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HMC Minutes 01/09/2017
       302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
          Telephone: 860-395-3123     Facsimile: 860-395-3125
                                 HMC  MEETING MINUTES
                                 JANUARY 9, 2017, 7:00 P.M.
                          TOWN HALL CAFÉ  LOWER LEVEL

Call to Order:  Chairman Ray Collins called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Roll Call:
Present: Ray Collins, Chairman; Paul Connolly, Secretary; Dick Goduti; David Cole; Bob Murphy,  Gerri Lewis, Clerk;

Absent:   Scott Mitchell, Harbor Master

Guests: Keith Neilsen, Docko

At this time, Mr. Goduti asked that “Election of Officers” be added to the agenda.

A motion to add “Election of Officers” to the agenda was made by Mr. Goduti, seconded by Mr. Connolly and was so VOTED unanimously.

A motion to nominate Ray Collins Chairman was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Murphy and motion passed.

Chairman Collins asked if there was anyone who wanted to volunteer to be Secretary.  Mr. Murphy said he would be interested.

A motion by Mr. Connolly to nominate Mr. Goduti for Secretary, seconded by Mr. Goduti did not pass.

A motion by Mr. Cole nominating Mr. Murphy for Secretary was seconded by Mr. Collins and motion passed.

Citizens with Business before the Commission:  
Keith Neilsen from Docko passed out the dock expansion drawings including the build out.  He  discussed the town dock modifications and he noted that he was going to meet with Planning and Zoning regarding those issues including parking.

A motion to approve the modifications was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Cole and motion passed.
Mr. Neilsen, explained for the commission the S&S Marine Deck Expansion.  Mr. Goduti noted that he didn’t know if the Harbor Management Commission had any influence one way or the other.  Mr. Neilsen noted that the plan meets with the criteria and it was not inconsistent with the Harbor Management Plan.
Minutes 12/12/2016
A MOTION to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2016 meeting was made by Mr. Goduti, seconded by Mr. Cole and motion passed.
Clerks Report
The clerk’s report was shared with the commission.

Ms. Lewis noted for the commission that she was helping the Harbor Master make calls to the  North Cove wait list.  She noted that the applications from the wait list were coming in slowly.  

Mr. Collins thanked Ms. Lewis for her report.

Harbor Master/Dock Master Report – No report.  

Note from David Miller to cancel Clothesline.  He is no longer keeping a boat there.

Dispensation to Rule 11:    None

DEEP: OLISP Applications:   
COP: Proposal for Environmental Permitting; Sheffield St: Action requested from last meeting.  
A motion to approve the proposal for COP Proposal for Environmental Permitting; Sheffield St was made by Chairman Collins, seconded by Mr. Goduti and motion passed.

New Business  Budget Discussion
Mr. Goduti handed out a compilation of the 720 account that he created for the commission.  He listed the expenditures from the General Fund and the 720 fund in the Harbor Management budget and discussed the accounts for the Commission. Chairman Collins had the clerk make copies of the Selectman’s budget for the commission as well.  He noted that it is a new format.

Old Business: Dredging of North Cove still on target for 2017.  No update.

Bills for Payment:    
A motion to pay the clerk was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Goduti was so VOTED unanimously.

Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Goduti 8:34 pm.

Submitted:  Gerri Lewis, Clerk