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07.13.2009 Regular Meeting Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
                Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
                Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125
1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the              Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:10 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
        Jim Mitchell, Dock Master, Deputy Harbor Master
        Ray Collins, Chairman
        Dick Goduti
        Peter Fredrickson
        George Wall
        Les Bowman
        Earl Endrich, Harbor Master

Ray Collins read the selectman's letter appointing Les Bowman to the Harbor Commission and introduced Les as a former member of the Commission and the individual that did a tremendous job as liaison to the Army Corp, DEP, and Selectman's Office for the North Cove dredge project.

3.      Public Comment
        Peter Gillen - 50% request
        Joe Demers - 50% request The Chairman will read both letters under the          North Cove agenda item.

Holly Bogassian came to say that her mooring space that she had last year was taken by someone else. She believes she was the only one to haul her tackle for the year and yet feels penalized. She is looking for Commission guidelines with respect to the moorings.

Dick Goduti said the Commission is working with DEP to create guidelines. The DEP has reviewed the Commission's proposal and the development stage has begun. There will be a public comment time when the regulations are being finalized.

Les Bowman asked Holly if she had approached the person who took her space if he would move and they told her no.

The Chairman said the Commission would do what they can, when they can.

4.      Minutes of June meeting

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to approve the June Minutes as amended, George Wall seconded; discussion -  George would like to see that each motion granting the 50% reference the mooring holder in the motion, their name is currently only above the motion.
4-0-1 motion approved, Les Bowman abstained

5.      North Cove
        Joe Demers
Motion -  Les Bowman moved that Joe Demers be granted an exemption for the 2009 season, seconded by Ray Collins.
5-00- motion approved unanimously

Peter Gillen-   
Motion -  Dick Goduti moved that Peter Gillen be granted an exemption for the 2009 season seconded Peter Fredrickson
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

         Bill Sanders
Motion - Ray Collins moved that Bill Sanders be granted an exemption for the 2009 season, seconded by George Wall
Dick Goduti does not believe that Mr. Sanders is using his North Cove mooring as a primary mooring because he has a stop-over mooring elsewhere.
3-1-0  motion approved Dick Goduti opposed

        Thomas Frasca
Motion - Peter Fredrickson moved that Tom Frasca be granted an exemption for the 2009 season, Dick Goduti seconded
4-0-0 motion approved

        Les Bowman
Motion - Peter Fredrickson  moved to approve Les Bowman's request; Ray Collins seconded
Dick Goduti does not believe that Mr. Bowman is using his North Cove mooring as a primary mooring because he has a stop-over mooring elsewhere.
3-1-0 Dick Goduti opposed

        Dick Goduti feels strongly that if someone has a mooring somewhere else,        then North Cove is not their primary mooring. He would like to visit that issue         n the future.
Possible requests
John Donnelly 7/17 running late
William O'Shaughnessy - running late 7/4
Walter Wiegert - going to Maine

6.      Ferry Dock
Town Attorney Michael Cronin is finishing up details for DEP.
DEP will be sending a letter extending the STEAP grant for 5 additional years

7.      Harbor Master
Earl Endrich has received a request for someone to be on the mooring for a week unattended. This is violation of two of the Commission policies. Jim Mitchell will talk to the vessel owner.

8.      Deputy Harbor Master
Someone called Jim Mitchell to say a new mooring has been dropped in the Connecticut River with no permit, no indication of weight, etc.  Jim will need to research.

Jim Mitchell received a letter from boat owner Jim Parker whose boat sank; Mr. Parker reports the vessel is fine.

The launch operator at North Cove reported a Rhode Island boat came in dropped an anchor between moorings and who then tied off to mooring. Jim Mitchell has communicated with the vessel owner.  He had a rudder problem.

Larry Bonin came down and poured concrete at the launch area so that area is fixed.

Jim Mitchell has found the stickers to be a lot of extra work and it is very difficult to locate each sticker.

9.      Correspondence
June Letter to Cheryl Chase from Gary Sharpe regarding the Ferry Dock project
DEP   issued Indian Town permit to mark swimming area.
DEP -issued a Certificate of permission Great Hammock beach rebuild piers and stairs
Letter from Zoning commission regarding proposed zoning regulations
DEP issued Michael Beebe 15Bayside permission to install a dock
DEP issued Between the Bridges a  permit to do maintenance dredging

Ray Collins will speak to Susan Bailey about the Commission not receiving dock applications.

10.     New Business
Ray Collins spoke to Susan Bailey about an application for the Pite's on Ayers Point Road, DEP is suggesting a boat lift in that area. Ray feels that if DEP is recommending a boat lift then the Commission cannot say too much. The area is highly vegetated and it probably will not be very obvious.

Dick Goduti brought up that the Board of Selectman have had a number of town meetings and have not put on the fees on the agenda. Does the Commission want to go with the fee increase? Ray Collins will talk with the Selectman.

Peter Fredrickson mentioned again this season that Donald Dill puts the boat in but does not put sails on it. No one has seen him come down and check on the vessel. Pete suggests writing Mr. Dill suggesting that if he does not use the boat he may lose his mooring.

George Wall has received a number of complaints from mooring holders north of the Baldwin Bridge he feels the no wake buoy needs to be moved. Dick Goduti thinks the problem should be brought to the Old Saybrook's state representative. George feels the Commission should ask DEP for additional coverage on the river for speeding.  Les Bowman suggested writing to the Old Saybrook police asking that they also enforce all no wake zones.

Sheffield  Street has been posted no parking by Police Commission. There were originally 25 parking spaces. There were no specific number or location of parking spaces assigned to the town dock and or the house built by Mr. Jensen at the time of development Ray Collins will be in contact with Christine Burnham of the Police Commission.

11.     Old Business
Proposed ordinances - Marcy from DEP  and a number of people have reviewed the proposed ordinances. She would like David Blatt to be present when she discussing the proposal with the Commission because he looks at the legal side. . Marcie would be willing to come down to Old Saybrook, but Ray Collins felt perhaps it would be better to go to Hartford so David Blatt could be present. Ray proposed a  special meeting in Hartford midweek in August on either Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. He will contact Marcie to arrange.

        There is a meeting at DEP tomorrow morning at 9:30 regarding DEP's dock         standards.

12.     Payment of Bills
        Jim one month of summer pay ($ 1560 divided by 6 months) $ 260.00
        Jim Mitchell boat rental $ 3000
        CT water company  $ 2.57
        Olsen sanitation $ 166
        DRS $ 430.50
        Ruth Hockert, clerk  $ 300.00

Motion - George Wall moved to approve the submitted invoices, Les Bowman seconded
4-0-0   motion approved unanimously

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Ray Collins moved to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert