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IWWC 021705.Minutes
Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

                        REGULAR MEETING
              THURSDAY, February 17, 2005
                         Pasbeshauke Pavilion
                   155 College Street Extension
                            Saybrook Point

I.      CALL TO ORDER Acting Chairman, Paul Smith, called the regular meeting to order at 7:34pm.

Attendant Members                                       Absent Members
Paul Smith, Vice Chairman                                       Frank Jones, Chairman
Bob McIntyre, Planning Comm. Representative             Charles Sohl, Zoning Comm. Representative
Judy Preston, Conservation Comm. Representative William Pollock, Alternate Member
Frank Reichart, Econ Dev Comm. Representative
Kevin Zawoy, Regular Member
Kimberly Gallagher, Alternate
Brendan McKeown, Alternate   

Attendant Staff
Christina Costa, Enforcement Officer
Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk


           A.  05-001          Denise Cote
                        333 Spring Brook Road (Map 58, Lot 33) 0.43 acres of wetlands
                        Application for addition of Breezeway and Garage.
The plans need to show  a designated area where a stock pile of existing soil will be kept.  A silt fence must surround the soil stock pile to keep soil from eroding into wetlands.  An anti-tracking gravel pad must be made on site for heavy equipment to drive over when exiting property to keep mud and debris from falling onto roadway.  

Paul Smith asked that these modifications be hand drawn onto existing
plans.  Kevin Zawoy would like to see these three stipulations drawn on the plans prior to construction so the enforcement officer can review at a later date.

MOTION by Kevin Zawoy to approve application #05-001 – Denise Cote, 333 Spring Brook Road.  
SECONDED BY Robert McIntyre.  APPROVED unanimously.

B.      05-002          Carlos Torres
                        250 School House Road (Map 50, Lot 49) abutting wetlands
                        Application to cut 4 trees to control drainage around well and add soil to
                        The Commission informed Mr. Torres at the January 20 meeting that he
                        needed to supply a site survey of his property and show the contour of
the area he previously cleared in violation, and its proximity to the wetlands.             
Mr. Torres did supply a revised map which shows the area he cleared near      the wetland boundary.   Mr. Torres stated that he did not know he was in the
                        wetland area and just wanted to dry out his yard to prevent water from
                                pooling near his house.  He stated that the water had an odor.

Mr. Torres wants to fill certain areas in his yard to keep water from backing up to his house because it is yellow and has an odor.  Paul Smith warned Mr. Torres not to fill any area of his yard since all the areas were to close to the wetlands.  Frank Reichart suggests that Mr. Torres speak to Scott at the Health Department to identify why the water has an odor and to determine if there are problems with his well.

Judy Preston had a question about the type of vegetation Mr. Torres had removed prior to the violation.  She would like to know if there were invasive or desirable species of vegetation and if the Conservation Commission should decide whether the area should be re-planted.  Kevin Zawoy suggests the Commission take a look at the property in a few months to see if the vegetation re-establishes on its own.  Mr. Torres gave the Commission members permission to walk his property; and, the Commission will address the issue again at the March 17, 2005 meeting.

MOTION  to continue application #05-002 – Carlos Torres until next regular meeting on March 17, 2005 was made by Robert McIntyre.  
SECONDED by Frank Reichart.  APPROVED unanimously.



A.      05-003          Mark Dixon
58 Bokum Road (Map 57, Lot 23-1) 1.47 acres of wetlands
Application to construct a 12’ foot wide driveway across 762 sq. feet of                wetlands to access an egress to Bokum Road.

The Commission was asked to make a correction to the application which currently shows the address as being 56 Bokum Road.  The correct address is 58 Bokum Road.

Nicholas Scalzo, engineer for Mark Dixon explains the site plan.
The proposed 12’ foot wide gravel driveway will cross an average of 40’ feet of wetlands. Gravel displacement may occur during winter months
when the driveway is plowed.  The Commission may require a paved
driveway in place of gravel to reduce possible gravel displacement into the wetlands.  

Kevin Zawoy would like the Commission to consider replacement wetlands to offset a loss of resources, and would like to see what type of grading the applicant proposes to do on the property.  

Paul Smith would like to see the plan address the limits of grading and disturbance of soil.  He would also like to see an inclusion of an anti-tracking pad on the property and a realignment of the proposed silt fence which minimizes any grading, stockpiling or disturbance within the wetland buffer area.

Judy Preston would like the map legend to show the soil type existing in the area.  

Mark Dixon mentions that Penelope Sharp has been retained to provide a written statement based on her environmental review about the area and wetland.  He says the land will stay flat even if some grading is required near the house foundation.

Paul Smith would like to see details on how water will flow within and off the site, details on what size the temporary sedimentation pond will be, where the pond outlet will be, and the location of hay bales along the driveway section crossing the wetland.

Paul Smith has also asked applicant to check dates on literature, spelling errors on plans, and resubmit plans and narrative to be corrected.  

The Commission was given permission to go onto the property for site review.  

Robert McIntyre does not think this should be considered a significant application and does not think Ordinance 71 fees are required.

MOTION to accept application #05-003 – Mark Dixon, 58 Bokum Road is made by Paul Smith.  
SECONDED by Kevin Zawoy.  APPROVED unanimously.

MOTION to not consider application #05-003 – Mark Dixon, 58 Bokum Road as a significant application made by Paul Smith.  
SECONDED by Kevin Zawoy.  APPROVED unanimously.

MOTION to not require Ordinance 71 fees for application #05-003 – Mark Dixon, 58 Bokum Road is made by Paul Smith.  
SECONDED by Kevin Zawoy.  APPROVED unanimously.

        B.      05-004          Edward Braza, Jr.
                                Corner of Boston Post Road and Quarry Street (Map 29, Lot 29) 0.36 acres of                             wetlands.
                                Application to construct a single family 2 bedroom house with attached garage.
Engineer Bob Doane was present to represent the applicant  The plans show the septic system as close to the house and as far from the wetlands as possible.  The corner of garage is in the wetlands.  The wetland area has been flagged by Rich Snarsky but the plans are not signed because Rich is away on vacation.  There is a vernal pool on the site, not flagged and had breeding frogs living in it last April.  

Kevin Zawoy wants to see the plans show the buffer that is proposed to offset the impact after the silt fence is removed, and where the roof drainage will run off.  Paul Smith would like plans to show the erosion control for stock pile, and anti- tracking pad and hay barrier for swale area to protect the wetland.  Bob Doane states the area is so small, the stock pile will not be on the site.  The topsoil will be removed from the property and returned for future use.  Baled hay will be added to silt fence plans.

There are existing test holes dug on the site.  Paul Smith would like to know the elevation of ground water during the month the holes were dug.

Paul Smith would like the applicant to consider a one car garage in place of a two car garage.    The board members feel the house may be to large for such a small lot.  Brendan McKeown suggests a smaller first floor foot print and a larger second floor space with an over hang or living space above a reduced garage area.  The revised plans should also show where the existing vernal pool is located.  

Chris Costa will check with Attorney Childress to see if the property has been approved as a building lot.  

Paul Smith asks Bob Doane to remove sanitary system note # 8 from the plan and correct sanitary system note #12 and construction sequence note # 8.  Bob Doane will mark house corners, porch corners and garage corners on the site and gives permission for Commission members to visit property.

MOTION by Judy Preston to accept application #05-004 – Edward Braza, Jr. Corner of Boston Post Road and Quarry Street.   SECONDED by Robert McIntyre.  APPROVED unanimously.

MOTION by Judy Preston to find application #05-004 – Edward Braza, Jr. as a significant action requiring a public hearing.   SECONDED by Kim Gallagher.  APPROVED unanimously.

MOTION by Brendan McKeown to require Ordinance 71 fees for legal and environmental consultants for  application #05-004 – Edward Braza, Jr. SECONDED by Robert McKintyre.  APPROVED unanimously.

C.      Discussion of possible amendments to IWWC Regulations based on recent changes in State legislation

Judy Preston will chair a sub-committee to review possible changes in the Old Saybrook IWWC Regulations based on recent State Legislative changes.  Brendan McKeown and Kim Gallagher will also serve on the sub-committee.  This will be put on April’s meeting agenda for an initial report to the Commission by the sub-committee..


A.      Staff Report – Chris Costa reminded Commission members of the various upcoming seminars and training sessions.

B.      Representative Reports - None

C.      Correspondence- Included in Packets

D.      Approval of Minutes
The Commission reviewed the meeting minutes of January 20, 2005 and noted that Charles Sohl’s name should be added to the absent members list.

MOTION by Judy Preston to approve the regular minutes of January 20, 2005.  
SECONDED Brendan McKeown.  APPROVED unanimously


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:57pm until next regular meeting on 3/17/05.  MOVED by Robert McIntyre   SECONDED by Paul Smith  APPROVED by K. Zawoy, K. Gallagher, J. Preston, B. McKeown

Respectfully Submitted,
Andrea DeDominicis
Andrea DeDominicis, Clerk

Next Regular Meeting
Thursday, March 17, 2005
7:30 P.M.
Pasbeshauke Pavilion
155 College Street Extension