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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 06/20/2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
1st Floor Conference Room
Town Hall, 302 Main Street


The Chairman, Paul Smith, called the regular meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.


Members Present 
Paul Smith, Chairman
Kimberley Gallagher
Judith Preston  
Janis Esty
Janice Holland

Members Absent
Brendan McKeown
Charles Wehrly
William Pollock, Secretary

        Staff Present
Meryl Tsagronis, Recording Clerk

Five people were present in the audience.

11-001  “Aldi” Transfer of an Existing Permit
Vacant Lot at 45 Coulter Street, (Map 37/Lot 64-1)
Applicant:  John Aldi     Owner:  Susan Schindler
ACTION:  Transfer existing IWWC Permit (11-001)  for construction of single-family residence, including septic system, water service, driveway and site grading, to new owner.

Mr. John Aldi of 45 Coulter Street spoke before the Commission to request an extension of permit 11-001, for construction of single-family residence. The Chairman, Paul Smith explained that the permit which was issued in 2011was still in effect, due to changes in regulations, PA 11-5, and is valid for 9 years from date of approval. The original date of approval was May 9, 2011. The transfer is automatically approved.

                Permitting of beaver dam removal by Town of Old Saybrook.  
                          170 Schoolhouse Road (Map 47/Lot 6) and Ingham Hill Road
             (Map 52/Lot 3)
Mr. Bob Fish was present for the Town of Old Saybrook.
P. Smith explained that the beaver population has been very active this season, constructing a dam at Crystal Lake that caused flooding of Town Park, and interfered with the fishways. P. Smith outlined three possible options that the Commission might adopt in dealing with the beaver problem.
1. to require no permit, and conclude that such activity is within the authority of the town;
2. to remove the beavers;
3. to issue a permit, with or without conditions, that the Wetlands Officer be notified prior to any removal of beaver dams, especially ones that threaten fishways, in order to provide oversight.

The Commission members agreed that option three, requiring a permit prior to taking action with regard to beaver dams was the appropriate approach.
Motion to require the Department of Public Works to obtain a permit for any future work or removal of beavers.

MOTION to require that the Department of Public Works obtain a permit for any future work or removal of any existing beaver dams; MADE by J. Preston; SECONDED by K. Gallagher; VOTED IN FAVOR: P. Smith, J. Esty, K. Gallagher, J. Preston, J. Holland; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Mr. Mark Piontkowski of 38 Ridge Drive addressed the Commission to complain of activities occurring within 100’ of wetlands at adjacent properties at 6 Ridgewood Drive, 8 Ridgewood Drive, and 10 Ridgewood Drive. P. Smith explained that S. Prisloe, the Wetlands Officer, had been out to the properties and did not observe any regulated activities occurring on these properties. M. Piontkowski wants the regulations enforced and believes his neighbors are in violation. P. Smith encouraged M. Piontkowski to provide specifics to S. Prisloe about the activities that are occurring. M. Piontkowski agreed to follow up with S. Prisloe.


A.              Minutes — March 21, 2013 Regular Meeting

MOTION to approve the minutes of March 21, 2013 with the following revisions: Kim Gallagher was absent and her name is removed from voting in the “Dolan” Application; Janis Holland is recorded as having voted in favor of the “Dolan” Application; MADE by J. Preston; SECONDED by J. Esty; VOTED IN FAVOR: P. Smith, J. Esty, J. Preston; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: K. Gallagher, J. Holland; APPROVED: 3-0-2.

B.      Correspondence & Announcements

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
        J. Esty reported that the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan survey is      now available online.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 P.M. until the next Regularly Scheduled Meeting of the Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission scheduled for Thursday, July 18, 2013, Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room; MADE by J. Preston; SECONDED by J. Esty; VOTED IN FAVOR: P. Smith, J. Esty, K. Gallagher, J. Preston, J. Holland; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Meryl Tsagronis
Recording Clerk