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04.25.2011 Special Meeting Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street • Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 • FAX (860) 395-3125
Special Meeting April 25, 2011
1.      Call to order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the Special Meeting of the Old Saybrook
        Harbor Management meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Dick Goduti
Les Bowman
Ray Collins
George Wall
Dave Cole

Ruth Hockert, Clerk
3 members of the public
Carol Manning, Selectwoman

3.      STEAP grant update
Ray Collins summarized a meeting he had with Mike Pace, Michael Cronin, William Peace, Larry Bonan and Les Bowman. Ray stated there is not enough money to do the proposed project. It was decided to do all the wood work i.e. new docks, and ramps. Consensus is the important issue is the safety and condition of the pier. An estimate of cost was submitted by GNCB Consulting Engineers, LLC of Old Saybrook to do the structural testing as detailed in their April 8, 2011 proposal.

Dick Goduti had a couple of questions. Dick asked whose project the Ferry Dock is. Ray Collins explained that the STEAP grant was issued to the Town, not the Commission. Ray further reminded the Commission that the Commission had voted to pay submitted invoices during the project with the HMC fund and be reimbursed by the State.

The town is researching having Docko do a dock design to tie the ramps and docks to the existing pier.

If additional funds need to be spent Dick Goduti  believes that the Commission could spend  money from the harbor management fund. Ray Collins stated that the town counsel explained that any expenditure of the harbor fund must be approved by town meeting. Mr. Goduti disagrees.

There was discussion and members of the public and Ms. Manning were given the opportunity to ask questions and express opinions.

Ray Collins explained to the public that he strongly believes a structural engineering report is needed and had believed that the previous engineering firm McDonald-Sharpe had done a structural review as part of the permitting process for the grant.

Motion - Les Bowman moved to approve payment of the $ 5900 proposal for the structural engineer and related field work, David Cole seconded.
 5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Les Bowman spoke. He said there were a number of opinions regarding the bid proposals.  The grant is town money. The initial bid proposal was poorly done, with many inconsistencies so the final bid proposal had a number of options contractors could piece out such as the dock work, repair to the driveway, etc. and like for like comparison was difficult. No bid came within the $ 250,000 STEAP grant bid range. Additionally the problem with the piece part cost of the amended bids was the bids likely did not include staging and un-staging costs. There was quite a range of bids.

Les Bowman said the discussion at the meeting was what the town can reasonably do to use the STEAP grant money and make some repairs to the Ferry Dock.  Then what additional things can be done with the harbor management plan fund in a reasonable and rational way to do additional work.

Dave Cole asked how much the Commission currently owes McDonald Sharpe. The clerk was unable to respond but would forward the current invoice to commission members the next day. Ray Collins would like to look for a rebate from McDonald-Sharpe because their work was so poor.

After some strong statements from Dick Goduti, Les Bowman stated for the record that he had suggested that if the town cannot find a way to make Ferry Dock safe and viable then one available option would be to shut it down. It was not and is not his recommendation to do so.
4.      Adjournment

        Motion –Ray Collins moved to adjourn – 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Hockert, Clerk