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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 10/17/2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013 – 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street, Old Saybrook

        Vice Chairman Kim Gallagher called the regular meeting to order at 7:13pm.

        Members Present 
Paul Smith, Chairman
Kimberley Gallagher
William Pollock  
Charles Wehrly
Janice Holland
Elizabeth Steffen
Janis Esty   
Brendan McKeown

Staff Present
Sandy Prisloe, Wetlands Officer
Larry Bonin, Department of Public Works


13-011          “Town of Old Saybrook/Department of Public Works”  Regulated Activity:
                     Lowering and Re-grading Mulberry Street; Installation of Culvert and Drainage Ditch, 28 Willard Avenue, (Map                      24/Lot 91-1)
                    Owner:  Town of Old Saybrook           Applicant:  Department of Public Works

Larry Bonin, Old Saybrook Department of Public Works, and Geoff Jacobson of Jacobson & Associates presented the application to the Commission. G. Jacobson explained that dating back to 2005-06 water drainage has been an issue on this property due to poor drainage on Mulberry Street, which causes water to be trapped on the Scoville property at 28 Willard Avenue. Mulberry Street is approximately 6” above tidal wetlands elevation.

K. Gallagher asked for clarification as to the purpose of the application, whether it is to pave Mulberry Street for public safety and allow emergency vehicle access to this area, or to alleviate flooding. This was not G. Jacobson’s understanding, explaining that the plan that was submitted to the town showed filling on the Scoville property. G. Jacobson referenced a plan to repave Mulberry Street dated Jan. 8, 2007, and revised Aug. 26, 2013. K. Gallagher referenced the language of Application 13-011 and confirmed that the purpose of the application is to allow passage of emergency vehicles.
She clarified that the paving to be done on Mulberry Street was not to worsen the ponding of water on the Scoville property, but that the purpose of repaving was not to alleviate flooding on the Scoville property.

Mr. Smith arrived at 7:20, as a voting member; Judith Preston no longer voting.

A discussion followed about whether or not wetlands on the Scoville property were to be filled; and what the expectations are of the property owner, Homer Scoville. Per Mr. Scoville’s letter, he states his consent to pave Mulberry Street and raise some land on his property is predicated on the understanding that after construction flooding on his property will be alleviated. P. Smith clarified that an area of approximately 60’ into the Scoville property would be filled. With the proposed grading of the road and filling of inland wetlands, the ponding of water on the Scoville property will be alleviated if not eliminated. A discussion followed about merits of filling or not filling the wetland area, and the merits of elevating the road.  

MOTION to DENY Application 13-011 as presented “Town of Old Saybrook/Department of Public Works”  Regulated Activity:  Lowering and Re-grading Mulberry Street; Installation of Culvert and Drainage Ditch, 28 Willard Avenue, (Map 24/Lot 91-1)  Owner:  Town of Old Saybrook; Applicant:  Department of Public Works MADE by K. Gallagher; SECONDED by J. Esty; VOTED IN FAVOR: B. McKeown, Janis Esty, K. Gallagher and Charles H. Wehrly II; OPPOSED: E. Steffen, P. Smith, W. Pollock; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-3-0.

P. Smith stated that while the Application was denied, the sense of the Commission is that if the road is to be paved with asphalt pavement to its existing elevations that that would be an acceptable solution to avoid any additional impact to the adjacent inland wetland. He made a motion to reconsider and approve Application 13-011. K. Gallagher emphasized that this motion does not allow fill. P. Smith amended the motion to state “no fill” and further clarified that no work would occur on the Scoville property. Sandy Prisloe is to send a letter to Mr. Scoville to inform him of the Commission’s decision

MOTION to RECONSIDER and APPROVE Application 13-011 as amended “to allow paving with final grade no higher than existing grade, and to allow no fill”, “Town of Old Saybrook/Department of Public Works”  Regulated Activity:  Lowering and Re-grading Mulberry Street; Installation of Culvert and Drainage Ditch, 28 Willard Avenue, (Map 24/Lot 91-1)  Owner:  Town of Old Saybrook; Applicant:  Department of Public Works MADE:  P. Smith; SECONDED by E. Steffen; VOTED IN FAVOR: P. Smith, C. Wehrly, J. Esty, K. Gallagher, E. Steffen; W. Pollock, B. McKeown; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

MOTION to AMEND AGENDA to include Application 13-013 “Robert C. Sorensen” Subdivision of 1. are parcel into 2 lots, 430 Middlesex Tpke, (Map 57/Lot 41)  Owner:  Robert C. Sorenson  Agent:  Joseph Wren, P.E. MADE: by P. Smith; SECONDED: by E. Steffen; VOTING IN FAVOR: P. Smith, C. Wehrly, J. Esty, K. Gallagher, E. Steffen; W. Pollock, B. McKeown OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 7-0-0.


13-013  Application 13-013 “Robert C. Sorensen” Subdivision of 1. are parcel into 2     lots, 430 Middlesex Tpke, (Map 57/Lot 41)  Owner:  Robert C. Sorenson  
        Agent: Joseph Wren, P.E
P. Smith explained that the application is to sub divide the property. No construction is proposed at this time, and no work is proposed in the inland wetlands area. Therefore, there is no need for a permit. A report needs to be made to Planning Commission indicating the plan for subdivision has been reviewed and no permit is required at this time; if in the future work is proposed in the wetlands and adjacent upland review area a permit would be required.

MOTION that NO PERMIT REQUIRED on Application 13-013 “Robert C. Sorensen” Subdivision of 1. are parcel into 2 lots, 430 Middlesex Tpke, (Map 57/Lot 41)  Owner:  Robert C. Sorenson  Agent:  Joseph Wren, P.E. MADE: P. Smith SECONDED: by K. Gallagher; VOTING IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Wehrly, J. Esty, K. Gallagher, E. Steffen; W. Pollock, B. McKeown OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: None; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

           A.           Regional Plan of Conservation & Development
P. Smith opened the meeting of the Aquifer Protection Agency at 8:21p.m., to run concurrently with IWWC. RiverCog had asked the IWWC and APA Commissions to weigh in on the Regional Plan of Conservation and Development. The Commission recommends the following points:
  • The regional plan should support aquifer protection and include suggestions on how to promote aquifer stewardship
  • Acknowledge proximity of these aquifers to I-95 corridor and increasing coastal development
  • Have emergency management plans in place to deal with potential spills within APA
  • Offer educational workshops in evenings so more volunteers can attend; include education for young people, such as why protection of inland wetlands is important and needs to be regulated
  • Assistance in publicizing the need to adhere to regulations
  • Help in understanding the regional implications of climate change to inland wetlands and waterways

V.       REGULAR BUSINESS       

A.        Minutes – September 19, 2013 Regular Meeting

MOTION to APPROVE the Minutes from the September 19, 2013 as amended, to correct spelling of Kimberley Gallagher and William Pollock throughout; MADE: by E. Steffen; SECONDED: by B. McKeown; VOTING IN FAVOR C. Wehrly, J. Esty, K. Gallagher, E. Steffen; W. Pollock, B. McKeown OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: P. Smith; APPROVED: 6-0-1.

B.      Correspondence & Announcements

C.      2014 Meeting Calendar

MOTION to APPROVE the 2014 Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Meeting Calendar. MADE: by E. Steffen; SECONDED: by B. McKeown; VOTING IN FAVOR C. Wehrly, J. Esty, K. Gallagher, E. Steffen; W. Pollock, B. McKeown OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINING: K. Gallagher; APPROVED: 6-0-1.

  • Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
J. Esty reported for the Planning Commission that Dr. Shearer presented the Route 1 Task Force plan, known as “Mariner’s Way”.

E. Steffen reported for the Zoning Commission that the D.O.T. gave a presentation on parking on N. Main Street.

P. Smith, K. Gallagher, and J. Holland will be leaving the Commission after the November meeting.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 P.M. until the next Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission scheduled for, Thursday, November 21, 2013, Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room; MADE by P. Smith; SECONDED by E. Steffen ; VOTED IN FAVOR: P. Smith, C. Wehrly, J. Esty, K. Gallagher, E. Steffen; W. Pollock, B. McKeown  ; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 7-0-0.