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New Tide Gage at Saybrook Point
Are you curious about how high the tides were this past weekend during Storm Jonas?  If so, then check out the new tide gage and weather station that the US Geological Survey and the Town of Old Saybrook have installed at Saybrook Point.  The tide gage records the water’s elevation while other instruments record wind speed and direction, relative humidity, barometric pressure, precipitation and air temperature.  Every few minutes, data are broadcast through a satellite communications system and published on the Internet.  You can view the data at


This new tide gage is part of a network of gages that the US Geological Survey has installed to help scientists better measure the rate and magnitude of sea level rise.  Installation of the gage was a recommendation of the Old Saybrook Sea Level Rise and Climate Adaptation Committee. Thanks are due Harbor One Marina for providing space at the marina for the tide gage and other equipment.