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HMC Minutes 11/14/2016
     302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
         Telephone: 860-395-3123     Facsimile: 860-395-3125
                              HMC  MEETING MINUTES
                             NOVEMBER 14, 2016, 7:00 P.M.
                          TOWN HALL CAFÉ  LOWER LEVEL

Call to Order:  Chairman Ray Collins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed new member, Bob Murphy.

Roll Call:
Present: Ray Collins, Chairman; Paul Connolly, Secretary; Dick Goduti; David Cole; Bob Murphy,  Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Absent:  Scott Mitchell, Harbor Master;

Guests: Larry Ritzhaupt; Keith Neilsen

Citizens with Business before the Commission:  
Mr. Larry Ritzhaupt attended the meeting with regard to a “deeper mooring space” in the cove.  Chairman Collins thanked Mr. Ritzhaupt for coming in and noted that this has been a problem and until we get dredged in 2017, there may not be much we can do.  Chairman Collins noted that we would do whatever we could.   

Mr. Neilsen stopped in briefly to update the commission with information on Ferry dock improvements.  The paperwork was emailed to Chairman Collins, who gave copies to the commission.

Mr. Neilsen discussed the Sheffield St. dock and noted that if that were to be “rebuilt” there would be problems.  A question was asked if the bulkhead could be raised and filled to which he answered yes.  Mr. Neilsen noted that he could take care of all permitting.
Minutes 10/11/2016
A MOTION to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2016 meeting was made by Mr. Goduti, seconded by Mr. Cole and motion passed with 1 abstention.  
Clerks Report
The clerk’s report was shared with the commission as follows.

I continue to pick up the mail in the Selectman’s office daily; copy checks; fill out Treasurer’s Report for deposit and bring to Treasurer, Bob Fish.  Bundles of checks continue coming in the mail everyday due to the mooring applications for 2017.  

It is extremely busy now and will continue to be into the Spring, as the mooring applications have gone out for 2017.  

I am in contact with IT weekly for updated lists on the website.  In addition to electronically sending out the agenda and minutes to the Clerk’s office and others, I append the agendas and minutes to the town website.  I append our meetings to the town calendar as well.

I’m in contact with accounting for payment of bills, monthly reports, and payroll.  I am in contact with the Finance Director regarding the budget as well.

I continue to receive emails from the selectman’s office and emails from mooring holders and new requests regarding moorings, wait lists and general questions.    Chairman is always copied.

North Cove Wait List Renewal:  No update
North Cove Wait List New:   Michael Ludwig, Old Saybrook;

A motion to approve Michael Ludwig to the NC wait list was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Goduti and was so VOTED unanimously.

Clothesline Wait List Renewal:  No update

Clothesline Wait List New:   Ken Johnson, Old Saybrook;

A motion to approve Ken Johnson to the Clothesline wait list was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr.  Cole and was so VOTED unanimously.

Ferry Dock Wait List New:    Ken Johnson, Old Saybrook;

A motion to approve Ken Johnson to the Ferry Dock wait list was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr.  Connolly and was so VOTED unanimously.

Mr. Collins thanked Ms. Lewis for her report.

Potential water usage problem at Ferry Dock:  
Mr. Goduti reported on the water usage problem at Ferry Dock.  Mr. Collins also reported that the neighbors complained about the “peel marks” in the driveway going down to the dock.  Mr. Collins noted that he would write a letter to be mailed to the individual causing these issues.

Harbor Master/Dock Master Report – Mr. Mitchell not being able to make the meeting, gave his report to Mr. Goduti as follows:  The NC moorings were pulled.  There was 1 broken ball.  The two boats that were in the cove are now gone.

  • Letter from Norman Swanson; will be going into Flats this year;
  • Thank you letter from Donald LaBrie:
Dispensation to Rule 11:    

DEEP: OLISP Applications:   
  • COP application to DEEP: Between the Bridges Marina; Maintenance Dredging & Bulkhead Project.  No action requested.

New Business
Mr. Goduti mention perhaps a follow up with the gentleman from Port Authority.  Ms. Lewis will look for the information and follow up.

Old Business: Dredging of North Cove still on target for 2017.

Bills for Payment:    

A motion to pay the clerk, Olsen Sanitation and Connecticut Water Company and Connecticut River Dock & Dredge was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Murphy was so VOTED unanimously.

Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn at 8:46 P.M. was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Connolly and was so VOTED unanimously.

Submitted:  Gerri Lewis, Clerk