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12.08.08 Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

1.      Call to Order
Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:07 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Ross Byrne
Dick Goduti
Ray Collins, Chairman
George Wall
Jim Mitchell, Dock Master, Deputy Harbor Master

Ruth Hockert, Clerk
Scott Mitchell
Michael Maikowski

3.      Citizens with business before the Commission- none

4.      Minutes of previous meetings: November 17 and December 1

Motion - George Wall moved to approve the Minutes of November 17, Dick Goduti seconded
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Motion - George Wall moved to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of December 1, Ross Byrne seconded
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

5.      North Cove - dredging continuing

6.      Ferry Road Dock

A.      STEAP Grant update
Dick Goduti notes that the land along the side is shown as having fragmites and that maybe that land could be filled. Ray Collins said the Commission could have informal discussion with DEP about whether dredge spoils can be put on site.
McDonald Sharpe will be asked to move electricity to the south side of the dock
The special meeting will be next Monday night at 5:15
B.      Storing of gear on docks is creating obstruction -  see notes below

7.      Harbor Master Report- none

8.      Dock Master Report
Jim Mitchell went down and checked out the boats and traps on the dock. He had two signs made up and put one on the way in and one on the piling near the dock. Jim says there is a lot of garbage lying around. Jim says there is a large net piled up in the corner. Jim asked boat owners that he met that they remove broken traps. George Wall brought some pictures from August that showed some of the issues. Larry Bonin patched the holes in the paving but not the holes along the bulkhead. Amos Swain has been using two slips while only paying for one.

9.      Correspondence
        11/28/08 DEP letter to Steve Tagliatella allowing osprey perches on his property.

10.     New Business
        2009 Calendar of meeting dates

Motion - Ross Byrne moved to schedule the October meeting to a week after the holiday which is 10/19/09 George Wall seconded;
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Motion - Ross Byrne then moved to approve the calendar as submitted with the above referenced change; George Wall seconded;
        4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Chairman Ray Collins added to the agenda a discussion regarding the destruction of old mooring permits pursuant to the state document destruction schedule. Files related to correspondence and mooring permits would remain.

Motion- Dick moved to request town and state approval for the purging of old files, George Wall seconded;
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

11.     Old Business

Harbor Management Plan proposed ordinances - Ray Collins will call DEP
North Cove subcommittee, looking for direction from Commission:
Ray Collins was thinking maximizing the number of the moorings in North Cove. Ross Byrne believes that Jim Mitchell feels that with the current system 150 moorings are the max in the mooring field. Dick Goduti feels that if you are going to maximize the number of boats, you are going to establish a grid by size and then someone comes up the wait list they would have to wait for a space for our size boat. Max capacity consistent with adequate and safe maneuvering room

        Harbor Management Fund interest update- The Town has asked for legal opinion from Michael       

12.     Approval of bills
Submitted invoices
McDonald-Sharpe invoice $ 6441.91
Scott Mitchell $60.00

Motion - George Wall moved to pay the submitted invoices, Ross Byrne seconded
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Ross Byrne moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk