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IWWC 111705.Minutes
Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

                           REGULAR MEETING
         THURSDAY,  November 17, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
          Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
                     155 College Street Extension
                               Saybrook Point

Acting Chairman, Paul Smith, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attendant Members                                              Absent Members                                                                                           
Paul Smith, Vice Chairman                                Kevin Zawoy, Regular Member
Robert McIntyre, Planning Representative             
William Pollock, Regular Member                     
Judy Preston, Conservation Rep.                             
Charles Sohl, Zoning Representative                  
Kim Gallagher, Alternate Member
Frank Reichart, Economic Development Rep.

Brendon McKeown, Alternate Member, arrived at 7:40 p.m.  Mr. McKeown will not be voting.
        Attendant Staff
        Christina Costa, Enforcement Officer
        Damon Hearne, Assistant Enforcement Officer
        Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk


A.  05-021      Bessoni Builders
                Application to construct a 17,360 s.f. warehouse building with associated
                90 Ingham Hill Road (Map 35, Lot 12)
                Industrial – 1 District
                Accepted:  9/15/05, Open PH:  11/17/05, Close PH by:  12/22/05,
                Decision by:  1/26/06
                ACTION:  Open Public Hearing.

               A letter dated November 17, 2005 from Stuart Fairbanks, engineer for the applicant,
asked that the Commission postpone the public hearing until the next regularly scheduled meeting on December 15, 2005.  This would permit the applicant to properly notify the adjacent property owners as required by the Commission’s regulations.


A.  05-019      Grandona, LLC.
                   Application to restore the functioning of the original manmade detention basin
                   “D”, approved in the original 1986 site plan approval.
                295 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52, Lot 63-64), Unit 1) 30,600 s.f. of wetlands.
                B-4 District
                Accepted:  10/13/05, Decision by:  12/16/05
                ACTION:  Review and Act.

                Charles Sohl recused himself from hearing this application because he is currently purchasing a vehicle from the applicant.

                John Bennett, agent representing the applicant, passed out a letter dated 10/17/05 from Richard Snarski, soil and wetland scientist.  Mr. Snarski has identified the wetlands and is currently working on an additional report which will address the applicant’s proposal to cut the vegetation height down to the level of the berm.  Mr. Bennett said the applicant does not want to eliminate the vegetation, just reduce the height of the vegetation so there is better visibility from the property.

                Judy Preston mentioned that some of the vegetation provides food for the wildlife and would like to see the vegetation remain.  Paul Smith would like to have a better understanding of  what type of vegetation is present and be selective with the cutting of the growth.  Mr. Smith asked the applicant to get a more detailed report from Richard Snarski, regarding the type of vegetation present in the basin.  Robert McIntyre stated that he would be in favor of “thinning” the vegetation but not clear cutting it.  William Pollock stated that there are a few large trees in the basin area and he would like to see the trees remain while some of the vegetation around the trees could be cut.  Mr. Pollock felt the Commission should give Richard Snarski time to respond to the Commissions concerns.

MOTION to continue application # 05-019, Grandona, LLC., 295 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 52, Lot 63-64) until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 15, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. at Pasbeshauke Pavilion, 155 College Street, Old Saybrook, Ct.  MADE by R. McIntyre. SECONDED by K. Gallagher.  No discussion on the motion. VOTED IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, J. Preston, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, F. Reichart, K. Gallagher;  OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 6-0-0.

                        Charles Sohl returned to the Commission meeting at 7:50 p.m.

           B.  05-020      Timothy and Margaret Russell
                            Application to split lots, construct a new dwelling, wells and sanitary system.
                            273 Schoolhouse Road (Map 50, Lot 11-1) 1.25 acres of wetlands.
                            Residence AA-1 District,  Agent:  Greg Fedus, P.E.
                        Accepted:  9/15/05, Open PH:  10/13/05, Close PH:  11/17/05,
                        Decision by:  12/22/05
                        ACTION:  Review and Act.

Christina Costa presented a letter to the Commission members dated 11/16/05, from Geoff Jacobson, stating his review of the application.  Mr. Jacobson states that there is no activity proposed in the wetlands but there is activity within the 100 ‘ foot regulated area.  Mr. Jacobson mentions that some existing features at the site are not accurately shown on the plans.  Mr. Jacobson feels that the driveway should be widened on the southern side to avoid the clearing of the existing mature trees,  and an existing driveway culvert that is plugged should be cleaned out.  Mr. Jacobson also mentioned that the proposed house will have very little backyard area and the proposed silt fence should turn up north towards the adjacent McAvoy property to prevent potential sediment by pass.

Paul Smith mentioned that the well location on the adjacent Pearson property was shown far enough away from the applicant’s proposed well location.  Robert McIntyre commented on the proximity of the proposed house to the existing ledge, leaving no back yard area or  place for water and snow to collect.   

MOTION to approve application # 05-020, Timothy & Margaret Russell, 273 Schoolhouse Road (Map 50, Lot 11-1) with the condition to include items 1 thru 7 noted in Geoff Jacobson’s letter dated 11/16/05. MADE by R. McIntyre. SECONDED by F. Reichart.  No discussion on the motion. VOTED IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, F. Reichart, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher;  OPPOSED: J. Preston;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 6-1-0.

            C.  05-022/     Robert L. Day Co.
        023     Application to construct a single family dwelling with 2 car attached garage, deck, septic system, utilities and public water on each of two separate parcels.
                Parcel A, and Parcel B-1,  Ragged Rock Road
                AA-2 District
                Accepted:  10/13/05, Decision by:  12/16/05
                ACTION:  Review and Act.
Paul Smith mentioned to the Commission members that there are two proposed applications but they are discussing the two adjacent properties, Parcel A and Parcel B-1, together.  Robert Day stated that he has not made any changes or revisions to the plans.

Paul Smith would like to see a conservation easement placed on a portion of the property to control future home owners from clearing to close to the wetland area.   Mr. Day said he would prefer not to have an easement on the property.  Judy Preston suggested a 25’ foot boundary which could be planted with dense vegetation native to the area.  Ms. Preston said that Richard Snarski, soil and wetland scientist, could make the appropriate plant recommendations and this could be a good alternative to prevent the future clearing of the area.  Mr. Day did not think additional plantings were needed and what exists is natural.  Christina Costa said that staff could monitor the planting area along with Richard Snarski if the Commission requires this.

Mr. Smith also stated that the foundation drain is shown extending 20’ feet beyond     the silt fence which must be changed. Mr. Day said he would make the change.

MOTION to approve application # 05-022, Robert L. Day Co., Parcel A, Ragged Rock Road(Map & Lot to be determined) with conditions:  1.) Formal Conservation Easement established and placed on land records 25’ feet from wetland area.  2.)  Additional plantings established by Richard Snarski for the 25’ foot area. MADE by P. Smith. SECONDED by R. McIntyre.  No discussion on the motion. VOTED IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, F. Reichart, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, J. Preston;  OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 7-0-0.

MOTION to approve application # 05-023, Robert L. Day Co., Parcel B-1, Ragged Rock Road(Map & Lot to be determined) with conditions:  1.) Formal Conservation Easement established and placed on land records 25’ feet from wetland area.  2.)  Additional plantings established by Richard Snarski for the 25’ foot area. MADE by P. Smith. SECONDED by R. McIntyre.  No discussion on the motion. VOTED IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock, F. Reichart, C. Sohl, K. Gallagher, J. Preston;  OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 7-0-0.


A.  05-024      Steve Donahue
                Application to construct house, sanitary system and driveway within 100’ of wetland.
                16 Vista Terrace (Map 25, Lot 11) 4.89 acres of wetlands.
                Resident A District     Agent: Anthony Hendricks
                ACTION:  Accept application if complete, determine if significant activity and if Ordinance 71 fees

The Commission waited for a few minutes for the arrival of the engineer/agent for the applicant.  David Donahue was present and stated that he was the contract purchaser of the property but did not have any information about the application.

 Lee Rowley, engineer and partner of Anthony Hendricks, arrived and stated that he was filling in for Anthony Hendricks who was out of town.  Mr. Rowley acknowledged that the proposed house had limits to where it could be located due to all the wetland areas on the property.  Mr. Rowley said the proposed driveway placement was chosen to minimize the area of crossing over the wetlands.  Mr. Rowley also confirmed that Don Fortunato was the person who flagged the wetland areas in October of 2003.  

Paul Smith questioned the filling in the regulated zone and he also questioned the existence of a cul-de-sac which was drawn on the plans in the wetlands.  Mr. Rowley said he was unsure if the cul-de-sac drawn on the plan currently existed and he was unsure if the cul-de-sac drawn was suppose to be a hammerhead turn around.  Mr. Smith said Geoff Jacobson, engineer for the Town, would need to review this application.
Mr. Smith also stated that the “north” arrow appeared to be misplaced on the plan and a stockpile area, anti-tracking pad, silt fence, area of disturbance, limits of grading and proposed construction materials needed to be included in the plan.  

The Commission felt that the application was not complete.  The applicant was advised to amend the paperwork, consider Conservation Easements on the wetland areas of the property, and resubmit the application.

MOTION to accept application # 05-024, Steve Donahue, 16 Vista Terrace (Map 25, Lot 11).  MADE by P. Smith. SECONDED by W. Pollock.  No discussion on the motion. VOTED IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock;,  OPPOSED: J. Preston, K. Gallagher, C. Sohl, F. Reichart; ABSTAINED: none;  DENIED: 3-4-0.

              B.  05-025     Marc Monis
                Application to construct a 26’ x 26’ house addition and sanitary system within 100’ ft.                 of wetlands.
                7 Sunset Avenue (Map 58, Lot 65) 2.50 acres of wetlands.
                Resident A District     Agent:  Anthony Hendricks
                ACTION:  Accept application if complete, determine if significant activity and if Ordinance 71 fees             required.

Lee Rowley, the engineer representing the applicant, was filling in for his partner Anthony Hendricks, who was out of town.  The Commission members reviewed the plans which showed a new primary sanitary system being proposed in the same area as the existing one and an addition to the house.  

Paul Smith said the plans lacked necessary information as specified in the previous application submitted by Anthony Hendricks.  The same issues need to be addressed on this application, location of stock pile area, silt fence, area of disturbance, limits of grading, what is currently there on the site and what is proposed to be built on the site.  

MOTION to accept application # 05-025, Marc Monis, 7 Sunset Avenue (Map 58, Lot 65).  MADE by P. Smith. SECONDED by W. Pollock.  No discussion on the motion. VOTED IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, R. McIntyre, W. Pollock;  OPPOSED: J. Preston, K. Gallagher, C. Sohl, F. Reichart; ABSTAINED: none;
 DENIED: 3-4-0.         

Judy Preston left the meeting ay 9:50 p.m.

A.  Staff Report - None
B.      Representative and Subcommittee Reports – None
C.      Correspondence – Included in packets
D.      Approval of Minutes

MOTION to approve the meeting minutes of October 13, 2005 with no corrections.  MADE  by P. Smith.  SECONDED by K. Gallagher.  No discussion on the motion.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, C. Sohl, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, R. McIntyre, K. Gallagher, F. Reichart; OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 7-0-0.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, December 15, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, 155 College Street Extension, Old Saybrook, Ct. MADE by P. Smith.  SECONDED by K. Gallagher.  VOTED IN FAVOR:   P. Smith, C. Sohl, W. Pollock, B. McKeown, R. McIntyre, K. Gallagher, F. Reichart;  OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 7-0-0.

        Next Regular Meeting
Thursday, December 15, 2005, 7:30 p.m.
Pasbeshauke Pavilion
155 College Street Extension

Respectfully Submitted,

Andrea DeDominicis, Clerk