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03.09.2009 Regular Meeting Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125
                MINUTES, REGULAR MEETING,  MARCH 9, 2009

1.      Call to Order
Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Commission to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Ray Collins, Chairman
Ross Byrne, Secretary
Peter Fredrickson
Dick Goduti
Earl Endrich, Harbor Master
Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor master

3.      Citizens with Business before the Commission

4.      Minutes of previous meetings February 9, 2009

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to approve the Minutes of the February 9, 2009 meeting. Pete Fredrickson seconded
4-0-0 unanimously approved

5.      North Cove
Dredge update- too early to predict whether dredging contractors will meet their deadline.

Steve Tagliatella willing to donate a 24' x 8' concrete dock, Jim Mitchell will research the need for the dock.

Notice will be sent to mooring holders to have moorings ready for inspection on May 1. The Commission is not sure when the moorings will be put in.

6.      Ferry Dock
STEAP GRANT update- Michael Cronin called the DEP for an update and asked for a report for tonight's meeting. He did not receive an answer. The Commission will be notified as soon as word has been received. Mr. Goduti reports that this grant is not on the list of those that have been pulled.

7.      Harbor Master Report- no report

8.      Dock Master Report
A new sign has been made for the Ferry Dock area and Jim is waiting for Public Works to install the sign.

The Clerk will send letters to the mooring holders in the beach areas that Jim Mitchell identified as having left their moorings in the water for the winter. The moorings must be hauled and inspected to receive a new permit for this year.

9.      Correspondence
3/5/09 letter from Dzialo, Pickett & Allen regarding the Freedom of Information Commission 3/2/09 Transmittal of Decision

A Memo from the clerk regarding reimbursement for office expense was distributed for consideration at the next meeting.

3/9/08 - email correspondence to Ray Collins from Sheffield Street neighbors Jean and Paul Slain was read into the minutes.

10.     New Business- none

11.     Old Business
Harbor Management Plan proposed ordinances and dock standards update- Ray Collins called for an update and did not receive a response.
North Cove subcommittee update- none Ross asking that his name be dropped from the subcommittee update

        2023 bridge replacement update- no update

Continuing discussion with marina owners - The purpose is to set up a mooring area alongside the commercial mooring area in the Ferry Point area. North Cove's dredge will only be good for a few years and a plan for meeting the demand makes sense. The marinas would need to provide dinghy docks, parking and upland support. The clerk will try and set up a meeting. Brewer's and Oak Leaf.

12.     Approval of bills
Ruth Hockert $ 375.00
Ruth Hockert (office expense) $ 25.75
ComputerSign  $ 85.00

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to approve the submitted invoices, Ross Byrne seconded
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 7:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk