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HMC Minutes 09/14/2015
     302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone: 860-395-3123     Facsimile: 860-395-3125
                           SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 7:PM
                             ACTON PUBLIC LIBRARY

1.  Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm by Chairman Ray Collins.

2.  Roll Call:
Present: Ray Collins, Chairman; Les Bowman, Secretary; Dick Goduti; David Cole; Gerri Lewis, Clerk; Scott Mitchell, Harbor Master

Absent:  George Wall

3.  Citizens with Business before the Commission:   None

4.  Minutes: Meeting  8/10/15
A motion to approve minutes of  8/10/15 regular meeting was made by Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Cole and was so VOTED unanimously.

5.  Clerk Report
Clerk reported as follows:
Continue to pick up the mail in the Selectman’s office daily; copy checks; fill out Treasurer’s Report for deposit and bring to Treasurer, Bob Fish.  In contact with IT weekly.  Website is up to date.  In contact with accounting for payment of bills, monthly reports, and payroll.  
At the Board of Finance Meeting, a payment of $3,000 to the Harbormaster was approved and paid from Harbor Management Fund.  After a voucher sign by the HMC Chairman, it was submitted to Accounting Department and a check was issued to Harbormaster.  Continue to receive emails from the selectman’s office and emails from mooring holders and new requests regarding moorings and wait list applications for the same. Chairman copied on all incoming and outgoing emails.  

North Cove Wait List New:  Dennis Vitro, Old Saybrook;  Dale Robinson, Middlefield; David Colvin, Old Saybrook; Amelia Vinciguerra, Old Saybrook;
Clothesline Wait List New:  Bill Farrell, Old Saybrook; Dennis Vitro, Old Saybrook;
Ferry Dock Wait List:  None
Continuing to reorganize and make new files for file cabinet in town hall vault.

A motion to approve Dennis Vitro, Old Saybrook;  Dale Robinson, Middlefield; David Colvin, Old Saybrook; Amelia Vinciguerra, Old Saybrook;
to the North Cove Wait List was made by Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Cole and was so VOTED unanimously.

A motion to approve Bill Farrell, Old Saybrook; Dennis Vitro, Old Saybrook to the Clothesline Wait List was made by Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Cole and was so VOTED unanimously.

6.  OS Town Dock – DOCKO – As Built Survey
Mr. Collins referred to the email he forwarded to the commission regarding an As Built survey of town dock property.that he received from DOCKO.  He noted that this would be needed to move forward.  Mr. Bowman confirmed that DEEP would require an As Built survey.  Mr. Cole was concerned that before moving forward that the current docks are not uniform and not constructed well.  Mr. Goduti commented do we need a survey and how will we pay for this. He recommended that HMC should talk to Selectman’s office with regard to insurance and costs.  Mr. Collins noted that it would have to be paid out of the Harbor Management Fund, which if approved would have to go to the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance.

A motion by Mr. Collins to approve the As Built survey and recommend to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance the appropriation of funds for consideration was seconded by Mr. Bowman.  After a short discussion:  Mr. Collins withdrew his motion and Mr. Bowman withdrew is second.  

At 7:14 Mr. Goduti made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation, seconded by Mr. Bowman and it was so voted unanimously.  Executive Session ended at 7:18.  No votes were taken.

7.  North Cove wait list update:  See Clerk Report.
8. Ferry Road wait list update:  See Clerk Report.
9.  Clothesline wait list update:  See Clerk Report.

10.  Waterways:  No report.  Chairman instructed clerk to take this off the agenda going forward, as it is covered under old business.

11.  Harbor Master Report:  
Mr. Mitchell reported that Dan Rutan will do the job of pulling the moorings this year.  Mr. Rutan will charge the HMC $6,500.00, the same as last year.  The commission was concerned about broken moorings and also placement of moorings after they were pulled last year.  Mr. Mitchell assured the commission that he would be present to monitor the job and that it would be done on time.

Mr. Mitchell reported that there will be approximately 8 openings in the Clothesline Marina.  

Rule 11 was discussed.  Mr. Bowman proposed that enforcement be waived this year due to conditions in the Cove.  The following motion was made:

A motion to waive enforcement of Rule 11 was made by Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Collins and it was so VOTED unanimously.

Mr. Goduti reported that he spoke with Selectman Fortuna about the abandoned boat.  Mr. Fortuna is concerned about the situation and how it is being handled.  Mr. Collins will follow up with Selectman’s office.

12.  Correspondence

  • Letter from Zoning Commission:  Public Hearing set for Monday; October 5, 2015, OS Town Hall, first floor conf. room, 7:00 p.m. to hear Petition to Amend the Old Saybrook Zoning Map from Residence AA-1 District to the Industrial District.  This is in the Coastal Management District.  
Dispensation to Rule 11:     
  • David Faulkner: Catastrophic vessel failure; off mooring this season. He noted that Harbormaster was aware of this.
  • David Long: Damage to sailboat’s center board.  Unable to launch vessel.  If cannot use, offer to Town for their use.
  • Joseph Milke: Sitting in mud; had to spend more time at their Mystic Mooring.
DEEP: OLISP Applications:   
  • Fedus Engineering, LLC:  Copy of Derelict Structure Removal Application at 137 Nehantic Trail in Old Saybrook.
  • DEEP Application for repair of existing concrete seawall at 165 Plum Bank Road, Old Saybrook.
13.    New Business  - Review and set fees for next season
After discussion, the commission decided not to raise the fees for the upcoming year.  

It was discussed, however, to increase the minimum fee for Ferry Dock to $750.00 to apply to all slip holders.  This includes the commercial fishing discount fee which will be increased to $750.00 as well.

A motion made by Mr. Bowman to increase the minimum fees at Ferry Dock to $750.00 was seconded by Mr. Collins.  Motion passed by Mr. Collins, Mr. Bowman and Mr. Goduti.  Mr. Cole abstained.

14.    Old Business
A motion to add “FOI Complaint” was made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Mr. Bowman.

After discussion, it was agreed that since no Commission action was anticipated on this matter at this meeting, there was no need to vote to officially add to agenda, and the motion was not voted.~~

At this time, Mr. Collins noted for the record that due to his serious, ongoing health problems, he was not able to make the meetings.  He respectfully asked that Mr. Goduti drop the complaint.  

North Cove project update:  Mr. Bowman spoke about the email he had circulated to the commission.  He reported the the ACOE’s intention is to dredge North Cove in 2016.

15.    Bills for Payment:   
A motion to pay Clerk; Olsen Sanitation; DOCKO, Beard Lumber was made by Mr. Cole, seconded by Mr. Bowman and it was so VOTED unanimously.

16:   Adjournment: A motion to adjourn at 7:56 was seconded and passed.

Submitted: Gerri Lewis, Clerk