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PC 030106.Minutes
Planning Commission

302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-3125
                Wednesday, March 1, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
                 Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
                              155 College Street Extension


Chairman, Bob McIntyre, called the regular meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

II.        ROLL CALL

Attendant Members       Absent Members
Robert McIntyre, Chairman                                     James Conroy, Alternate Member
Judith Gallicchio, Vice Chairman        William Voigt, Alternate Member 
Janis Esty, Alternate Member                            Salvatore Aresco, Regular Member Richard Tietjen, Regular Member        
Julius Castagno, Regular Member

Attendant Staff                                                        
Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Katie Beecher, Recording Clerk                               

Janis Esty was seated for regular member Sal Aresco by Chairman McIntyre.

A.      Minutes

        Since the Commission members did not receive the minutes prior to the meeting                   it was decided that the minutes from the February 15, 2006 meeting will be                      reviewed at the March 15, 2006 meeting.

B.      Correspondence  

Town Planner Christine Nelson stated that the following items were contained in the member’s meeting packets:  Bills from Branse, Willis and Knapp, an updated Commission member roster, Zoning Commission minutes and legal briefs regarding The Preserve.  Christine handed out a survey from the Yale School of Forestry.

MOTION to pay $3262.50 to the firm of Branse, Willis & Knapp, LLC, 148 Eastern Boulevard, Glastonbury, CT as per their Statement  No. 11621 dated 02/01/06 and $303.98 for Statement No. 11619 for the same services dated 01/01/06  MADE by J. Gallicchio. SECONDED by J. Castagno.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Gallicchio, J. Esty, J. Castagno, R. Tietjen; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0.
C.      Committee, Representative &  Staff Reports

                      Christine Nelson reported that the Sidewalk Committee had been given a                           photograph from 1902 by Janis Esty to replace the photograph currently on the                   cover of the Plan of Conservation and Development.  Commission members                  were in favor of using the new photo.

                Robert McIntyre reported that the Inlands, Wetlands & Watercourses
                      Commission would be continuing deliberations regarding the Preserve.

                      Richard Tietjen had nothing to report from the Regional Planning                                         Commission.

Christine Nelson told the Commission that the second half of the educational workshop on Roles and Responsibilities would be held for the Zoning, Architectural, Historical District and Zoning Board of Appeals Committees on March 28.  She also said that letters had been sent to the residents of Bokum Road regarding the improvements that would be discussed at the March 15, 2006 Planning Commission meeting.

D.      Appointment of Representatives




        A.        “College Point” Petition to Amend the Zoning Regulations Section  7.2.1                       Minimum Area of Buildable Land
Petitioner:  College Point, LLC             Agent:  David M. Royston, Esq.

Attorney Royston presented information regarding how many lots in town could be effected by the proposed change in zoning regulations for flood zone A regarding subdivision, illustrating this on a map showing the various flood zone areas. No tidal or inland wetlands properties would be affected.

Civil Engineer Stuart Fairbank discussed the operation and public safety of septic systems in flood zone A.  He said that during a flood there is no risk to public health if the septic system is not eroded or damaged and if flooding occurs very infrequently, for example once every two to five years, according to the Public Health code.  He said that the “College Point” property is in an area considered subject to flooding only every 100 years.

Attorney Royston submitted a text for the proposed Amendment to the Zoning Regulations.

Judy Gallicchio voiced her concerns about actual flooding, not predicted flooding.  The current flood zone maps and related zoning regulations have served the town well and seem consistent with The Plan of Conservation and Development and the Plan of Coastal Programs.  She doesn’t recommend that the zoning regulations be changed.

Richard Tietjen expressed agreement with Judy.  He said that the current maps and regulations protect the property of neighbors during floods and they should not be changed.

        Julius Castagno asked Attorney Royston for any records of how often flood zone          A has actually flooded.  Attorney Royston did not have any statistics.

Chairman McIntyre thanked the presenters and expressed agreement with Judy and Richard.  He does not trust that all septic system problems are reported by property owners and that there is too much uncertainty with regard to frequency of flooding.  

MOTION  to send an unfavorable report to the Zoning Commission regarding “College Point” Petition to Amend Zoning Regulations Section 7.2.1 Miniumu Area of Buildable Land  MADE by J. Gallicchio. SECONDED by R. Tietjen.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Gallicchio, R. Tietjen; OPPOSED: J. Castagno; ABSTAINED:  J. Esty;  APPROVED: 3-1-1.

        B.      “Four Seasons” Special Exemption for Planned Residential Development
                Petition to Modify Conditions of Approval to Remove Walking Track & Gardens

        Christine Nelson presented a copy of the originally approved plans to the Commission members.  
Jeremy Burnich of Summitt Residential presented on behalf of Four Seasons, stating as he had at the February 15, 2006 meeting that the Homeowner’s Association would like to eliminate the walking track and gardens due to safety and cost of maintenance issues.  Several homeowners accompanied him to the meeting and were allowed to briefly speak even though this was not a public hearing.  One of the residents stated that before he purchased his property at Four Corners, the walking trails and gardens did not appear on the plans shown to him by the developer.

Chairman McIntyre stated that when the plan was proposed to the Planning and Zoning Commissions, the applicant agreed to everything at that time.  The walking track is viewed as an enhancement to the community both for current and future residents.  He is concerned that if they are not built now, they never will be and that perhaps they could be built farther away from the buildings or the Homeowner’s Association could place limits on the time of day the tracks could be used to address their safety concerns.  He recognized that the Homeowners do have a right to present changes to the plans and that they have the opportunity to do so again in the future.

MOTION  to send an unfavorable report to the Zoning Commission regarding the “Four Seasons” Special Exception for Planned Residential Development Petition to Modify Conditions of Approval to Remove Walking Tracks and Gardens adding the recommendation that the paths be moved as far from the homes as possible.  MADE by J. Gallicchio. SECONDED by R. Tietjen.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Gallicchio, J. Esty, J. Castagno, R. Tietjen; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0.

MOTION to send an unfavorable report to the Zoning Commission regarding the “Four Seasons” Special Exception for Planned Residential Development Petition to Modify Conditions of Approval to Remove Walking Tracks and Gardens adding the recommendation that the paths be moved as far from the homes as possible.  WITHDRAWN by J. Gallicchio, SECOND WITHDRAWN by R. Tietjen.

The Garden areas were discussed and the Commission members determined that they do not need to be built at this time.  Jeremy Burnich stated that the homeowners also object to the proposed fencing around the gardens.

MOTION  to send a report to the Zoning Commission regarding the “Four Seasons” Special Exception for Planned Residential Development Petition to Modify Conditions of Approval to Remove Walking Tracks and Gardens that recommends denial of the request to remove the walking track but approval to remove the garden areas and fencing.  The recommendation will also be added that the paths be moved as far from the homes as possible.  MADE by J. Gallicchio. SECONDED by J. Castagno.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Gallicchio,  J. Castagno, R. Tietjen; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED:  J. Esty;  APPROVED: 4-0-1.



A.           Draft “Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan”
Presenter:  J. H. T. Downes, Senior Planner, Conn. River Estuary Reg’l
Planning Agency

Torrence Downs presented a power point program on the draft of the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan for Old Saybrook.  Adoption of a Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan  will ensure that the town is eligible for FEMA/CTDEP grant funding made possible by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000.  Grant money can only be used toward items already listed on the Old Saybrook Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Each town in the region draws up its own plan and submits it to FEMA.  Approval of the plan would reduce FEMA flood insurance rates.

The Commission members discussed which town Commission should take care of this plan and how it should be implemented.  Christine suggested that it be added in some way to the Plan of Conservation and Development and that she would like Stuart Hanes to lead the effort.  He has agreed to be of assistance.  Commission members decided that it was appropriate for the Planning Commission to take care of this and proceed to the next step.  It was suggested that the Water Resources section of the Plan of Conservation and Development be modified to include the plan.  Discussion regarding this issue will continue and be added to future meeting agendas.

B.              Goal Setting 2006-2007

Chairman McIntyre wants to go ahead with the Parking Plan and the Commission will also be spending a great deal of time on the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan


MOTION to adjourn meeting at 10:40 until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension.  MADE by R. McIntyre.  SECONDED by J. Gallicchio  VOTED IN FAVOR:  J. Gallicchio, W. Voigt,  R. McIntyre, J. Esty, R. Tietjen; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Katie Beecher
Recording Clerk