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Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Minutes 10/18/2007

Chairman, Paul Smith, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  Brendan McKeown arrived at 7:40 p.m.  All members were seated to vote.


Attendant Members                                               
Paul Smith, Chairman    
Charles Sohl, Vice Chairman, ZC Representative  
Robert McIntyre, PC Representative
Brendan McKeown, Alternate Member
William Pollock, Secretary, Regular Member
Kim Gallagher, CC Representative
Charles Wehrly, Alternate Member

Absent Members
Robert MacDonald, EDC Representative

Attendant Staff
Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer
Christina Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer
Andrea DeDominicis, Clerk                                                                       


A.      07-014          Daniel & Jennifer Grace                                         
Application to add 5’ x 58’ overhang and columns to an existing home and to construct a 24’ x 40’ detached garage.              
       4 Beach Rd. (Map 3 /Lot 83, 84, 85, 86 & 87)    Residence AA-2 District                         
ACTION:  Review and Act.

Daniel Grace distributed a new site plan dated 10/17/07.  The new site plan showed an increased garage size from 24’ x 36’ to 24’ x 40’.  Mr. Grace summarized the rest of the plan and answered question from the Commission members.  Paul Smith mentioned that Mr. Grace should be cautious of snow melt and heavy rains which can cause soil erosion during the April/May season and that no bare, exposed ground should be left for more than 30 days.

MOTION to approve application # 07-014, Daniel & Jennifer Grace, 4 Beach Rd. (Map 3/ Lot 83, 84, 85, 86 & 87) utilizing the revised application dated 10/17/07 with the following conditions:  1.)  Sedimentation control devices must be checked after heavy rains.  2.)  No bare ground areas can be left more than 30 days and must be seeded/hydroseeded to control soil erosion.  MADE by B. McKeown.  SECONDED by R. McIntyre.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  7-0-0                                

B.      VIOLATION:  Charles Barnes, 26 Boston Post Rd., Map 43/ Lot 25-1
           Construction of filling, grading and structures within 100’ regulated area.
                                                                                                                        No one was present for Mr. Barnes at this meeting however Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer stated that she spoke to Bob Simoni, the engineer preparing a survey plan for Mr. Barnes, and  Mr. Simoni said he is still waiting for the soil sample results and the state inspection report.  Paul Smith continued the review of this violation until next month’s regularly scheduled November 15 meeting.

MOTION to continue review of this violation, Charles Barnes, 26 Boston Post Rd. (Map 43/ Lot 25-1) until next month’s regularly scheduled meeting to be held on Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 7:30 p.m at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College St. Ext; MADE by K. Gallagher.  SECONDED by C. Sohl.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  7-0-0  

Chairman Paul Smith amended the agenda to add item C, under Old Business, application # 07-012, Michael Spera Subdivision, 105 Bokum Rd. (Map 61/ Lot 2) for modification of an existing wetlands permit granted on 8/16/07.

C.      07-012          Michael Spera, Subdivision
Modification of an existing wetland permit #07-012 granted on 8/16/07.
105 Bokum Rd. (Map 61/ Lot 2)    Residence AAA District
ACTION:  Review and Act.

Michael Spera was present and summarized his plan to build a horse farm with an indoor stable and outdoor riding areas.  Cal Caldarella, developer for Michael Spera, stated that the property would be used to train show horses.  Attorney Christina Burnham mentioned that this property is in a residential area and zoning allows a maximum of 5 horses.

The Commission members asked questions about manure disposal and Mr. Spera stated that a dumpster would be located outside the barn and the manure would be hauled away frequently.  Brendan McKeown asked about the location of the farm equipment to be sure there would not be any fuel or oil run off into the wetland area.

The Commission members decided to do a site walk of the property on Sunday, October 28, 2007 at 1:00 p.m.  The Members will meet at the driveway on the property.

William Pollock abstained from the vote because he was not present during the 8/16/07 meeting when the original subdivision permit was approved. Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Pollock will be able to vote on this application in the future do to his presence at this meeting.
MOTION to accept application # 07-012, Michael Spera, Subdivision, 105 Bokum Rd. (Map 61/ Lot 2) as a modification to an existing permit granted by the IWWC Commission on 8/16/07.  The next regularly scheduled meeting for this application will be held on Thursday, November 15, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College St. Ext;  MADE by R. McIntyre.  SECONDED by C. Sohl.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, C. Wehrly, B. McKoewn;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  W. Pollock;  APPROVED:  6-0-1                               


A.      07-015          Injun Three, LLC. (Classic Carriage Auto Wash)                  
Application to remove fill material placed on wetlands, stabilize upland bank with soil & grass, approx. 5,650 cubic yards.     
351 Boston Post Rd. (Map 42/ Lot 10-1)    Residence B-4 District                                
ACTION:  Accept complete application; determine activity significance, request technical
fees if needed.

Attorney John Bennett was present and represented the applicant, Injun Three, LLC.  Attorney Bennett summarized the application to remediate a previous violation, and mentioned that soil and wetland scientist Richard Snarski is preparing a report that Attorney Bennett believes will say there is no impact to the wetland if the existing fill material is not removed from the upland area. Attorney Bennett said the report will be given to the IWWC Commission as soon as it is available.

 The Commission members discussed appropriate ways for the material to be removed from the wetlands. Paul Smith asked that the Applicant add the contour and grading lines throughout the property to the survey plan along with showing sedimentation controls.        

MOTION to accept application # 07-015, Injun Three, LLC. (Classic Carriage Auto Wash), 351 Boston Post Rd. (Map 42/ Lot 10-1)). The next regularly scheduled meeting for this application will be held on Thursday, November 15, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College St. Ext;  MADE by R. McIntyre.  SECONDED by B. McKeown.   IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, B. McKoewn, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  7-0-0                           

MOTION to deem this matter as a significant activity requiring a Public Hearing & Ordinance 71 fees for legal assistance & soil/wetland scientist - application # 07-015, Injun Three, LLC. (Classic Carriage Auto Wash), 351 Boston Post Rd. (Map 42/ lot 10-1).  The public hearing is scheduled for the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College St. Ext;  MADE by K. Gallagher.  SECONDED by C. Wehrly.   IN FAVOR:  C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED: P. Smith;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  6-1-0                          

B.      VIOLATION:  Constance Goodwin, 140 Ingham Hill Rd. Map 48/ Lot 1
Multiple vehicles placed within wetlands and 100’ upland review area.
Constance Goodwin was present along with her grandson Edward Cole. Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer said a complaint was filed stating that vehicles were being stored in and adjacent to the wetlands area of the property.  Ms.Volansky mentioned that a similar violation was issued back in 2005.
Ms. Goodwin stated that she was unaware that a similar violation had been issued in 2005, to her parents, who were the property owners at that time.

Paul Smith asked Ms. Goodwin about the type of vehicles that were on the property, how many and how long they stay “parked”. Edward Cole said he uses the 3 registered vehicles and 1 small trailer frequently and he has moved the cars within the property since the violation was issued.  Mr. Cole asked if he can keep a small tarp shelter (tent) erected on his property which was also noted in the violation.  Mr. Smith said that Ms. Volansky will have to look at its location and use to see if it is impacting the wetland area with a shadow etc.

Chantell Madora, resident of the property, asked the Commission members about fixing a silt fence and cinder block area that seems to be retaining some soil on the property.  Mr. Smith suggested that Kelly Volansky, IWWC Enforcement Officer, review this area while she is out on the site looking for a possible suitable location to park the cars.

MOTION to handle the violations related to autos, a trailer and a tarp/tent for Constance Goodwin, 140 Ingham Hill Rd. (Map 48, Lot 1) administratively with the following condition:  1.) IWWC Commission is to be notified by IWWC staff if violations continue.  MADE by B. McKeown.  SECONDED by C. Wehrly.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, B. McKoewn, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  7-0-0                              

V.   PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION – “Sentinel Hill” Subdivision – 26 Lots (54.26 acres)
      North of Mill Rock Rd. West/1200’ Feet East of Ingham Hill Rd.
      Residence AA-1 district, Map 52, Lot 2
      Applicant:  Sentinel Hill, LLC.      Agent:  Robert Doane, P.E.

        Bob Doane, P.E. for the applicant, discussed the proposal and had the IWWC Commission review
the site plans he submitted.  Paul Smith asked Mr. Doane if the developer intends to develop the   whole subdivision or complete it in phases.  Bob Finch, owner of the property was present and stated that he intends to get complete approval for the subdivision but would build the homes based on market demand.

The Commission members gave their first impressions about the proposed detention ponds, the location of the detention ponds to the wetlands, alternative plans for the detention ponds and alternative plans for the proposed roadways should this subdivision result in a future application.


        A.     Staff Report
        Kelly Volansky passed out photos that she had taken at Obed Resevoir due to a complaint by Carl
         Pointkowski about someone clear cutting across from his property on the East side of the lake.  It
was unclear exactly where or when this clear cutting had occurred and Ms. Volansky stated that Mr. Pointkowski was not able to provide any evidence of a violation. The matter was dismissed by the Commission for lack of specific detail.

         Kelly Volansky passed out a letter from Don Fortuna of Soil & Environmental Services, 61 Plants
          Dam Rd., East Lyme, Ct.  06333 stating that they would be interested in performing soil/wetland
services for the IWWC Commission. The Commissioners requested that staff include Soil & Environmental Services on the list of firms available to provide services to the Commission.

        B.     Representative & Subcommittee Reports - None
        C.     Correspondence – In Commissioner’s packets

        D.      Approval of Minutes

MOTION to accept the September 20, 2007 as submitted.  MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by R. McIntyre.  No discussion on the motion.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, B. McKeown, W. Pollock ;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  C. Wehrly;  APPROVED:  6-0-1                                                          


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 p.m.  MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by R. McIntyre.  No discussion on the motion.  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, C. Sohl, W. Pollock, K. Gallagher, B. McKeown, C. Wehrly;  OPPOSED:  none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  7-0-0       

                                   Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting
                                   Thursday, November 15, 2007
                                   Pasbeshauke Pavilion
                                   155 College Street Extension        
Respectfully Submitted,

Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk