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HMC Minutes 04/13/2015
    302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
       Telephone: 860-395-3123     Facsimile: 860-395-3125
                                 MARCH 9, 2015 7:PM
                            ACTON PUBLIC LIBRARY

1.  Call to Order:
    The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Ray Collins.

2.  Roll Call:
Present: Ray Collins, Chairman; Les Bowman, Secretary; Dick Goduti; George Wall; Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Absent: David Cole; Scott Mitchell

3.  Citizens with Business before the Commission:   
Richard Peters, representative for Historic District Commission noted that Ms. Aldi could not come to the meeting.  He spoke about the guardrail/plantings in the Clothesline area.  He passed a drawing to the Commission for their review.  He questioned the commission that if in its altered form, would the Commission object to the plantings.  The Commission had several questions which Mr. Peters did not have most of the information.  Henri David came to the meeting to say he was in favor of the planting plan.

4.  Minutes: Meeting 3/9/15
A motion by Mr. Bowman  to approve the minutes of March 9, 2015 was seconded by Mr. Goduti.  Motion passed with Mr. Wall abstaining.

6.  Clerk Report

New Ferry Dock Wait List applications:  3/8/15; Barbara Neilsen, 12 Wood Pond Lane; OS; 19’ power boat; 2’ draft.  4/3/2015 Frank Borzenski, 18 Second Ave., OS.

New North Cove Wait List applications: 3/2/15:  Charles Whynacht; 3/8/15; Barbara Neilsen, 12 Wood Pond Lane; OS; 19’ power boat; 2’ draft.

New Clothesline Wait List applications: 3/8/15; Barbara Neilsen, 12 Wood Pond Lane; OS; 19’ power boat; 2’ draft.

A motion to approve the wait list applications was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Bowman and motion passed unanimously.

7.  North Cove;

81 Coulter Street # 4
Old Saybrook
426 Maple Avenue
Old Saybrook
13 Cromwell Place
Old Saybrook
11 Birch Street
Old Saybrook
88 North Cove Road
Old Saybrook
111 Evan Road
41 S First Street
11 Deerfield Road
Old Saybrook
23 Whipporwill Road
Old Lyme
5 Donnelly Road
Old Saybrook
173 Burr Road
79 Wrights Pond Road
Cari Mae
36 Cranberry Lane
28 Green Meadow Road
Old Saybrook
10 Sunset Road
Old Saybrook
43 Eagle Hollow

A motion to approve new placements in North Cove was made by Mr. Goduti, seconded by Mr. Bowman and motion passed unanimously.
8.   Ferry Road
The commission discussed the payment of fees regarding Scott Clark.  Mr. Collins instructed the clerk to send a letter to Scott Clark noting that going forward timely payments must be made for his slip.

There was a discussion about the pilings at Ferry Road.  Mr. Wall noted that there are no caps on the pilings and there should be.  He suggested that Scott take care of this.  It was also noted that Scott would repair the float on the south side at Ferry Dock.

8c.  Plantings

At this time, the following motion was made:

A motion to approve the planting plan as adjusted was made by Mr. Collins, and seconded by Mr. Bowman.

Discussion:  Mr. Bowman expressed his concerns about the arrangements: ownership and maintenance and watering.  Who will pay for maintenance, trim and raking.  Mr. Goduti informed the commission that he spoke with Geoff Jacobsen, town engineer and that there would be problems with shrubs in a parking area against a guard rail.  He also noted that there are numerous regulations for delineation of guard rails.  Mr. Goduti gave the memo from the town engineer to Mr. Peters.

There was no vote on this motion.

Mr. Collins then made a motion to deny the planting plan, seconded by Mr. Wall and the motion passed with Mr. Bowman abstaining.

9.   Clothesline:  See Clerk Report above.

10.  Harbor Master Report:  None

11.  Correspondence
  • Zoning Commission: Petition to Amend the Old Saybrook Zoning Map from Residence AA-1 District to the Industrial District.  No Action requested unless there is an objection.
Dispensation to Rule 11:     
  • None
.DEEP: OLISP Applications:   
  • Certificate of Permission; Cornfield Point Association: Cap existing rock jetty.   No action requested.

12.    New Business   None

13.    Old Business
After extended discussion, Mr. Bowman moved that Mr. Goduti be authorized to act on behalf of the Commission to find a way to remove the blue derelict vessel that has been anchored for an extended time unattended between the Baldwin Bridge and the Railroad bridge. There being no second, motion failed.

Mr. Bowman updated the Commission about actions in progress to gain approval and funding for maintenance dredging of North Cove. The Army Corps has completed a survey of depths in the dredged portion of the Cove and intends to do next step core samplings within the month. The State D.O.T. is working with the State Bonding Commission to provide $450,000 in funds for the biohazard testing that would likely be required after the core sampling.  He reported that dredging North Cove to use the spoils as cap material if test standards are met will be critical to complete several other state dredging projects that require capping, and should provide support for our dredging. However, there are still many hurdles to be overcome to actually dredge.

The commissioners had a general discussion about several administrative issues regarding the timeliness of correspondence to mooring holders and waiting list participants. The chairman agreed to follow up with responsible parties.

Mr. Collins reviewed some preliminary good news about possible availability of space at Ferry Road for a dinghy and kayak facility. He will continue to follow up and report back as the opportunity develops.

Mr. Wall offered a brief update on C.G. approval of the Commission’s pending request for a designated anchorage area in the River.

There was a general discussion about the replacement sign at the mouth of North Cove. Mr. Collins will continue to follow up with the D.E.E.P. for a placement permit. There was also a brief discussion about the status of the earlier Aldi claim about a boundary discrepancy regarding the North Cove Rd. launch area.

14.    Bills for Payment:       
Mr. Collins reported that after a conversation with management at Between the Bridges Marina, the two invoices carried over from March will be withdrawn. Pending further action by Between the Bridges, the bills and invoices presented by the clerk were approved. Motion Bowman, second Goduti Voted UNAMIOUSLY.

 15:   Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made and seconded.

Submitted:  Gerri Lewis, Clerk