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12.14.2009 Regular Meeting Minutes
Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission
Regular Meeting, December 14, 2009 Page 1
Harbor Management Commission
302 Main Street Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3123 FAX (860) 395-3125

1. Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook
        Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:05 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Les Bowman
Peter Fredrickson
George Wall
Dick Goduti
Jim Mitchell
Ray Collins, Chairman
Ray Collins
Ruth Hockert, Clerk
Approximately 12 members of the public

Motion- Dick Goduti moved that the discussion of Channelside be placed next on
the agenda, Les Bowman seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

Mr. Sapia is the applicant who is looking for Commission approval of the proposal for
docks for the Channelside Home Owners Association. The engineering firm, DOCKO’s
representative was unable to attend

William Thiel a property owner at 77 Essex Road and 2 Anchorage Lane heard through
neighborhood discussion that there was a dock application, not from DEP or the Zoning
Department and hired Cloutier and Cassella to represent him
A handout dated Dec 14, 2009 was distributed by Mr. Thiel; it was entitled “Materials in
opposition to proposal submitted to the Old Say brook Harbor Management
Commission.” Mr. Thiel spoke regarding the handouts. He had gone to Hartford and
spoke with Susan Bailey who said she believed that the application was approved by the
Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission
Regular Meeting, December 14, 2009 Page 2
Zoning Commission and the Harbor Commission. Mr. Thiel has filed an appeal of the Zoning Commission decision which will be heard in January. (Handout is Exhibit A)

Eric Koch property owner at 12 Anchorage Lane directly across from Channelside distributed a handout in which he outlined his concerns. His handout included letters from the state, engineers, photos, maps of areas, etc. Exhibit B. Mr. and Mrs. Koch feel the existing tubs need to be replaced with proper bulk heads to further prevent erosion into the west side of the channel and that the west side should be dredged. Mr. Koch emphasized that he and his wife feel the bulkhead on the Channelside side of the channel should be repaired and built per the permits issued to prevent the erosion.

Joseph Briganti, property owner at 6 Anchorage Lane has major concerns as a property owner. (He has 120 foot canal frontage) (Exhibit C) He received no notice of dock application when it went to Zoning. 5 names out of 6 on the Docko application are incorrect. He sees this application as an attempt for 4 property owners to install 30 boats in the canal. He feels that Channelside did not maintain their property; they allowed the runoff to fill the canal and now want to move the docks further out into the channel. He currently keeps a 40-foot boat on his dock. He is concerned about being able to turn his boat around. He wants to be able to dredge in front of his home so he can bring a 46 foot boat in front of his home.

Thomas Cloutier, Esq. spoke regarding the documentation presented by Mr. Koch which he believes shows that the bulkhead is illegal. He also referenced the Planning Commission approval which clearly stated that “no homes were to be built until the bulkhead was improved.” He referenced the Assessor’s map and shows that the strip running along the canal is owned by a separate entity, the Channelside Homeowner’s Association, not by individual homeowners. The applicant is the Homeowner’s Association. They want to install 9 ramps that will have 8 x 12 fixed platforms. Off those they want to put in 13 floating ramps and 13 floating docks. It would cover the whole west side of the canal. If you do the calculation each dock would come out 17 feet. Add 8 feet for the width of the boat which makes it 25-26 feet into the basin. Attorney Cloutier has identified nine violations of the Harbor Management Plan (These are outlined in Exhibit A). He reminded the Commission of their statutory powers and responsibilities. Mr. Cloutier referenced the DEP dock guidelines which say that rights of ways do not get to have docks; DEP issues permits, one dock per property. Concerns outlined by Attorney Cloutier include: degradation of visual quality because this application will turn the basin into a marina looking type development; limited navigation because of the silting in of the basin. Mr. Cloutier feels that the applicant got Zoning compliance approval without any reference to the Harbor Commission per statute. The neighbors believe the application warrants a negative vote.
The Chairman, Ray Collins wants to take no action tonight, he wants to do further research. Mr. Collins would like to do the right thing.

        Les Bowman asked about the nine point referenced by the attorney, they are
        contained in the handout.

Dick Goduti is concerned that this application got to Zoning without the Commission being contacted. He wonders if the original approval was flawed. He is wondering if it is time to contact town counsel.

Motion, Les Bowman moved to table the dock application discussion to the next meeting, to allow more time for research, Pete Fredrickson seconded
5-0-0- motion approved

3. Minutes of November meeting

Motion – George Wall moved to approve the Minutes, Les Bowman seconded
Changes: page 2 change do to due; under item 12 remove the s from Wall in the motion

Motion - Les Bowman moved to approve the Minutes as amended, Dick Goduti seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

4. North Cove
The clerk mentioned that two individuals sent in mooring applications with out of state registrations. The discussion of the commission is that Commission policy is to require a certificate of registration which documented boat owners and out of state boat owners must get when a boat spends 60 days in Connecticut waters. The two mooring holders will have to contact the state DMV

5. Ferry Dock

STEAP grant – The bid proposal language has been submitted to DEP for their review. Once the language is reviewed the project can be sent out to bid. Attorney Michael Cronin is hoping that Roland Laine will assist in the bid coordination. The new Building Department employee is willing to do daily inspections for compliance with town building regulations.

6. Harbor Master Report – none

7. Dock Master Report

There is one mooring left in North Cove. Jim Mitchell has contacted Bill Peterson the owner and asked him to remove it but was told Mr. Peterson’s boat is out of commission. Jim Mitchell and Scott Mitchell’s boats are both out of the water. The clerk will review
Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission
Regular Meeting, December 14, 2009 Page 4
the mooring contract to see what is says with respect to removal of the mooring tackle and will send a letter.

8. Correspondence

        Copy of Fenwick dock approval from DEP for commission information

9. New Business

        Table - Beebe dock application to January at request of engineering firm, DOCKO.

10. Old Business
        Channelside application previously discussed.

Ray Collins spoke to Christine Costa about the parking concerns. Dick feels the Commission should appeal to the Zoning Commission. Les Bowman will draft a letter for the next meeting.

        Harbor Management Plan – Ray needs to schedule a meeting with DEP

Ordinances – Dick emailed a copy of the ordinances to the Commission today. The Commission members will review for thoughts on regulations versus ordinances for the January meeting. Ordinances have to go to Town Meeting. This will be put on as the first item on the agenda for January meeting.

11. Invoices
Motion – Les Bowman moved to approve payment of the submitted invoices, George Wall seconded
5-0-0 motion approved

12. Motion to Adjourn

        Motion – Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 8:28 p.m. George Wall seconded

Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Hockert, Clerk