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01.09.2012 Regular Meeting Minutes

`               TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
302 Main Street • Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 • FAX (860) 395-3125

             Regular Meeting - January 9, 2012  

1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Ray Collins, Chairman
Les Bowman, Secretary
Dick Goduti
David Cole
George Wall
Scott Mitchell, Dock Master
Ruth Hockert, Clerk
4 members of the public
Dave Freed, GNCB and Keith Nielsen, Docko

3.      Election of Officers

Motion - Les Bowman nominated Ray Collins, David Cole seconded;
Dick Goduti moved to nominate George Wall, he declined
Dick Goduti moved to nominate Dave Cole, he declined
The clerk cast one vote for the election of Ray Collins as Chairman

Motion – Dave Cole nominated Les Bowman for secretary, Ray Collins seconded
The clerk cast one vote for Les Bowman as secretary

4.      Citizens with Business before the Commission
Marty Ladd asked Mr. Collins about the letter he sent to the Ethics Commission. He asked if the letter was sent as a personal letter or if he sent the letter as the Chairman of the Harbor Commission. Mr. Ladd felt the letter should have indicated that it was from Mr. Collins personally.

5.      Minutes of the December meeting

Motion- Dick Goduti moved to table the minutes until the next meeting, Les Bowman seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

6.      Clerk Report
All mooring notes and concerns are under North Cove
Clerk brought to the attention of the Commission that six weeks ago she sent a letter to First Selectman Carl Fortuna and Chairman Ray Collins strongly suggesting that the Commission be given a desk space in the town hall and that hours be posted. The Commission business has expanded and the Selectman’s Office now give out the clerk’s home phone number and home email on a regular basis and she receives call all hours of the day and night including weekends. This move would give the Commission a number on the town phone system as well as a town email address. Mr. Collins felt that this was an excellent suggestion. When he spoke with Mr. Fortuna the Selectman felt he was new in office and was unclear about where there may be space.

7.      North Cove
Mooring Renewals
Hirschorn – The Commission received Mr. Hirschorn’s completed   application in response to their letter.
Westberg - The Commission will send a letter – his mooring application is not   consistent with the renewal policy
Syndey Anderson submitted letter regarding registering the vessel to an LLC, it was read into the minutes
Les Bowman spoke regarding the ownership of the boat owners. He mentioned the business. Les said he reviewed the Harbor Management Plan and could find no place where is stated that LLC’s were not allowed to own boats, and since the mooring holder is the member of the LLC is seems straight forward.

Motion – Les Bowman moved to accept Syndey Anderson’s mooring application with the registration being in the name of the LLC
Discussion the clerk asked as record keeper whether there needed to be any changes to the mooring list to record this ownership, it was decided no change was necessary.
Dave Cole seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

North Cove - Wait List update – none

50% request Fred Volker
The Commission has received its first 50% exemption request from Fred   Volker based on his extended cruising plans.
Motion – Les Bowman moved to approve Fred Volker’s request for an exemption to Rule 11, George Wall seconded
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

8.      Ferry Dock
        Wait List – none

Ferry Road project – Dave Freed and Keith Nielson
Dave Freed came to the Commission to present to the Commission a conceptual design. Three additional test pits were dug (total of 5). The walls are a single layer of stone, inside there is coarser stone. The site needs to be improved; bow in the wall, northeast corner is falling apart and the south side has areas where there is almost no wall at all. Dave suggests considering some remedies.
i.e. some horizontal ties, some sheathing, 150-200 foot of wall drive some new timber piles alongside existing piles leaving 6 foot spaces; Dave Freed will now work with a marine contractor for a preliminary design and an estimate. Dave needs to additional calculations regarding the sheathing and timber piles before making a cost estimate.

David Cole asked how many feet of sheet pile might be needed.  Dave Freed thinks 75 feet.

Dick Goduti asked how the ramps are going to be affixed to the wall.  Keith Nielsen responded by saying the rail would be wood so the ramps can be attached directly, or it would be a wood timber mounted on steel.  Dick also asked if it would be feasible to raise the rail to a significant height to create a height barrier to keep cars from driving in. Dave Freed is concerned about putting too much weight along the edge. He believes fencing would be a better approach. Keith Nielsen mentioned facing the steel with wood as a potential stop for cars.

The point is made by both Dave Freed and Keith Nielsen that dredging should not occur within 5 feet of the new work.

There was discussion that the end of the T dock does not go under water in a storm, so could the height be consistent with the height of the dock?

Les Bowman asked if the milling were a potential problem that might rear its head, Larry Bonin said he contacted DEEP and they said it was fine to put down the millings.

9.      Harbor Master Report – none

10.     Dock Master Report
Scott Mitchell reports that there are still two dinghies and two kayaks still down on Sheffield Street. Scott Mitchell asked if the chains should be cut and the kayaks removed to the town garage. Larry Bonin said they could be stored at the town garage.

Motion – George Wall moved remove the dinghies to the town garage area, Les Bowman seconded. It was assumed that owners would contact the Selectman’s Office or Police Department that the kayaks were missing. Owners would be able to make arrangements to pick them up.
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

There are two mushrooms by the dinghy rack that belong over at the yacht club because of the poor job done by Dan Rutan and his company. The mushrooms were clearly tagged with yellow ribbons. The two on the dock can be moved to the Town Garage.

Scott Mitchell is working on the layout for next year. He did a sounding at the end of the season.

Scott Mitchell reports that some of the dock planks are treacherous; he needs to get replacement dock planks. Scott will research where he can get the 5 planks he believes he needs. Consensus was to get the planks

Scott Mitchell would like to purchase angle brackets for the floating docks down at the Sheffield Dock. Consensus was it is important to keep the docks safe and Scott should purchase the needed brackets.

11.     Correspondence
Ethics Commission letter – Ray Collins read the Ethics Commission letter into the minutes of the meeting.
        Les Bowman noted that the Ethics Commission provided no guidance.
Ray Collins does not believe there was an ethics violation. The mistake was corrected immediately. He as Chairman can chastise Ms. Hockert  NOT to make the mistake again.

Motion – Les Bowman moved to discuss the Ethics Commission letter, David Cole seconded
5-0-0 motion approved.

Dick Goduti felt he tried to discuss it and was shut down

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to send to the First Selectman the whole matter, George Wall seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

1/7/2012 Tentative Approval – Fenwood – repair stone pier - reviewed
12/2011 COP application- Caruso 135 Plum Bank Road - reviewed
12/2011 COP application – JKL, LLC – reviewed
     12/2011 COP application – Loiselle – 125 Plum Bank Road – replace sea             wall; the Commission received the tentative approval in today’s mail. The       Commission does have a consultation form to complete.

Motion- David Cole moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the consultation form in that it is consistent with the Harbor Management Plan, Les Bowman seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

12.     New Business
2012-2013 Annual Budget
There was discussion regarding the reallocation of percentages of expenses to the Harbor Management Fund. It was unclear how to proceed. The Chairman will bring the form to the Selectmen for assistance in its completion.

Motion – Les Bowman moved to approve the Annual Budget as recommended by the administration at the Town Hall; George Wall seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

Sales tax procedure –

Motion- Dave Coles moved to set up a separate line item in the Harbor Management Fund for sales tax, Les Bowman seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

13.     Old Business
Coast Guard Anchorage designation (add to agenda every month)
George Wall is working with Coast Guard in New Haven who is helping to get this to Boston and then to Washington. George Wall is drafting a letter.

North Cove policies – tabled

Proposed change to Zoning Regulations for purposes of allowing a dock- In follow up to last month’s discussion regarding the change to the zoning regulations and the building of docks on empty lots. Dick Goduti believes that the Commission should move slowly. Les Bowman reminded the Commission that they asked the attorney to provide information to the Commission stating how many lots this may affect. There is a concern that this would increase the docking out in Old Saybrook.

14.     Correspondence
        Invoice from McDonald Sharpe – Ray Collins will bring the invoice to First Selectman Carl Fortuna.

15.     Payment of bills
DRS $123.83
GNCB $ 2250.00
USPS $ 257.00
Ruth Hockert $ 306.00
CT Water Co. $ 45.65

Motion – George Wall moved to pay the submitted invoices, David Cole seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

16.     Adjournment

        Motion – Ray Collins moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk