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08.17.2009 Special Meeting Minutes
        Harbor Management Commission
        302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the  Special Meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor     Management Commission to order at 7: 00  p.m.

2.      Roll Call
        Les Bowman
        George Wall
        Dick Goduti
        Pete Fredrickson, Secretary
        Jim Mitchell, Dock Master
        Ray Collins, Chairman
        Ruth Hockert, Clerk

        2 members of the public

3.      Citizens with Business
        Donald Dill came to speak about his boat and the use of his mooring. Ray Collins read   
        Donald Dill's email into the Minutes.(Attached as Exhibit B)  Ray Collins read a        
        proposed letter to Mr. Dill from the Commission. Ray Collins then read an email that was        
        sent to the Commission by Les Bowman in response to Peter Fredrickson's draft   letter.         There was a brief discussion.

        Mr. Dill spoke about his wife's health issues and his inability to spend the time on the boat. He stated that his boat is very important to him. The Dills have an intent to use the    boat.

        Les Bowman identified two issues:
        First issue - The boat not being on its mooring for 50% of the season

        Second issue is the lack of a policy about how people should use their boats and whether
        a boat has to be used to be on a mooring. Mr. Bowman reiterated that the        Commission      
        has told the Army Corp that 15% of the moorings will be available       during the season.  So  
        when individuals are not on their moorings it creates the 15% available moorings or transients.

        Mr. Goduti asked Mr. Dill if the boat was registered, it is.

4.      Minutes of previous meeting - July 2009

Motion - Les Bowman moved to approve the Minutes as submitted;
George Wall seconded;
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Dick Goduti read into this evening's  minutes what he believes his intent was to say during the July meeting. Attached hereto as Exhibit A.

5.      North Cove
        Sarge Towers - giving up mooring

        Philip Clorite - request for exemption, late into harbor for season and out cruising
        Letter dated  7/22

        Don and Eileen Smith request for exemption, attempting to rent home for summer to supplement income, with enclosures
        Letter dated 7/26/09

        John Whitcomb request for exemption due to his health issues
        Letter dated  7/29/09

Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to grant all 50% requests;
Les Bowman seconded
4-1-0 motion approved, George Wall opposed

6.      Ferry Dock
        STEAP Grant - still waiting for copy of letter from Michael Cronin.

7.      Harbor Master Report - none

8.      Dock Master Report
        Rich Policea - Report that a dinghy was missing when he returned from vacation

        Jim Parker - Herrschoff has sunk for third time

        Jim Mitchell posted a no swimming sign about 2 weeks ago

        Barry Irwin looking for a spot for a survey boat in November. Ray  Collins will do      additional  research.

        Frank Pac has a mooring in the river, Jim Mitchell  informed him about policy can come in for 72 hours once every 7 days per HMC policy.

        Rutty and Cronin have swapped slips.

        Bill Loops has been told by Earl and Jim to move the mooring which has been there for two years without a permit. He has not yet moved mooring. Ray will call the state and
        found out what the commission can do with an unpermitted mooring.

        Boat in the Ferry Point area with 5 anchors only has been removed (Mark Shaker)

        Jim Mitchell would like to have people in the beach areas and use Helix's mark them with a winter stick and then have them hauled for inspection. Jim has done a lot of
        running around doing the beach areas. Ray Collins suggest not addressing the anchoring systems at the beach until after the meeting with the DEP in September.  Will be put out
        for future discussion

9.      Correspondence
        DEP letter granting Pite's dock application.
        DEP letter of tentative granting of dock permit

10.     New Business
        Les Bowman asked if the Commission has a Hurricane Preparedness policy. He suggests     the Commission should develop one.

        Dick Goduti requests all data bases be emailed to all commission members

11.     Old Business
        Reminder of meeting re: dock standards and ordinances - September 15th DEP 5th floor

12.     Bills
        Computer  SIGN $ 22.50
        Olsen sanitation $ 166
        Saybrook Hardware  $ 8.28
        Ruth Hockert  $ 300.00

Motion -  Les Bowman moved to pay the submitted invoices, Pete Freddrickson seconded
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 7:58 p.m. Les Bowman seconded

        Respectfully submitted,

        Ruth Hockert, Clerk