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PC 032107.Minutes

Planning Commission
Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2007 at 7:30 p.m.
Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
155 College Street Extension


Chairman, R. McIntyre, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.        ROLL CALL

Attendant Members       Absent Members
           Robert McIntyre, Chairman   James Conroy, Alternate Member
Judith Gallicchio, Vice Chairman                             William Voigt, AlternateMember Salvatore  Aresco, Regular Member
           Janis Esty, Regular Member
Richard Tietjen, Regular Member 
Attendant Staff                                                        
Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Kathy Noyes, Recording Clerk


A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve the minutes of March 7, 2007 as recorded and read MADE by S. Aresco. SECONDED by R. Tietjen  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Esty, J. Gallicchio, R. Tietjen, S. Aresco OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none APPROVED: 5-0-0.

B.      Correspondence

Members’ packets contain minutes from the Zoning Commission, the agenda for the Zoning Commission, the agenda for the Architectural Review Board, the agenda for the Historic District Commission, a letter from Gould, Larson, Bennet, Wells & McDonnell, PC, re: Oceanside Auto, LLC, a resolution from the Town of Old Saybrook Office of the Board of Selectmen re: the Old Saybrook Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, a sign up sheet for a CT DOT CT Safe Routes to School Program Awareness Workshop, and a memo from Ryan T. Grenon, MPA, RS re: the Rankin application.

C.      Committee, Representative &  Staff Reports

R. Tietjen reported that there was a slide show at the CRERPA meeting on March 5, 2007 re: the lower CT River Valley being nominated for designation as a greenway.

R. McIntyre stated that there was nothing significant to report from the Inland Wetlands Commission meeting.

J. Gallicchio noted that the Road Standards Committee had nothing new to report at this time.

C. Nelson reported that she has been spending a large amount of time editing  zoning regulations.



A.       “Neely” Resubdivision of Land (14.62 ac. Total) – 9 Lots &  Open Space
            (1.27 ac) W. side of Ingham Hill Road; 400’ ft. N. of Old Rock Road
            (Map 34/ Lots 5-1 & 5-4) Residence AA-1 District
            Applicant: Jay Rankin            Agent: Robert L. Doane,Jr.,P.E.
            ACTION: Close public hearing by 2/21/07 (NLT 2/21/07) deliberate &act

There were two pieces of correspondence submitted to be added to the record:
1. a letter from our town engineer, Geoffrey L. Jacobson, P.E., dated March 15, 2007 re: the Neely Resubdivison, and
2. Resolution 07-001 Approval of a Re-subdivision of Land drafted by C. Nelson for the Planning Commission’s approval on March 21, 2007.

The commission discussed at length the issue of open space. There was also discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of open space vs. a percentage of open space and “a fee in lieu of” open space, and what’s in the best interest of the town. In Resolution 07-001, there is 8.7% open space and a 1.3% fee in lieu of open space for each lot.

There was discussion about road design specification inconsistencies. C. Nelson explained that anything significant from Jacobson’s letter would be included in Resolution 07-001 and the items would have to be amended “to the satisfaction” of the town engineer. This particular issue is addressed in item 7 of the Resolution.

R. Tietjen questioned from page 2 of Resolution 07-001, item 7 re: “passive solar energy techniques”. C. Nelson explained that it is not within the power of this commission to control the energy technique selected by each homeowner, but that perhaps there could be language added to the Zoning Commission’s statutes regarding the energy issue.

S. Aresco questioned the speed limit postings on Ingham Hill Road as it related to the subdivision intersection. C. Nelson explained that the Jacobson report addresses that issue in item #7A on page 4, and that additional signs should be posted.

MOTION to approve the re-subdivision of land re: “Neely” Resubdivision of Land (14.62 ac. Total) – 9 Lots & Open Space (1.27 ac.) W. Side of Ingham Hill Road; 400’ ft. N. of Old Rock Road (Map 34 / Lots 5-1 & 5-4) Residence AA-1 District as requested by the applicant in accordance with Resolution 07-001 as amended. Applicant: Jay Rankin, Agent: Robert L. Doane, Jr., P.E. MADE by S. Aresco. SECONDED by J.Gallicchio  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, S. Aresco. Esty, J. Gallicchio, R. Tietjen OPPOSED: none ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0.




The scheduled presentation on Road Regulations to be given by Geoffrey Jacobson has been postponed indefinitely.


MOTION to adjourn meeting at 8:59 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, April 4, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension.  MADE by S. Aresco. SECONDED by J. Gallicchio.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  J. Gallicchio, J. Esty, R. McIntyre, R.Tietjen, S. Aresco OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes
Recording Clerk