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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 10/21/2010
THURSDAY October 21, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.
Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
155 College Street Extension


Paul Smith called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Five commission members were seated to vote.  


Attendant Members
Paul Smith, Chairman
Robert McIntyre
William Pollock, Secretary
Charles Sohl, Vice Chairman arrived at 7:46PM
Charles Wehrly
Kimberly Gallagher

Absent Members
Brendan McKeown

Attendant Staff
Joanne Rynecki, Clerk
Chris Costa, Enforcement Officer
Sandy Prisloe, Environmental Planner

Chairman Smith introduced the new Environmental Planner, Sandy Prisloe to the Members.

MOTION to empower Mr. Prisloe to serve as the Inland Wetland & Watercourses Enforcement Officer.  MADE by Kimberly Gallagher;  SECONDED by Robert McIntyre..  NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR:  Paul Smith, Charles Wehrly, William Pollock, Robert McIntyre, Kimberly Gallagher; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0

MOTION to allow Christina Costa to continue as special back-up Enforcement Officer on certain matters, as necessary.  MADE by Kimberly Gallagher;  SECONDED by Robert McIntyre..  NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR:  Paul Smith, Charles Wehrly, William Pollock, Robert McIntyre, Kimberly Gallagher; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0


A.      10-010          J. A. Fedorich Realty, LLC
3,463 sq. ft. expansion of the existing veterinary office.  A storm water detention basin.  
21 Spencer Plain Road, (Map 25/Lot 23)
Action: Review and Act

Stuart Fairbanks was present for the applicant.  The application was accepted by this Commission at the last meeting.  Mr. Fairbanks handed out a new set of plans dated 10/11/2010 with updates in response to the discussion at the last meeting.  The revisions to the plans include a cross section of the detention basin, 2 stock piles added, trees moved out of the leach field area, and detail of the frost wall around the perimeter of the dog run area.

Mr. Pollock asked if the property extended into the wooded area.  Mr. Fairbanks responded that the property is about 75 feet into the wooded area.  Trees will be removed to install the detention basin.  Ms. Gallagher asked what will be planted in the detention basin.  Mr. Fairbanks responded that grass will be planted, with the expectation that native species such as cat tails will seed themselves as has been done in the detention basin on the adjacent property.  Mr. Wehrly asked for detail on the dog run area.  Mr. Fairbanks explained that there is a 1 foot high concrete wall around the base of the area with a chain link fence.  The base of the dog run area will be gravel.  Ms. Gallagher inquired how the dog waste will be disposed of.  Mr. Fairbanks said that it will continue to be picked up and placed into plastic bags and put out with the regular trash.  Mr. Smith asked if the 1 foot frost wall will be on all 3 sides.  Mr. Fairbanks said yes, the 4th side is the building.  Mr. Smith asked what material will be used to create the berm and if it will withstand the pressure of water.  Mr. Fairbanks said native material will be used and the level of the water will be no more than 18 inches which should not put excessive pressure on the sides.

MOTION to approve Application #10-010  J. A. Fedorich Realty, LLC
3,463 sq. ft. expansion of the existing veterinary office and a storm water detention basin.  21 Spencer Plain Road, (Map 25/Lot 23)  MADE by Robert McIntyre;  SECONDED by Kimberly Gallagher.  NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR:  Paul Smith, Charles Wehrly, William Pollock, Robert McIntyre, Kimberly Gallagher; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: Charles Sohl;  APPROVED: 5-0-1

B.      10-011          Steven M. Walter
Residential addition on the rear of the house.
19 Dibble Road, (Map 46/Lot 6-10)
Action: Review and Act

Mr. Walter was present to discuss his application that was accepted at the last meeting.  The wetland boundary cuts through the middle of the back yard, therefore the entire property is within the 100’ upland review area.  Mr. Walter explained that the stock pile can be placed in the existing garden area.  Mr. Wehrly asked if a decision has been made about the lower level garage and asphalt driveway.  Mr. Walter has hired an architect and expects the final drawing in early November.  The Commission suggests that Mr. Walter come back to the next meeting with a final plan once the architect is finished.      

MOTION to continue Application #10-011  Steven M. Walter, residential addition to the rear of the house until the next regular meeting November 18, 2010 at 7:30PM Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park.  19 Dibble Road, (Map 46/Lot 6-10)  MADE by Robert McIntyre;  SECONDED by Kimberly Gallagher..  NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR:  Paul Smith, Charles Wehrly, William Pollock, Robert McIntyre, Charles Sohl, Kimberly Gallagher; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None;  APPROVED: 6-0-0

C.      10-012          Michael Wasyl
Renovation and 5 foot extension of kitchen.  Eliminated 12’x 28’ deck.
19 Fox Hollow Road, (Map 55/Lot 18)
Action: Review and Act

Mr. and Mrs. Wasyl were present tonight to present their application that was accepted at the last meeting.  The property is within the 100’ upland review area.  A letter dated 10/12/2010 from Mr. Wasyl, a copy included in the Member packets, stated that they would like to add a deck to their original application.   A sketch of the deck is attached to the letter.  

Mr. Wasyl stated that the rear of the house, where the 5 foot extension was added is facing north.  With that information, Chairman Smith attempted to confirm the size of the proposed deck.  After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Wasyl stated that he would like to build a deck 15 feet from the original structure to the north and 60 feet from east to west.  The deck support structure will be pressure treated wood and all footings will be dug by hand with no heavy equipment used.  

Mr. Smith added that the deck will be between 45 ft to 60 ft from the wetlands.  Mr. McIntyre would like a silt fence installed not more than 10 feet from the construction area.     

MOTION to approve Application #10-012 Michael Wasyl, renovation and 5 foot extension of kitchen and addition of a 15’ (east), 18’ (west) x 60’ (north) deck with silt fencing on North East and West sides approximately 10 feet from proposed deck and not into the undergrowth area.  19 Fox Hollow Road, (Map 55/Lot 18)  MADE by Robert McIntyre;  SECONDED by William Pollock.  NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR:  Paul Smith, Charles Wehrly, William Pollock, Robert McIntyre, Charles Sohl, Kimberly Gallagher; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None;  APPROVED: 6-0-0

  • 10-013          Daniel L. Egbert and Diana J. Petrovay
Remove gravel and reseed disturbed area within conservation easement and wetland review.
12 Trask Road, (Map 21/Lot 72)
Action: Review and Act
Mr. Egbert was present to discuss the application which was accepted at the last meeting.  The Members were divided if it would be best to leave the gravel now that vegetation was beginning to re-grow in the disturbed area.  

A second issue is how to prevent future disturbance to the wetland conservation area.  Christina Costa suggested planting woody vegetation at the edge of the conservation easement to control the trespassing into the conservation easement.  

MOTION to approve Application #10-013 Daniel L. Egbert and Diana J. Petrovay for the removal of existing gravel down to 3 inches and reseed with an approved mix and allow the area along road in the conservation easement to re-grow.  If Applicant deems appropriate he may plant woody vegetation at road edge with consultation with IWWEO.  All work done within the easement to be done by hand.  12 Trask Road, (Map 21/Lot 72) MADE by Robert McIntyre;  SECONDED by William Pollock.  DISCUSSION:  Amend motion to require work to be completed by June 1, 2011.  IN FAVOR:  Charles Wehrly, Robert McIntyre; OPPOSED: Paul Smith, William Pollock, Kimberly Gallagher, Charles Soul; ABSTAINED: none;  DENIED: 2-4-0

MOTION to approve Application #10-013 Daniel L. Egbert and Diana J. Petrovay as outlined in the original motion with the addition of a requirement that the Applicant must plant native woody vegetation at road edge as approved by staff at no more than 6 feet apart.  12 Trask Road, (Map 21/Lot 72)  MADE by Paul Smith;  SECONDED by William Pollock.  NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR:  Paul Smith, Charles Wehrly, William Pollock, Charles Sohl, Kimberly Gallagher; OPPOSED: Robert McIntyre; ABSTAINED: None;  APPROVED: 5-1-0



  • Staff Report   Chairman Smith reviewed the memo from Attorney Royston regarding Riversound, LLC explaining why IWWC will report on the proposed project rather than approving the matter.  Chris Costa reported that an Administrative Permit was granted to Charles Polka, 6 Stone Boat Road, for a shed.  An Administrative Permit was granted to Samantha Owen, 23 Quarry Street, for debris clearing, installation of a fence, arbor and plantings with re-planting of plants that did not take.  Ms. Costa is working on complaints for floating docks in the freshwater pond in the Ridgewood Drive area.  Sandy Prisloe encouraged all Members to attend the annual CACIWC meeting November 13, 2010.  Land Use basic training is also scheduled for November.    
  • Representative & Sub committee Reports –  Charles Sohl said that Zoning is slow right now, but there are several applications for the next meeting.  Robert McIntyre said that the Planning Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the ZC for the new warehouse on Center Road West.  Several Members also attended the Bikeways Committee meeting which is in the developmental stages.  Charles Wehrly said that the WPCA work is delayed for various reasons and may not break ground until spring 2011.
  • Correspondence –  a copy of the court decision
  • Approval of Minutes – September 16, 2010
MOTION to approve the minutes of September 16, 2010.  MADE by Robert McIntyre;  SECONDED by Charles Wehrly.   NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR:  Paul Smith, Robert McIntyre, Charles Sohl, Kimberly Gallagher and William Pollock; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: Kimberly Gallagher;  APPROVED: 5-0-1


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:39 p.m. until the next regular meeting at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park 155 College Street Extension on November 18, 2010.  MADE by Kimberly Gallagher;  SECONDED by Robert McIntyre.   IN FAVOR:  Paul Smith, Charles Wehrly, William Pollock, Kimberly Gallagher, Robert McIntyre, Charles Sohl; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 6-0-0

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Rynecki

Joanne Rynecki, IWWC Clerk