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Special Town Meeting Minutes February 20, 2013
MINUTES of SPECIAL TOWN MEETING  -  February 20, 2013

MINUTES of SPECIAL TOWN MEETING held Wednesday, February 20, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the Old Saybrook Town Hall first floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street, Old Saybrook, Connecticut, with approximately 15 persons attending.

Carl Fortuna, First Selectman, called the meeting to order, welcomed all in attendance and led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Barry Maynard moved, seconded by Scott Geigerich and unanimously voted that Grant Westerson serve as Moderator of this meeting.  The Moderator asked the Town Clerk, Sarah V. Becker, to read the call of the meeting.

ITEM 1.  To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen to adopt the following Resolution with respect to authorizing the Town to enter into a Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Agreement.
        WHEREAS, Section 157 of Public Act No. 12-2 of the June 12, 2012
        Special Session of the Connecticut General Assembly (the “Act”) established
        a program known as the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy
        (C-PACE) program, to facilitate loan financing for clean energy improvements
        to commercial properties by utilizing a state or local assessment mechanism
        to provide security for repayment of the loans; and

        WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the Clean Energy Finance and Investment
        Authority (the “Authority”), a public instrumentality and political
        subdivision of the State charged with implementing the C-PACE program on
        behalf of the State, to enter into a written agreement with participating
        municipalities pursuant to which the municipality may agree to assess, collect,
        remit and assign, benefit assessments to the Authority in return for energy
        improvements for benefited property owners within the municipality and for
        costs reasonably incurred by the municipality in performing such duties; and

        WHEREAS, the Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (“C-PACE”)
        Agreement (the “C-PACE Agreement”) between the Town of Old Saybrook
        And the Authority, as attached hereto, constitutes the written agreement
        authorized  by the Act.


  • THAT WE, THE Town Meeting of the Town of Old Saybrook, constituting
The legislative body of the Town of Old Saybrook, hereby approved the
C-PACE Agreement, and
        (b)  that Carl P. Fortuna, Jr. is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the
              Town of Old Saybrook, to execute and deliver the C-P;ACE Agreement,
              substantially in the form attached to this Resolution, for the purposes provided
              therein, together with such other documentation as he may determine to be
             necessary and appropriate to evidence, secure and otherwise complete the
             C-PACE Agreement.

The Moderator called on First Selectman Fortuna who clarified what this program does and, further, that it is business friendly addressing commercial property and large residential developments.  Selectman Fortuna asked Barry Maynard (Tax Collector)  to explain the lien process and Mr.Maynard advised that the mechanics have yet to be worked out.  Attorney Cronin noted that the Town will enter into a written contract with the Authority.  Selectman Fortuna noted that this program is an investment in infrastructure and that the upgrades stay with the property.

Barry Maynard moved, seconded by Carl Fortuna, and voted to ADOPT ITEM 1.
(voice vote – 1 NO vote)

ITEM 2.  To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Finance to appropriate the sum of $250,000.00 for the purpose of rehabilitation and safety improvements to the Ferry Road docking facility owned by the Town of Old Saybrook on Ferry Road on the Connecticut River.  The funds to finance this project will come to the Town of Old Saybrook as a reimbursement STEAP Grant in said amount to the Town administered through the State of Connecticut DEEP.  The Town has received and accepted a competitive bid for modifications, repair and improvements for the existing wharf in the amount of $208,600.00.  The remainder of the appropriation will be for payment for engineering and administrative services associated with this project.

Selectman Fortuna noted that the Ferry Road dock is in great need of improvement.  He called on Dick Goduti who advised that the Harbor Management Commission will be contributing to this project.

Barry Maynard moved, seconded by Carol Manning and unanimously voted to ADOPT ITEM 2.

ITEM 3.  To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen to revise, amend and delete certain provisions of Sections 2.6, 2.12, and 2.28 of chapter 128 of the Old Saybrook Town Code relating to Flood Plain Management.  The proposed changes relate to the definitions of “basement” and “crawl space” as those terms are used in the Town Flood Plain Management Office.  A copy of the proposed changes are on file in the Old Saybrook Town Clerk’s Office.

Chris Costa, ZEO, clarified the proposed changes.  She advised that FEMA would remove Old Saybrook from the program if these corrections to Chapter 128 were not approved.

Barry Maynard moved, seconded by Sal D’Aquila and unanimously voted to ADOPT ITEM 3.

On a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 6:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah V. Becker, CCMC