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02.09.2009 Regular Meeting Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

                        February 9, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes
1.      Call to Order    
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Ray Collins, Chairman
Ross Byrne, Secretary
Peter Fredrickson
Dick Goduti
Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master, Dock Master

3.      Citizens with business before Commission- none

4.      Minutes of previous meetings:  December 15  and January 12

Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2008 meeting as submitted, Ross Byrne seconded;
4-0-0  motion approved unanimously

Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2009 meeting as submitted, Ross Byrne seconded;
4-0-0  motion approved unanimously

5.         North Cove
Dredge update- Burnham Company has removed 110,000 c.y. to date, they brought in a larger barge in preparation of the next part of the dredge project. . Ray Collins read an email from the Army Corp. Ray proposes sending a letter to mooring holders that the cove may not be ready until mid or late May. The Clerk will send a letter to all mooring holders.

Letter from Preston Koster 2/9/09 letting Commission know that he is not returning and would like their mooring fee returned.

Motion - Ross Byrne moved that Preston Koster's mooring fee be returned when a new mooring permit is issued; Pete Fredrickson seconded
4-0-0 motion carried unanimously

6.      Ferry Road Dock
        STEAP GRANT update- copy of DEP letter. Gary Sharpe contacted DEP and everything is moving along.

7.      Harbor Master Report
Jim Mitchell talked to the sign company about putting the sign on steel and it could be bolted. The company suggested an aluminum sign that could be bolted on. Dick Goduti suggested that the sign be posted high on the pole. Ray suggested getting the aluminum sign, a little bigger and have the town crew put it a little higher on the pole.

8.      Dock Master Report
        One of the pilings at the clothesline area is leaning. Jim Mitchell put something on it to keep from leaning any further.

9.      Correspondence
        Record Disposal sent back an approval to destroy old mooring permit records but requesting the Commission retain the last three years worth of mooring permits.

        The Commission received two DEP notices approving Thomas Perrone and Brewer's Ferry Point Marina's application.

10.     New Business

11.     Old Business
Jim Mitchell is concerned that some moorings were left in the water over the winter. Saybrook Manor Association and Indiantown Associations will be sent letters saying that all moorings must be removed for spring inspection. If they are not removed and Jim knows who the mooring holders are individual letters will be sent.

Price estimates were received for the new stickers. It would cost approximately $ 300 for 1000 unnumbered stickers and $ 980 for 900 stickers numbered in sets of 3. Ross Byrne asked what the "hole" was the Commission was trying to fix. He also believed that in this economy $ 980 for stickers was a lot. Ray Collins reiterated that the Commission would get three sets of numbered stickers and try the new system for this one year and then re-assess.

The Harbor Management Plan proposed ordinances and dock standards update- Ray        Collins has called but got no response he is hoping for an update for the next meeting
North Cove subcommittee update- none
2023 proposed bridge replacement update- none
Continuing discussion with marina owner update- none

12.     Approval of bills
Preston Koster $ 344.50
Olsens   $ 83.00
Ruth Hockert $ 300

Motion-  Dick Goduti moved to pay the submitted invoices, Pete Fredrickson seconded;
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Dick Goduti  moved to adjourn at 7:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk