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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 12/19/2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013 – 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street, Old Saybrook

        Acting Chairman Judith Preston called the regular meeting to order at 7:02pm.

Members Present 
Judith Preston
William Pollock  
Charles Wehrly
Janis Esty   
Brendan McKeown
J. Colin Heffernan
Walter Smith

Staff Present
Sandy Prisloe, Wetlands Enforcement Officer
Meryl Tsagronis, Recording Clerk


13-015          “Max’s Place” Modification of Permit 12-019
Corner of Boston Post Road, Spencer Plain Road & Center Road West (Map 25, 26 / Lots 2, 28, 29, 30 / 6-10, 6-11, 6-12, 32, 32-1)
~Applicant: Max’s Place, LLC; Agent: Attorney David M. Royston

Wetlands Officer Sandy Prisloe informed members that he had conferred with Geoff Jacobsen about a hydrologic study, and was advised that there would be negligible impact to the wetlands. Regarding the need for a wetlands scientist, S. Prisloe agrees that Judith Preston has the expertise to advise and review plans on behalf of the Commission per selection of plantings for enhancement of the existing wetlands.

Attorney Royston explained that rather than increase the wetlands area, it’s preferred that the existing area be enhanced with plantings, noting that Judith Preston has some thoughts on this topic. D. Royston explained that he had spoken to Professional Engineer David Ziacks, who is agreeable to modifying the plan prior to next meeting. J. Preston added that she would like to consult with the landscape architect and bring the proposal to the next meeting.

MOTION to continue the matter to the next regular meeting of January 16, 2014 of  Application 13-015 “Max’s Place” Modification of Permit 12-019 Corner of Boston Post Road, Spencer Plain Road & Center Road West (Map 25, 26 / Lots 2, 28, 29, 30 / 6-10, 6-11, 6-12, 32, 32-1). Applicant: Max’s Place, LLC; Agent: Attorney David M. Royston; MADE by W. Smith; SECONDED by J. Preston; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Preston, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, J. Esty, C. Wehrly, C. Heffernan, W. Smith; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 7-0-0.


12-001    John & Nancy Giannini
Two-year extension to permit P12-001(2/16/2016)
16 Vista Terrace (M25 / L11)

S. Prisloe explained that the applicant had come before the Commission in 2012, and that the Commission had approved construction of a house and other structures as per the site plan. The barn had been part of the original application but the owner had not build it. The owner asks for a two year extension, though he does not have the intention to build it at this time.

MOTION to grant a two year extension of Application 12-001 “John & Nancy Giannini to permit P12-001 (2/16/2016), 16 Vista Terrace (M25 / L11). MADE by W. Pollock; SECONDED by B. McKeown; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Preston, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, J. Esty, C. Wehrly, C. Heffernan, W. Smith; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

V.       REGULAR BUSINESS       

A.        Minutes – November 21, 2013 Regular Meeting

MOTION to APPROVE the Minutes of the regular meeting of November 21, 2013; MADE: by W. Pollock; SECONDED: by C. Wehrly; VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, J. Esty, C. Wehrly, C. Heffernan, W. Smith; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

B.      Election of Officers for 2014
A consensus was reached by Commission members that J. Preston be chairperson and that as an alternate, she is currently unable to be elected to this position. All agreed it would be desireable for her to be appointed a regular member by First Selectman Carl Fortuna prior to the next regular meeting in January.

MOTION to defer election of officers to the next regular meeting of January 16, 2014; MADE: by C. Heffernan; SECONDED: by W. Smith; VOTING IN FAVOR: J. Preston, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, J. Esty, C. Wehrly, C. Heffernan, W. Smith; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

C.      Correspondence & Announcements

  • Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
W. Smith reported that the Conservation Commission will be taking on a sea level rise climate adaptation study.

C. Wehrly reported that the WPCA is nearing completion of phase 1.

S. Prisloe asked if any members wished to form a subcommittee to review IWWC regulations and make recommendations for changes. C. Heffernan, J. Preston, and W. Smith agreed to work with S. Prisloe to review regulations.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 P.M. until the next Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission scheduled for, Thursday, January 16, 2014, Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room; MADE by C. Wehrly; SECONDED by B. McKeown ; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Preston, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, J. Esty, C. Wehrly, C. Heffernan, W. Smith; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Meryl Tsagronis
Recording Clerk