee Simple”, and an application for modification to special exception permit for Grossman Chevrolet with drawings from Annino Survey, LLC.  

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports

B. McIntyre said he had nothing new to report from the Inland Wetlands Commission.

C. Costa informed the commission that re: the “Neely” property, the fee in lieu of open space for 1.3% of land was $2,037.10, and that money goes into the general fund.



A.     “Pizzemia” Special Exception for Restaurant Use – 2,700 s.f.
105 Elm Street (Map 36 / Lot 103), Shopping Center B-2 District
Applicant: Matthew Rubin, Owner   Agent: Michael Achille, Tenant        

Michael Achille, tenant, was in attendance, and represented himself.

B.McIntyre explained the concerns of the commission in making sure that the proposed restaurant plans were consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development.

J. Gallicchio asked about the exterior. M. Achille responded that the exterior would not change. The façade of the building will stay the same except for a 7’x4’ wooden sign lit with spotlights over the top with bulbs not to exceed 50 watts each (per the ARB’s request).

MOTION to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission re: “Pizzemia” Special Exception for Restaurant Use – 2,700 s.f. 105 Elm Street (Map 36 / Lot 103), Shopping Center B-2 District, Applicant: Matthew Rubin, Owner, Agent: Michael Achille, Tenant in that it is consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development specifically the Economic Development section Policy “To observe the following order of priorities in future economic development: services for residents including employment opportunities, promotion of coastal resort features and maritime commerce, reinforcement of community image, and a balance between seasonal activity and jobs in manufacturing and commercial distribution”. MADE  by J. Gallicchio. SECONDED by S. Aresco.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Esty, J. Gallicchio, S. Aresco, R. Tietjen. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

       B.      “Bessoni” Spec’l Excep. Modification of Industrial Use (2.69 ac.)  
90 Ingham Hill Road (Map 35 / Lot 12), Industrial I District, Coastal Mgmt. Zone
Applicant: Blue Point, Inc.     Agent: Christina Burnham, Esq.  

Stuart Fairbank of Blue Point, Inc. presented for the client. He handed out a
revised plan dated August 10, 2007.

C. Costa reviewed the plan with the commission and explained the question from the last Planning Commission meeting regarding the fence as it was approved by the Inland Wetlands Commission, and how it is in the plans. The Wetlands Commission asked that as a condition of approval, a 400 foot fence be installed. C. Costa explained that the current fence is actually more protective of the wetlands that what was originally proposed. C. Costa also explained that the confusion may have occurred because the plans went to the Planning Commission before she had a chance to review and compare them.

B. McIntyre was satisfied that the Wetlands Commission’s stipulations had been met.

S. Fairbank explained that a contained area is proposed for landscaping materials being dropped off. It will contain those materials thus preventing wetlands erosion.

J. Gallicchio asked about the doors of the building. C. Costa explained that the applicant wanted to reduce the size of the building. The location of the doors was moved in part because when the doors opened, they hit the landscaping.

The commission agreed that the usage of the building has not changed and that there is good access and good parking.

MOTION to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission for  “Bessoni” Special Exception Modification of Industrial Use (2.69 ac.) 90 Ingham Hill Road (Map 35 / Lot 12), Industrial I District, Coastal Management Zone Applicant: Blue Point, Inc. Agent: Christina Burnham, Esq . in that it is consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development specifically the Economic Development Goals: “Sufficient and suitable land area for local services, shore resort, light industrial manufacturing/commercial distribution, and the regional service components of Old Saybrook’s economic activity.” and, “A balance between commercial, retail, office, and light industrial development and the capacity of supporting public infrastructure and the integrity of the town’s small-town character, natural resources and cultural heritage.” MADE  by J. Gallicchio. SECONDED by S. Aresco.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, S. Aresco, J. Esty, J. Gallicchio, R Tietjen. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.


A.       “Grossman” Special Exception Modification for Automotive Use  - 23,762 s.f. (2.8 ac) 300 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52 / Lot 74) Gateway Business B-4 District
Applicant: Jon Grossman         Agent: David Annino

                David Annino presented for the applicant who was also in attendance.

D. Annino handed out plans from Annino Survey, LLC and a statement of use. The plans are for a new paint spray booth. He also handed out a print of what the addition would look like. He noted that they shifted the addition less than 4 feet north because ventilation equipment is on the side so extra room is needed to accommodate that.

There was much discussion about the façade and the materials used for the building. As proposed, it would be made of steel similar to the existing steel building.

J. Gallicchio was concerned that the building looked too long and asked if there was a way to break up the length of the building using different materials perhaps changing the lines of the building.

J. Gallicchio said the commission realizes that the function of the building is the priority, but it would be great if it was aesthetically pleasing too, especially since it is located in a Gateway Business District.

R. Tietjen suggested little windows would make the building look nicer and not so much like a warehouse. A discussion of windows ensued but windows may be impractical due to the need for temperature control, so false windows were considered as a possible option.

MOTION to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission regarding “Grossman” Special Exception Modification for Automotive Use – 23,762 s.f. (2.8 ac.) 300 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52 / Lot 74), Gateway Business B-4 District, Applicant: Jon Grossman, Agent: David Annino in that it is consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development specifically per the Economic Development Goals: “Diversify tax base in Old Saybrook”, and “Retention of existing businesses and replacement of those that move on In the Central Commercial and Retail Complex, Auto Complex, North End and Saybrook Point Areas”, the Economic Development Policy, “To observe the following order of priorities in future economic development: Services for residents including employment opportunities, Promotion of coastal resort features and maritime commerce, Reinforcement of community image, and A balance between seasonal activity and jobs in manufacturing and commercial distribution” with the recommendation that the façade of the addition be aesthetically improved and provide more breaking up of the lengthy façade of the current building by using such techniques as fenestration, different but complimentary materials (other than corrugated steel) and/or changing heights of various parts of the façade. We also recommend that if any of the facilities for venting and heating are on the outside of the addition (other than rooftop vents) that they be fully screened through landscaping and fencing. An additional recommendation would be to insure that landscaping is proportionate to the height of the building . MADE  by J. Gallicchio. SECONDED by S. Aresco.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Esty, S. Aresco, R. Tietjen, J. Gallicchio. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.


MOTION to adjourn meeting at 8:50 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, September 5, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension.  MADE by B. McIntyre SECONDED by S. Aresco.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  J. Gallicchio, S. Aresco, J. Esty, R. McIntyre, R. Tietjen. OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes
Recording Clerk