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06.15.2009 Special Meeting Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

1.      Call to order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the Special Meeting of the Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.
2.      Roll Call
George Wall
Ray Collins
Pete Fredrickson
Dick Goduti
Earl Endrich
Jim Mitchell

        Chairman Ray Collins requested a moment of silence to honor the years of service provided by  Ross Byrne

3.      Minutes of May meeting
        Tabled to next meeting

4.      North Cove
50% requests

Motion-  Dick Goduti moved to vote separately, Pete Fredrickson seconded4-0-0 motion approved

Pat LaRivier- letter regarding plan to cruise

Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to waive the 50% rule for the 2009 season, Ray Collins seconded  4-0-0 motion approved

Thomas Wing- letter regarding work on boat and cruise, no request for waiver to Rule 11, Commission not voting

        Bill Sanders- letter regarding plan to cruise

Motion- Pete Fredrickson moved to waive the 50% rule for the 2009 season, Ray Collins seconded;
Discussion Dick brings to Commission attention that Mr. Sanders has requested 50% every year, Dick would like to make the mooring available to someone who will use it.
2-2- tie vote, motion not carried George Wall and Dick Goduti opposed   
Ray Collins will contact Mr. Sanders requesting additional information.

        Robert Reeve- sold boat

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to waive the 50% rule for the 2009 season, Ray Collins seconded  4-0-0 motion approved

        Edward Lane- illness in family

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to waive the 50% rule for the 2009 season, Ray Collins second  4-0-0 motion approved

        Charles Johnson wrote a request for return of mooring fee. The mooring was put in prior to receipt of the letter. The Commission will send a letter saying the policy is not to return the fee after the mooring is installed.

5.      Ferry Dock Report

6.      Harbor Master/Deputy Harbor Master

7.      Correspondence

8.      New Business
        Put Donald Dill on agenda for next month - using mooring to store vessel

9.      Old Business

10.     Payment of Bills
Old Saybrook Postmaster  $ 88.00
Olsen's Sanitation $ 166
Old Saybrook Printing $ 45
William Fagan $ 255.00
Jim Mitchell $ 69.64
Michael Cronin $ 1,000
Ruth Hockert $ 14.07
Ruth Hockert - office $ 705.00
David Franson - $ 344.50
Saybrook Hardware $ 129.62
AllCare Lawn $ 625.00

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to pay the invoices, George Wall seconded 4-0-0 motion approved.

11.     Adjournment

        Motion- Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 7:25

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk