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Harbor Management Commission Minutes 3/19/2012
Harbor Management Commission
March 19, 2012
1.      Call to Order
Chairman Ray Collins called the special meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:03 p.m.
  • Roll Call:
Ray Collins, Chairman
Les Bowman, Secretary
Richard Goduti
3.      At 7:05 p.m. Mr. Goduti MOVED and Mr. Bowman SECONDED that the Commission move to Executive Session to address personnel matters. VOTED 3-0-0.
4.      At 7:25 p.m. Mr. Goduti MOVED and Mr. Bowman SECONDED that the Commission close the Executive Session and resume the open Special Meeting. VOTED 3-0-0.
5.      Mr. Goduti MOVED and Mr. Bowman SECONDED that Ms. Geraldine M. Lewis be offered the position of Clerk for the Harbor Management Commission. VOTED 3-0-0. Ms. Lewis, who was in attendance, accepted.
6.      Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
L. A. Bowman, Acting Recorder