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09.12.2011 Regular Meeting Minutes
`               TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street • Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 • FAX (860) 395-3125
REGULAR MEETING - September 12, 2011  

1.      Call to Order
Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call       
Ray Collins, Chairman
Les Bowman, Secretary
George Wall
Dick Goduti
David Cole arrived at 7:18 p.m.
Scott Mitchell, Dock Master
Ruth Hockert, Clerk
2 members of the public

3.      Citizens with Business before the Commission
First Selectwoman Carol Manning brought a copy of the report prepared by Jean Golicz regarding the history of the Ferry Dock area. Copies will be made and distributed to the Commission and Ms. Manning will provide a copy of the report to the state for consideration.

4.      Minutes of previous meetings- July 2011August 2011

Motion – Les Bowman moved to approve the minutes, George Wall seconded; Dick Goduti requested that his opinion be added to the discussion of the minutes from last meeting that the problem at Ferry Dock project was not that the bids exceeded the dollar amount but that the grant was never fully funded. He requested that the grant application be attached as an attachment
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Motion – Dick Goduti moved to approve the August 2011 minutes as submitted, George Wall seconded
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

5.      Gary Gavigan, Brief presentation proposed maritime gathering 2013
Mr. Gavigan would like to make the 10 towns from Haddam to Clinton  a destination for the summer of 2013. He explained his vision. Notice attached.

6.      Clerk Report
        The library has been reserved for a special meeting for next Monday night.

Looking for guidance regarding mailing out the mooring permits. - The Chairman confirms that the Commission will try and finish the North Cove policies at their special meeting next week so permit renewals can go out in a timely manner.

7.      North Cove
        North Cove Wait List update – Add Vickie Silvia, Donald  Whitehead and James                    Biggart

Motion-  Dick Goduti moved to approve adding Silvia, Whitehead and Biggart to the wait list, David Cole seconded
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Rule 11 letters, Hirshhorn, Varian, Milke , Rich,
        Hirschhorn an FYI  letter send him a not a problem letter
        Varian – an FYI letter send them a not a problem  letter
        Rich – an FYI letter send a not a problem letter
        Milke – an FYI letter send a not a problem letter

Motion – Les Bowman moved to send the above-referenced letters to the mooring holders, David Cole second
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Robert Murphy, currently a North Cove mooring holder sent letter notifying the Commission of his purchase of a larger vessel. He has gone from a 25 foot sail boat to a 36 foot sail boat. The Commission will send a letter saying there is no guarantee that he will get a mooring for the larger vessel this coming season.

        Clothesline Wait List update – Add George Knightly      

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to add George Knightly to the clothesline wait list,  Les Bowman seconded
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

8.      Ferry Road
Wait List- no changes
Repairs - Scott Mitchell repaired the planks on the main dock, made two new ramps, is trying to get a floating dock from Between the Bridges.
Scott asked Larry Bonan to get the dock that is banging up against the pilings and Larry will remove it with a backhoe. David Cole suggested that the dock be left until FEMA comes down and inspects the damage from the hurricane. There was some stone removed from the storm.

9.      Harbor Master Report – none

10.     Dock Master Report
The only mooring that moved during the storm was Robert Dean’s .
Scott Mitchell had stored the North Cove sign up the cove for safety and has put it back in place. He has had to relocate the channel moorings to their proper location. A No Wake buoy drifted down and entangled in one of the moorings outside North Cove. Scott contacted DEEP and let them know that the No Wake buoy was out of position.

Scott has made the repairs necessary at the Sheffield Street dock. It is good for the rest of the season.

The electric light at the end of Sheffield Street has been on continuously. Larry Bonan will contact CL & P and have them reset the photo cell.

Dick Goduti believes that the Commission should add a second piling to each float at the Ferry Dock and that would stabilize the float. He estimates the piling cost to be $ 1,000 a piece based on the Commission’s work this spring/

Scott Mitchell notified the Commission that the boats from the river moorings have been relocated into the cove until the debris stops coming down the river.

11.     Correspondence
        Copy of North Cove’s Dock approval

        Received tentative determination for Waterbury Avenue, (Oyster River)
        Old Saybrook         

12.     New Business
        Six month review of Dock Master (tabled to later in the meeting)

13.     Old Business
Discuss - Coast Guard special anchorage designation/re-designation
George Wall distributed research information he has located. George proposed a new policy regarding anchor lights and special anchorages. He proposes a new designation for North Cove and the mooring area outside North Cove Road. He proposes expanding an existing special anchorage in the area of Calves Island west. The request to do these actions would go to the Coast Guard who would coordinate with the Army Corp and other necessary organizations. The process will take about a year. George reviewed the documents with the Commission.

The question was raised whether the Harbor Management Plan would need to be changed if the special anchorages were designated. That will need exploration.

Establishment of subaccount- After a brief discussion the consensus is the      Commission should create a subaccount for Ferry Dock expenses.

Mission statement- subcommittee – Les Bowman submitted a draft of a Study Committee Project Charter and it reviewed it with the Commission.

Dick Goduti believes he has done three things regarding the Ferry Dock.  He has spoken to Keith Nielsen of DOCKO, Inc. , spoken with the engineer from Gibble Norden and he initiated the subcommittee starting research into  the historical significance of the dock for possible funding.

Les Bowman asked since the Commission has decided to move forward on Ferry Dock that Dick Goduti consider rescinding his motion to develop a sub-committee to work on Ferry Dock.

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to rescind the motion approved at the July meeting  to establish a subcommittee, George Wall seconded; this action will then disband the subcommittee
5-0-0 ,motion approved unanimously

14.     Payment of bills
Michael Cronin, Esq still unpaid
Additional invoices as submitted

Motion-  David Cole moved to pay the submitted invoices from Olsen Sanitation, Saybrook Hardware and Ruth Hockert , George Wall seconded
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

12.     Six month review of Scott Master, Dock Master

Chairman Ray Collins read into the Minutes a letter from Michael Pace, First Selectman to Commission regarding : Scott Mitchell( copy attached)

Dick Goduti went on record to say that he believes he is Scott’s biggest backer. However, he went on to list some of his concerns.

Les Bowman clarified that he initially spoke against appointing Scott Dock Master and Harbor Master believing it an inherent conflict of responsibility but that had nothing to do with Scott’s ability to act as Dock Master. He believes that Scott is doing a good job.

Ray Collins stated that Scott has done an excellent job.

David Cole also stated he believed Scott is doing an excellent job.

15.     Adjournment

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.      

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert