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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 08/21/2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street, Old Saybrook

        Chairman Judith Preston called the regular meeting to order at 7:02pm.

Members Present 
Judith Preston
William Pollock
Janis Esty  
J. Colin Heffernan
Seated: Charles Wehrly, Elizabeth Steffen

Members Absent: Brendan McKeown, Walter Smith

Staff: Sandy Prisloe, Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer; Meryl Tsagronis, Recording Clerk

           14-005      “Jon Lorensen (Westbrook Honda)”
            Restoration of stormwater detention basin.
         275 & 295 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52 / Lots 63-1 & 63-2)

        Applicant: Jon Lorensen (Westbrook Honda)   Agent:  Matthew White, P.E. L.S.
Matthew White, P.E. with Angus McDonald/Gary Sharpe and Associates explained the nature of the application to Commission members, explaining that the existing detention basin is not functioning well and has been compromised over the years, having been built in the 1980s. The engineers have surveyed the area, figuring out how to restore it, which is to remove existing vegetation and silt, regrade, re-seed, and repair the outlet. Storm water and drainage from the detention area is flooding the railroad tracks and property that is behind the auto mall.  He noted that the area was not originally a wetlands, and is now filled with thick, shrubby growth. Currently sediment and water prevent the drainage from functioning.

Robert Bradway with the railroad company addressed commission members, speaking about the impact of water from the drainage basin on the railroad property, causing flooding up to the rails and is affecting their use of the property.

MOTION to ACCEPT Application 14-005 “Jon Lorensen (Westbrook Honda)” Restoration of stormwater detention basin, 275 & 295 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52/Lots 63-1 & 63-2); MADE: by C. Hefernan; SECONDED: by E. Steffen; VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, C. Heffernan, W. Pollock, J. Esty, C. Wehrly, E. Steffen; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 6-0-0.

MOTION to determine as NOT SIGNIFICANT Application 14-005 “Jon Lorensen (Westbrook Honda)” Restoration of stormwater detention basin, 275 & 295 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52/Lots 63-1 & 63-2); MADE: by C. Wehrly; SECONDED: by W. Pollock; VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, C. Heffernan, W. Pollock, J. Esty, C. Wehrly, OPPOSED: E. Steffen; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-1-0.

MOTION to require Ordinance 71 fees for Application 14-005 “Jon Lorensen (Westbrook Honda)” Restoration of stormwater detention basin, 275 & 295 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52/Lots 63-1 & 63-2); MADE: by E. Steffen; SECONDED: by C. Heffernan; VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, C. Heffernan, J. Esty, E. Steffen, C. Wehrly, OPPOSED: W. Pollock; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-1-0.
MOTION to amend the above Motion to require Ordinance 71 fees for engineering for Application 14-005 “Jon Lorensen (Westbrook Honda)” Restoration of stormwater detention basin, 275 & 295 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52/Lots 63-1 & 63-2); MADE: by C. Wehrly; SECONDED: by E. Steffen;  VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, C. Heffernan, J. Esty, E. Steffen, C. Wehrly, OPPOSED: W. Pollock; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-1-0.

MOTION to amend the Agenda to consider under “New Business” a letter from First Selectman Carl Fortuna regarding a “Request for Extension Permit #12-002; MADE: by J. Preston; SECONDED: by E. Steffen; VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, C. Heffernan, W. Pollock, J. Esty, E. Steffen, C. Wehrly, OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 6-0-0.

The Commission considered the “Request for Extension Permit #12-002”, 170 Old Post Road (M27/L17) and 4 Allendale Road (M27/L12).
S. Prisloe explained that in February 2012 the Commission approved a permit for restoration of a channel across these two properties. The property owner at Old Post Road had been complaining that the drainage wasn't working, that water was ponding in his backyard. The plan was to excavate the drainage channel now that the permit has expired. The First Selectman’s request is to extend the permit, and to allow the work to be done now when the ground is dry. The original permit had stated that work was to be done when the ground was frozen.

MOTION to grant the “Request for Extension Permit #12-002” for two years and to allow the applicant to work when the ground is dry, or in winter conditions; MADE: by E. Steffen; SECONDED: by C. Heffernan; VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, C. Heffernan, W. Pollock, J. Esty, E. Steffen, C. Wehrly, OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 6-0-0.


A.        Minutes – February 20, 2014 Regular Meeting

MOTION to APPROVE the Minutes of the regular meeting of February 20, 2014; MADE: by C. Wehrly; SECONDED: by E. Steffen; VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, W. Pollock, J. Esty, C. Wehrly, E. Steffen; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: C. Heffernan; APPROVED: 5-0-1.

B.      Correspondence & Announcements
C. Heffernan asked Commission members to provide him with any feedback or input regarding regulations changes, as he, J. Preston, W. Smith, and S. Prisloe will be reviewing them and will present the Commission with their recommendations.

C. Wehrly stated that the WPCA is wrapping up their Phase 1 efforts and moving along to Phase 2; hard costs have been assessed, and soft costs will be determined.

  • C.       Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
S. Prisloe updated the Commission about four permits he had handled administratively:
- 3 Cedar Lane issued permit for a deck previously built
- 26 Connolly Drive, issued permit for a new deck
- 71 Maple Street, approved for bamboo removal
- 30 Cottage Place, approved permit for building of an addition

S. Prisloe spoke about three other matters:
- Tractor Supply: in the spring the storm water detention basin had problems—it’s been repaired and appears to be functioning appropriately now.
- Big Y: as a follow up to reparations of the small wetlands area, the property owner was to enhance the wetlands area according to LS-8, a planting plan, and were to plant in either spring or fall. They have already planted the plants (in summer) and did not plant what was requested. They were also to post signage identifying the area as a wetlands, which they did not do. S. Prisloe will notify them they are in violation.
- 11 Azalea Way: there is an erosion problem at this property with a lot of exposed ground and eroded dirt and matter going into a nearby pond. The property owner feels the town is responsible for storm water coming from the road, crossing his property and going into the pond. S. Prisloe will act next week, issuing a notice of violation that they have polluted the wetlands, if nothing is done to rectify this, namely installing silt fencing.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 P.M. until the next Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission scheduled for, Thursday, September 18, 2014, Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room; MADE by J. Preston; SECONDED by C. Heffernan ; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Preston, W. Pollock, J. Esty, W. Pollock, C. Wehrly, E. Steffen; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 6-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Meryl Tsagronis, Recording Clerk