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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 02/21/2008

Chairman Paul Smith called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  All six members were seated to vote.


Attendant Members                                               
Paul Smith, Chairman            
Robert McIntyre, PC Representative
Charles Wehrly, Alternate Member
Robert MacDonald, EDC Representative
Kim Gallagher, CC Representative
Brendan McKeown, Regular Member arrived at 7:35 p.m.

Absent Members
William Pollock, Secretary, Regular Member
Charles Sohl, Vice Chairman, ZC Representative

Attendant Staff
Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer
Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk                                                             


A.      08-001          Betsy & David Sams, James & Jean Nichols        
Application for a completed activity of erecting a gabion wall intended to stabilize an existing     eroding embankment to prevent further erosion and loss of trees.
           9 River Edge Rd., 11 River Edge Rd. (Map 64/ Lot 19 & 19-1) Residence AA-3 District
        Accepted:  1/17/08, Decision:  3/20/08
        ACTION:  Review and Act.
        Paul Smith stated for the record that the IWWC Commission members have received reports  
from Geoff Jacobson dated 2/15/08, a report from Soil & Environmental Services, Don Fortunato, dated 2/19/08 and revised drawings with additional contour information dated 1/24/08.

Gary Sharpe, engineer for the applicant, summarized the application and answered questions from the Commission members.  Attorney Kleinman and Drew Kenney of Landscape Specialties were available to answer questions as well.  Mr. Kenney mentioned that if the application was approved the planting of the vegetation on the gabion wall would begin during the winter of next year.

The Commission members agreed that removal of the wall could have a more adverse effect to the environment than leaving it in place.

MOTION to approve application # 08-001, Betsy & David Sams, James & Jean Nichols, 9 River Edge Rd., 11 River Edge Rd.(Map 64/ Lot 19 & 19-1).  MADE by R. McIntyre.  SECONDED by B. McKeown.  No discussion on the motion.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, R. MacDonald, C. Wehrly, B. McKeown;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0

               B.      08-002          George Bessoni
               Application to enclose existing 2nd story deck to enlarge kitchen.
                210 Ingham Hill Rd. (Map 56/ Lot 7-21) Residence AAA District
Accepted:  1/17/08, Decision:  3/20/08
ACTION:  Review and Act.  

Joe Wren, P.E. for the applicant, summarized the application and the newly revised survey map dated 2/18/08.  Mr. Wren said the architectural plans submitted at the last meeting were current with no changes and all the concrete work would be done by hand.  Mr. Bessoni joined the conversation and stated that the concrete trucks would be in the driveway and the cement would be brought into the area in wheel barrows.  Mr. Bessoni agreed to the Commissions request that all demolition material would be hand carried out of the area without the use of heavy equipment.

MOTION to approve application # 08-002, George Bessoni, 210 Ingham Hill Rd.(Map 56/ Lot 7-21) with the following condition:  Demolition activity and concrete material will he hand carried in and out of the area without the use of any heavy equipment.  MADE by R. McIntyre.  SECONDED by C. Wehrly.  No discussion on the motion. IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, R. MacDonald, C. Wehrly, B. McKeown;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0

        Cease & Desist Violation:  Charles Barnes, 135 Ingham Hill Rd., Map 48, Lot 11

        The Commission members asked Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer, to handle the
situation administratively and ask Mr. Barnes to remove the mattresses and debris from the
        site.  Chairman Paul Smith asked Ms. Volansky to keep the Commission updated on his progress.

        Robert McIntyre recused himself from the following discussion.

A.      06-029          Otter Cove Maintenance

Patrick Wiley, President of the Otter Cove Association discussed the viability of a future application to restore the “Lower Pond” to its original condition which would include
dredging. The IWW Commission members could not say if they would approve this project but they did give him the type of information they would need including survey maps, depth of dredging, “top of muck” elevations, how much material would be taken out of the pond and where/how the material would be disposed.  


        A.      Staff Report
Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer gave reports on various literature included in the packets.

        B.     Representative & Subcommittee Reports - None

        C.     Correspondence – In Commissioner’s packets

        D.      Approval of Minutes

MOTION to accept the January 17, 2008 minutes as submitted.  MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by R. McIntyre.  Three of the Commission members abstained from the vote since they were not present at last month’s meeting.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, C. Wehrly; OPPOSED:  none; ABSTAINED:  K. Gallagher, B. McKeown, R. MacDonald; APPROVED:  3-0-3                                                       


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m.  MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by K. Gallagher.  No discussion on the motion.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, C. Wehrly, R. MacDonald, B. McKeown, K. Gallagher;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-0-0      

                                   Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting
                                   Thursday, March 20, 2008
                                   Pasbeshauke Pavilion
                                   155 College Street Extension        
Respectfully Submitted,

Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk