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10.19.2009 Regular Meeting Minutes
        Harbor Management Commission
        302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the old Saybrook         Harbor Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
        Ray Collins, Chairman
        Les Bowman
        Dick Goduti
        George Wall
        Pete Fredrickson, Secretary
        Jim Mitchell, Dock Master

3.      Minutes of September meeting

        Motion - Les Bowman moved to approve as amended Pete Fredrickson        
        seconded, change "himself to Les Bowman" in section
        5 -0-0 motion approved unanimously

4.      North Cove

        Motion Dick Goduti approve giving moorings to Robert Missel, Keith Rich,        Michael Armstrong, and Gordon Hirshorn; George Wall seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously
        Everyone not responding will be dropped as will be Gerald Russian

5.      Ferry Dock

        DEP confirmed the Reconstruction and Repair, try to get RFP together for next   
        meeting for the Commission's review. Ray Collins will be speaking to the Building       Department      and other individuals to work toward developing the RFP.

6.      Harbor Master - no report

7.      Deputy Harbor Master, Dock Master Report

        With respect to the request to bid, the clerk sent letters to 5 marinas/marine  
        companies       and posted the proposal on the town web site
        CT River Dock Dredge was the only company to bid

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to approve, Les Bowman seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved

8.      Correspondence
        Letter from Mr. Mike Smith - Dick Goduti responded to the Commission that he has        health problems and unable to move the dinghy in and out of the water.  Mr. Collins     asked that the clerk write a letter confirming that Commission members do not have      special privileges.

9.      New Business
        Calendar for 2010 will put on agenda for next meeting

10.     Old Business
        A.      Keith Nielsen from DOCKO, Inc. for Channelside Homeowner's Association  provided updated drawings of the Channelside dock application.
        This proposal provides points of equal access to all thirteen lots. The floats would be         built   for a typical 34-36 foot boat. The Zoning Commission has approved the   
        application for consistency with the Zoning Regulations. Each dock will have power      and water. The Applicant believes the application is consistent with the Harbor         
        Management Plan. The dock application was filed two years ago with DEP and DEP  requested that the applicant determine that the plan was consistent with the Zoning     egulations. The rules of the Association will limit the size of the boats to 34-36 foot         boats.

        Dick Goduti expressed concern that the application went to Zoning without the   
        Commission's input.

        Les Bowman said the Harbor Commission might consider asking the Zoning  
        Commission to notify the Harbor commission when they are reviewing a dock

        Les Bowman asked whether this application, if granted would keep the neighbors on       the opposite side of the channel from building docks. The applicant responded that      according to Army Corp regulations each side would have 25% leaving the 50% in the      middle for maneuvering.

        Paul Connolly a member of the public asked to speak to the Commission. He took  his boat into the channel and said that there is only about 2 foot of water. He believes        to have any real maneuverability a vessel cannot draw more than the 2 foot.

        Mr. Nielsen felt DEP would like the Commission to say the application is consistent     with the Harbor Management Plan.

        Members of the commission expressed the desire to see the site. Mr. Sapia offered       to meet with them at the site. Mr. Collins will call him to schedule.

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to table a decision regarding this application until the     next meeting; George Wall seconded
        5-0-0 motion carried unanimously

B.      Brink dock application - the Commission taking no action

C.      As a follow-up to last month's discussion about the bright light in North Cove,         Mr.     Connolly called the neighbor about the light in North Cove and the neighbor     
        took action within two days.

D.      Harbor Management Plan update- Dick did not understand Marcia Balint's  question        about in-filling, which he said was a work used by Joan Hoezel (DEP).  Infilling -      as      the Commission understands it is building a new dock to the length      of existing     
        docks. To quantify you say the area has already defined itself. Ray Collins and Pete
        Fredrickson felt that Marcia did not understand the concept of in-filling. The
        Commission members felt that Old Saybrook is different from Old Lyme.  Paul     
        Connolly suggested a 3-D model which he was willing to make and         then Ray Collins        felt the Commission could meet with her again.  Pete Fredrickson concurs with Ray.

E.      Dick Goduti brought up the parking problem at Sheffield Street. Dick believes the       area at the end of the Sheffield Street is really a turnaround and not a parking area.  The current lines were put in on an angle. Dick feels that the Commission       has     all     owed the North Cove mooring area to expand without the facility expanding. The  
        landing is serving the 150 mooring holders, members in the flats, paddleboat people     and the fisherman. Dick does not feel it was built as a launch area. Dick feels the     issue needs to go to Zoning. He believes the dock was built to serve the dredge area    not fisherman. Dick suggested that Ray Collins meet with Christine Nelson and Chris     Costa.

11.     Approval of bills

        McDonald-Sharpe request for an additional $ 1,000 to $1,500 for additional      
        information     for the state.  Ray Collins will contact Gary Sharpe about the cost             necessary for the larger plans.

        Motion - Les Bowman moved that the Chairman first negotiate with Gary   
        Sharpe   but ultimately the Chairman has the power to move forward, George      Wall seconded
        5-0-0   motion carries unanimously

        Submitted invoices:
        Ruth Hockert $ 336.66
        Post master (stamps) $ 88.00
        DRS (quarterly taxes) $ 45.00
        Computer Sign $ 42.00
        Olsen Sanitation $ 166.00
        Beard Lumber $ 106.67
        CT Water Company $ 77.41
        CT Harbor Management annual membership $ 200.00

        Motion- Peter Fredrickson moved to approve payment of the       
        above-referenced invoices, George Wall seconded;
        5-0-0 motion carried unanimously

12.     Adjournment

        Motion- Dick Goduti to adjourn at 8:30 p.m.; George Wall seconded.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, clerk