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Message from First Selectman re: Pratt / Hartlands
Message from First Selectman Carl P. Fortuna, Jr.

Over the last few months at Board of Selectmen meetings, quality of life issues were raised by a few neighbors and the President of the Cornfield Point Association concerning the public space at Pratt Road/Hartlands. The issues concerned pollution, loud behavior, possibly illegal behavior and other activities that none of us would like near our home.

After public discussion, rocks were placed to prevent parking at Pratt Road and Hartlands in an effort to stem the unwanted behavior.  

The outcry was immediate and heard loudly by this office. Unfortunately, I was away last week and unable to deal with this issue firsthand (I was out of the country until Sunday morning).

The rocks will be removed today but the Town plans on being vigilant with both the enforcement of the rules regarding this public space as well as the upkeep of the space. We would also ask the public to assist us with this effort. If you see behavior that warrants intervention, call the police. If there is trash, please help clean it up.  A new bench, similar to those being placed on Main Street, will be located on site.

At the end of the day, I take full responsibility for all that has occurred and hope that we can all work together to properly care for this public space.

Carl P. Fortuna, Jr.
First Selectman