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07.11.2011 Regular Meeting Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
        302 Main Street • Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3123 • FAX (860) 395-3125

JULY 11, 2011 7:00 P.M.

1.      Call to Order
Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:10 p.m.

2.      Roll Call       
Ray Collins, Chairman
Dick Goduti
David Cole
Les Bowman, Secretary
Ruth Hockert, Clerk
Scott Mitchell, Dock Master arrived at 7:20 p.m.
Approximately 10 members of public

3.      Citizens with Business before the Commission
Paul Connolly confirmed to the Commission that his boat will not go into the water this season. His mooring has been yellow tagged.  He already has been granted an exemption.

Carol Manning wants to speak about the Ferry Dock but will wait until it comes up on the agenda.

4.      Minutes of previous meetings-  June 13, 2011

Motion – David Cole moved to approve the June 13th Minutes as submitted, Les Bowman seconded
4-0-0 motion was approved unanimously.

5.      Clerk Report
At this time in the season the number of mooring permits issued is down from previous years.

The clerk mentioned that next year perhaps a letter should be sent to the beach area mooring holders so that the Dock Master is not doing one inspection and permit every week or so but is able to batch them.
6.      North Cove
Ray Collins brought to the attention of the Commission that there are no more parking stickers available.
Dick Goduti said permits were needed. David Cole asked if temporary stickers could be developed. The permits issued however, are made to stick to the windows.

Motion- Les Bowman moved to order more parking stickers for this year and consider the options next year, David Cole seconded
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Wait List update – no changes

        Rule 11 exemption requests,     
        E. Don Smith
        Garrett Keenan
        Peter Gillen
        The clerk wanted it noted that she had been handed a request by Michael Pace    
        earlier in the day and was unable to locate it at this time in the meeting. His request         will be handled in      August.

        Motion – David Cole, moved to approve the 50% exemption requests of Senay,      Dodd, Smith, Keenan, and Gillen, Les Bowman seconded
        4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

7.      Ferry Road
        Wait List- no changes

        New Business

Motion - Dick Goduti noted the presence of the engineer for the Harbor One application and moved to hear Coastline Consulting’s comments regarding Harbor One at this point in the agenda, Les Bowman seconded
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Jeff Westemeyer of Coastline Consulting was here to answer any questions or comments regarding the Harbor One application for redesign of docks and dredging.

Dick Goduti stated he had studied proposal and had no issues.

Motion – Les Bowman moved to approve signing consulting form for Harbor One’s application, David Cole seconded
4-0-0 motion approved

8.      Ferry Dock continued

Ken Gibble, from GNB spoke.  The engineer David Fre could not make this evenings meeting so Mr. Gibble came to answer any questions the to the best of his knowledge.

Carol Manning asked about the proposal.

Mr. Gibble stated that the engineers were hired to see if they could come up with a way to extend the life for 10 years.  GNB (herein the “firm”) feels confident their proposal should extend life of dock for 10 years. There are no guarantees, however. When asked about dredging the engineers were told there would be no dredging.

Dick Goduti expressed his concerns about dredging because of what the neighbors may be doing with dredging.  For instance if they dredge would it just fill in the Ferry Dock area quickly?

Mr. Gibble also noted that dredging to 5 or 6 feet of the face of the wall, could cause the wall to collapse.

Dick Goduti asked about retaining the fill in the engineer’s proposal. How would the structure hold the fill? Mr. Gibble was not sure.

The firm tested 3 borings and 3 test pits on the existing pier which enabled them to determine what the soils are. There were no water borings. The cost of those is very high.  The inexpensive investigation (borings and test pits) showed what the soils are. The firm believes that the proposed solution is workable but without knowing what the soils are outside of the existing pier it is hard to be sure.

Dick Goduti stated he had called the DEP and the office of OPM regarding the STEAP grant and asking whether the scope of the project could be changed.
Dick suggests that the process be slowed down; to get input from fisherman, the Historical Society, and other organizations. Dick feels there is no pressing reason to do the work

Ray Collins disagreed and he spoke with DEP and they thought the work was within the scope of the project His concern is having a safe area for the slip owners who have paid for a permit, to use. Ray is also concerned that if the repairs are not done the town may shut the facility down because of safety concerns.

Dick Goduti feels that other possibilities are out there such as getting the dock it designated a historic site.

Dave Cole asked Mr. Gibble if water testing had to be done if the sheet metal sheathing was used. Mr. Gibble was not sure.

Linda Kinsella, President of the O.S. Historical Society interested in the historic part of the river. She asked the Commission to consider the proposed stop gap measure (her words for the STEAP grant project) with a leaning toward the historic prospective. The O.S. Historic Society would be interested what they can use it for including tourism, etc.

Carol Manning stated there will be no joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen but thanked the Commission for their willingness to participate.

Ken Gibble felt the Commission should know what the parameters are before moving forward on the project; for instance is there a historic interest, is this primarily for commercial fisherman, is this primarily for recreational boats.

Jean Golicz member of the OS Historical Society and CT History of the teacher of the year asked that the Commission not “trash” historic nature of the dock.

Motion- Dick Goduti moved that the Harbor Commission seek to put together a group of interested persons to work with the Commission to develop a long term solution accomplished in stages, David Cole seconded
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

9.      Harbor Master Report – none

10.     Dock Master Report
Scott Mitchell reported that many of the ramps at the Ferry Dock are in sad shape. The ramp and dock need repair by the low water slip. Ray Collins asked Scott to get the ramps and docks re-built, replaced or repaired as necessary.

        David Cole noted that the dumpster has not yet been moved and a port-a-let has  not     yet been delivered.

Scott Mitchell did ask the company that the dumpster be moved
Scott Mitchell did ask the company for a port-a-let be dropped at Ferry Dock
He will call both again.

Dave Cole said if the brush was cut along side the chain fence and then filled the hole you could get 3 -4 more parking spaces. Scott Mitchell will call Public Works.

11.     Correspondence         
Copy of COP for 61 Woodland Drive will be tabled to the next meeting. Mr. Goduti will take the application to review and report at the next meeting.

Consultation package for Fenwood Beach proposed pier rehabilitation

Motion – Les Bowman moved that the Chairman sign the consultation form for the Fenwood Beach Association as they are rehabilitating their existing pier, Dave Cole seconded
4-0-0 motion approved.

Harbor One Marina – Coastline Consulting addressed earlier

The U.S. Army Corp sent out a corrected public notice regarding North Cove Yacht Club.

The DEP sent a tentative determination letter for the North Cove Yacht Club dock application.

12.     New Business
        Zoning Commission referral, Marina Village – remove from agenda
13.     Old Business
        Proposed regulations North Cove – still waiting for input from George Wall

14.     Payment of bills
McDonald-Sharpe - tabled
Michael Cronin, Esq $ 2000.00  no invoice detail – tabled

Saybrook printing $ 270.00
Saybrook Hardware $ 6.99
GNB $ 6500
CT Water Company
Olsen Sanitation $ 83.00
L Wagner $ 4237.50
        DRS $ 676.00

Motion - Dave Cole moved to pay the submitted invoices, Dick Goduti seconded
4-0-0   motion approved unanimously

Mr. Bowman thanked Mr. Gibble for all of his efforts at this evening’s meeting as well as his firm’s efforts on behalf of the Town and the Commission. The information provided by his firm is the first solid information the Commission has received on the condition of the Ferry Dock area.

15.     Adjournment     

        Motion – Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 8:55

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert