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12.01.2008 Special Meeting Minutes
                                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
                        Harbor Management Commission
                                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
                        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

                        Minutes Special Meeting, December 1, 2008

        Chairman Ray Collins called the Special Meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 5:15 P.m.

2.      ROLL CALL
Ray Collins, Chairman
Peter Fredrickson
Ross Byrne
Dick Goduti

Gary Sharpe, McDonald, Sharpe and Associates
Michael Cronin, Esq., Town Counsel
Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master/Dock Master
Ruth Hockert, Clerk

Scott Mitchell


Gary Sharpe distributed updated plans entitled "Progress Print".  He reviewed the plan which shows a crown in the paving; 2" of paving; and scuppers cut in sheet piling for drains. Michael Cronin reiterated that at the last meeting the Commission voted to include the conduits for water and electricity. Gary asked what level of utility the Commission wants to provide. Standard construction water mains are installed 5-6 feet below surface. Gary proposes putting the water main in rather than the conduit for the water. On the electric it would be conduit, not a service. That project will be priced separately so the Commission can decide based on quotes on whether to do the work. Dick Goduti spoke to the dredging samples being done on the south side. He also spoke to putting spigots on the south side as well as the electric conduit on the south side because that would be the dredged side. (Note, dredging is not included in the STEAP grant)  The permit that was originally issued for dredging was probably the south side. Gary came prepared to talk about the proposed STEAP grant this evening, not dredging, but he will research the originnal dredge.

The items to bid on will be:
1.      The bulkhead, tiebacks and dead men plus the paving;
2.      Removal and replacement of T dock;
3.      Water and electricity;
4.      Replacement of ramps and docks;
5.      Substitute different sheet piling;
6.      Substitute green heart  lumber;
7.      Substitute IPE decking

Gary needs a bid opening date which will be determined once the plans are completed and sent to DEP.

The plans need to be stamped and certified by McDonald Sharpe, and then they need to be sent to DEP. Dick asked how much time will we need to complete the project. Gary going to check the time constraints of the permit.

Gary will have the documents back to the Commission in two weeks. The Commission will hold a special meeting as soon as the documents are ready.

In the agreement Gary listed the town manager; it should be board of selectman.

Clause re: liquidated damages; does the Commission want to put a time frame, (may be required by state). Michael Cronin suggested putting it in.  Start work within 30 days of notice to proceed and complete job in 90 days

The Commission should be able to decide in 60 days. Gary anticipates 3-6 bids

The penalty for non-completion is $ 500 per day.

Gary did give them some flex in paving do to closing of the plants, but on additional costs associated with that

        Dredging discussion.
Dick is concerned that Gary be aware that the Commission wants to dredge and they are thinking about upland disposal. Gary asked if the Commission had a proposed site for the disposal. Trucking dredging spoils is very messy making the roads a mess and frequently the spoils falls under hazardous material and there may not be a site available. Gary believes that the best way would be to barge it out. If the Commission was lucky and the spoils were clean, they could transport it to Cornfield Point. Dick asked how the testing would be done. Gary said he usually tests to take out to sea because it is usually more expensive to transport etc. Dick asked what the difference would be in testing both ways. Significant factor is a disposal site. The estimate of mud to remove is around 3-5, 00 cubic yards. Gary believes the Town could get a permit fairly quickly; 90 day turn around under the COP. If Between the Bridges were going to dredge it would be nice to move forward and try and time the dredging at the same time. Approximately 6 samples would be needed,  $ 1,000 a sample plus engineering costs - $ 12-15,000 to get the permit as long as we stay within the footprint.

If he can Gary will provide the materials for next Monday's regular and
tentatively a special meeting will be scheduled for December 15th at 5:15 for final approval.

Gary Sharpe left at 6:10

4.      FEES

Michael Cronin said if the Commission acts soon we may be able to get on the next town meeting agenda which may be held because of reconsideration of the blight ordinance.

Dick Goduti asked if the fees could be raised and then a motion passed that says if the fees are not approved by January 1 the mooring holders would receive the money back.  Michael Cronin says we cannot send a bill for fees that have not been approved.

Ross Byrne is concerned that there is $ 212,000 in the Harbor Management Fund and that asking for money while having money in the bank may be hard to explain.

Ray Collins believes that if the Commission wants to improve the "T" dock and do dredging in the future and if the Town ever has to dredge North Cove again the fees need to pay for these improvements. Ray does feel it is reasonable to increase the fees some.

Dick Goduti asks who gets the benefit of the improvements and who is paying for the improvements.

Ray Collins believes that the Commission has a responsibility to spend the money collected by mooring and dock fees on the boaters.
Ray felt a 10 to 15% increase across the board would be fair


North Cove deep water permits
$200 mooring fee
$100 tackle fee      increase to 115.00 15%
$25 inspection fee   increase to 29.00    15%
Current $ 325 increase to $ 344

Ferry Dock  
$ 500 increase 15%    575.00
$ 400 increase 15%   460.00
        50% reduction if commercial fisherman

Town moorings
 $50 increase 15% $ 57.50

$50 increase 15% to 57.50

        $10 wait list fee, create wait list fee for all wait lists (Ferry Dock and Clothesline as well) no change

        New fee for North Cove Sheffield Street dinghy storage for non-mooring holder $ 28.75 if there is space

North Cove $ 325.00 to $ 344.00 (15%)
Ferry Dock $ $ 500 to $ 575; $ 400 to $ 460.00 (15%)
Mooring Permits and Clothesline $ 50 to $ 57.50 (15%)
No increase in wait list fee but all wait lists to have a fee,
Non-mooring holder dinghy rack storage fee set at $ 28.75



Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk