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HMC Minutes 08/08/2016
       302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
            Telephone: 860-395-3123     Facsimile: 860-395-3125
                              HMC  MEETING MINUTES
                               AUGUST 8, 2016, 7:00 P.M.
                          TOWN HALL CAFÉ  LOWER LEVEL

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm and the following motion was made:

A motion to add the election of a temporary chairman was made by Mr. Connolly, seconded by Mr. Cole and was so VOTED unanimously.

Mr. Goduti noted that he was the senior member at this meeting and would offer to be temporary chair.

A motion to elect Mr. Goduti temporary chairman was made by Mr. Connolly, seconded by Mr. Cole and was so VOTED unanimously.  

Roll Call:
Present: Dick Goduti; David Cole; Paul Connolly, Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Absent:  Ray Collins, Chairman; Les Bowman, Secretary, Scott Mitchell, Harbor Master

Guest: Rick Beck

Citizens with Business before the Commission:  None

Minutes 7/11/2016
A MOTION to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2016 meeting was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Goduti and was so VOTED unanimously.
Clerks Report
The clerk’s report was shared with the commission as follows:

North Cove Wait List Renewal:  No update

North Cove Wait List New:  Richard Scierka, New Britain, CT;
A motion to approve Richard Scierka to the North Cove Wait List, seconded by Mr. Cole was so VOTED unanimously.

Clothesline List (new additions):  No change

Clothesline Wait List Renewal:  No change

Clothesline Wait List New:  No change

Ferry Dock Wait List New:    No change

Ms. Lewis noted that she would like to request a discussion of the timeliness of payment and occupancy of wait list applicants when they are offered a spot in one of the marinas.  Perhaps this can be put on the agenda in the Fall.   This was tabled until the next meeting.

Ms. Lewis requested that agendas, minutes and accounting reports and budget updates be sent electronically before the meeting instead of snail mail.  She would then bring copies to the meetings.  

The Commission unanimously agreed to having the clerk send agendas, minutes and accounting reports electronically and bring hard copies to the meetings.

Discussion of Plans for Ferry Road and Sheffield Street Dock

Mr. Neilson brought dock plans and discussed the suggested plans for Ferry Dock.  He asked the commission how they wished to proceed with regard to the existing T dock.  Should the T Dock be removed?  Mr. Neilson discussed extending the dock and what it would entail.  He noted that moving forward with the existing T would be very costly.  He noted that the information he had for water depths was very preliminary.  Mr. Goduti noted that the T prevents us from expanding the docks.  Another question was do we want all of the docks to be floating.  Mr. Goduti, in speaking with Dan Rutan, said to rip everything out would be approximately $30K-$40K.  He noted that 100 feet of heavy duty dock would be about $65K.  A survey is scheduled for August 12, 2016.

It was decided that Mr. Neilson will return to the September meeting and the clerk will invite a representative from the Police Department and a representative from the Fire Department to attend as well.

Harbor Master/Dock Master Report – Mr. Mitchell could not get out of work to attend the meeting.  

  • Referral memorandum from Geraldine Lewis, Secretary, Zoning Commission re “Daycare” Petition.  Zoning Commission has heard this at their last meeting.  It is favorable and does not impact and water authority.
Dispensation to Rule 11:    

  • Edson Bourn:  Cruising most of summer.  Requesting waiver of Rule 11;
  • Tad Szot:  Boat being repaired: Requesting waiver of Rule 11;
  • Golicz: Major failures with both boats: Clothesline & North Cove deep water;
Got a late start with problems; should be on moorings now;
  • Milke:  Had to wait for high tide to enter and exit from North Cove mooring and with work schedule, that didn’t work out. Had to move boat to Stonington mooring but will return to North Cove in mid August.

DEEP: OLISP Applications:   

  • None
New Business
Mr. Goduti noted that Selectman Fortuna was attending the Historic District Commission meeting being held opposite Cromwell with regard to the sign that would be erected and that he was going to try to attend as well.

Mr. Goduti also reported that he spoke to Selectman Fortuna about the driftwood and stones at the Clothesline Marina.  He also asked about dog plastic dispensers near the Clothesline at the house just west of the boat landing on North Cove Road.

Old Business
No updates.

Payment of Bills
A motion to pay the clerk, CWC, State of Connecticut, Harbor Master, and Saybrook Hardware was made by Mr. Connolly, seconded by Mr. Cole and was so VOTED unanimously.

Adjournment:  A motion to adjourn at 8:16 P.M. was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Connolly and was so VOTED unanimously.

Submitted:  Gerri Lewis, Clerk