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01.10.2010 Regular Meeting Minutes
        Harbor Management Commission
        302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook         Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:10 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Les Bowman
Ray Collins, Chairman
Dick Goduti
George Wall
Peter Fredrickson, Secretary
Jim Mitchell, Dock Master

Bill Cotter, DOCKO
Scott Mitchell
Ruth Hockert, Clerk

3.      Election of Chairman and Secretary
Motion - Les Bowman moved to nominate Ray Collins as Chairman Pete Fredrickson seconded 
George Wall moved to close nominations
The Secretary cast one vote for Ray Collins for Chairman

Motion - Les Bowman moved to nominate Pete Fredrickson for Secretary
Ray Collins moved to close the nominations
The Secretary cast one vote for Pete Fredrickson, Secretary

4.      Citizens with Business - None

5.      Minutes of December 2009

        Motion - George Wall moved to approve the Minutes of the December
        meeting, Les Bowman seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

6.      North Cove
        50% request - Gerry and Linda Griffin request due to travel

        Motion - Les Bowman moved to approve the Griffins request for an
        exemption to the 50% rule for the 2010 season; Pete Fredrickson seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Letter from Ralph Rooke explaining why he did not use his clothesline space; he was     in a severe bicycle accident

        Motion, Les Bowman moved to accept his letter, Pete Fredrickson seconded
        4-1-0   Motion approved, Dick Goduti against
        Note a letter will be sent; notice regarding more timely notification

        Jim Mitchell notified the Commission that he would like to move Pete Fredrickson in     some this year as Peter has been in the cove the longest.

7.      Ferry Dock
        STEAP grant - Waiting for a letter from DEP confirming all is compliant with their      requests and that the funds are still in place.

8.      Correspondence
        1.      DEP letter dated 12/23/2009 to Paul Barton re: COP Harbor One   Marina
        2.      Minutes of Long Island and Assembly Minutes
        3.      Letter from Fay Bisson saying they would want their mooring but the sale of
                the boat they were buying has fallen apart. They will be purchasing a new boat
                soon    if the one under contract falls apart. Ray Collins will call and ask that
                she send in     the mooring permit application and the fee and the Commission           will give them some time to close the sale and register the boat.

9.      New Business
        Bill Cotter spoke about the Michael Beebe dock application. This dock application
        has been in the process for 5 years.  The Army Corp has asked that DOCKO work
        on reducing the amount of walkway across the marsh. Sue Bailey asked that the
        permitted structure be superimposed on the COP and that walkways cross over the
        mosquito trenches to reduce impact. The copies were distributed to the commission
        and reviewed. The dock does not impact the road ending and all Commission
        members appeared to have no problem with the application. Ray Collins will call Sue     Bailey

10.     Old Business
        Tenerio - Ray Collins went and looked at the boat draft and it fits the Commission      criteria.

        Channelside - tabled to next month

        DEP - Ray Collins has called twice to schedule a meeting with DEP regarding the         Harbor Plan.  (The meeting will not be scheduled during the last week of January        
        because Ray Collins will be on vacation)

        Sheffield Street parking - Les Bowman spoke with Dick Goduti to get background  information and then he did a follow-up conversation with Christine Nelson to explain   what the Commission would like to ask. Ms. Nelson did not feel that the Zoning  
        Commission would not necessary want to second guess the Police Commission.      Ms.     Nelson felt that it might be appropriate to advise town commissions that the    Harbor Commission should be included in some of these policy decisions. Les     
        Bowman's        suggestion is that Commission sit down in some sort of forum with Park
        and Recreation, Police Commission, Zoning Commission to talk about guidelines for       public access. Les Bowman is willing to draft an invite… the Commission has a   
        stake in what you are   doing and would like to sit down and talk about your project.
        Les Bowman will draft a letter to the Police Commission. He will also draft letters to  the other Commissions.

        Proposed ordinances and regulations - There was  discussion and it  will be put on      the agenda for the next meeting.

11,     Payment of Invoices
        Ruth Hockert - Staples receipt $ 4.23
        Ruth Hockert - clerk invoice $ 306.00
        Dept Revenue Service -  $ 2258.52
        CT Water Company  $ 28.61

        Motion- George Wall move to pay the submitted invoices, Dick Goduti     
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

12.     Adjournment

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 8:30

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk