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HMC Minutes 3/21/12 Joint with BOS
MARCH 21, 2012   7:00 P.M.

CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Ray Collins, called the Special Meeting of the Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:00 P.M.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Ray Collins, Chairman                   George Wall
Les Bowman, Secretary
Dick Goduti
David Cole

In Attendance
First Selectman Carl Fortuna
Selectman Scott Giegerich
Larry Bonin, Director Public Works
Keith B. Neilson, PE, DOCKO, Inc.
David L. Freed, PE, GNCB
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Mr. Collins noted that he had 3 sets of plans for the Ferry Road Project and asked Mr. Freed to give a brief overview of the plans.

Mr. Freed noted that the plans were meant to simplify things.  Based on the test borings and pits, he reported that many sections of the stone pier do not need steel sheeting.  GNCB did the design themselves assisted by a marine contractor.  Mr. Freed believes that they can stay within the budget.

At this time, Mr. Freed asked Mr. Neilson to discuss the permitting process and a timeline.  Mr. Neilson noted that the permit, to be on the safe side, contained more work than what will be bid.  He gave the following timeline:

  • Permit - 90 days, due to Irene;
  • The Bid - 30 days;
  • Award Process – 30 days
This would bring us into the Fall.  Boating activity will diminish and the weather is usually decent for this type of work.  Mr. Neilson reported that the construction techniques were kept general and, again, the scope of work on the application is more than what we need.  Mr. Neilson noted that he would like to be able to take the signed COP back with him.  He noted that the permit is valid for 3 years.

Mr. Collins inquired as to costs.  Mr. Freed noted that he was hesitant to give a number because he hadn’t really looked at costs closely enough at this time.  Mr. Freed reiterated that this was a pier modification; a stabilizing.

Mr. Goduti commented that he felt the biggest problem in the future is whether this can be profitable for the town of Old Saybrook.  He noted that we need to make this as self sufficient as possible so it won’t be a tax burden on the town.

There was a brief discussion on the usage of fixed docks.  Mr. Goduti wondered about Zoning regulations in this regard.

At this time Mr. Freed went over the plan layout details and notes for the selectmen.  He reported that the “notes” section of the plan and the work defined was in column 5.  The base bid would be on the following scope of work:
  • a.   Steel Sheeting
  • b.  Timber Sheeting
  • c.   Raising the wall
  • d.  Chink the voids & make stable
At 7:40 p.m. First Selectman Fortuna called a joint meeting with the Harbor Management Commission and the Board of Selectmen.

Mr. Fortuna moved that the BOS enter into an agreement with the HMC to work on the Ferry Road Project and sign the COP permit application.  Motion seconded by Mr. Giegerich.  Motion passed.  Mr. Fortuna then adjourned the BOS meeting.

At this time, Selectman Fortuna signed the COP permit application and the compliance form and returned it to Mr. Neilson who will send it in to the DEEP.  Mr. Fortuna noted that he was happy that everyone was able to work together on this and that it was a long time coming.

Mr. Collins thanked everyone for their participation and asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion:  To adjourn at 7:47 p.m.

Moved:  D. Goduti                                 Second: L. Bowman


Approved:  4-0-0

      Respectfully Submitted,

                Gerri Lewis, Clerk