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11.17.08 Special Meeting Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125
1.      Call to order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Jim Mitchell
Ross Byrne
Pete Fredrickson
George Wall
Dick Goduti
Ray Collins, Chairman

Michael Cronin, Town Counsel
Ruth Hockert, Clerk
Approximately 5 members of the public

3.      Citizens with business before the Commission
        Scott Mitchell and Jim Mitchell spoke in answer to the Commission's request to pot holes being filled at Ferry Dock. Both spoke with Larry Bonin were told there were no millings available. Scott did find some fill material and filled the holes. Ross Byrne advises that additional filling is      needed.

MOTION - Dick Goduti moved to rearrange the agenda to place Attorney Michael Cronin and his STEAP GRANT information   next, Pete Fredrickson seconded
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

4.      Ferry Dock
        STEAP GRANT update:

        Unrelated: Michael Cronin spoke about a meeting with Michael Pace, the Indiantown and himself.  The Selectman and Town Counsel explained the Harbor Management Plan and its statutory authority to issue mooring permits in the Indiantown area.

Michael Cronin spoke regarding the draft bid proposal prepared by Gary Sharpe.
Mike felt that the legal aspects are appropriate. His comments on the balance of the proposal:
1.       Description of work: dated 11/28/2007 plans are the important ones; a copy of 11/13/2008 plans were brought to this evenings meeting. They included drawings of the floating docks and docks and an expansion of the plans tying to the permits issued by the DEP and the      Army Corp. Attorney Cronin cannot speak to the engineering plans.
2.      The next step is to get these into appropriate status to send to DEP for approval under STEAP requirements. They need to be stamped and reviewed by the town engineer. The plans in the permits would need to be signed and certified by the engineers. With the plans and      certifications they would go to DEP for approval. It cannot go out to bid until DEP receives and approves the bid documents.
3.      The engineering will be put into final form once the Commission approves the plans.
4.      There are also some policy decisions. Bid Proposal Form page 6. One of the recommendations is that the pages be keyed to an index. The bid when submitted by bidders will be sent in separate bids. Includes the ability to use alternate materials (steel and fiberglass) new  ramps and floats, new docks, new piles. Can be done in various phases.
5.      One additional item Gary Sharpe suggested putting in water and electricity conduit now before repaving even if it is not hooked up at this time. Mike felt the conduits are relatively cheap and it could be added to the list of bids.   
6.      Gary Sharpe addressed the subject of dredging with Mr. Cronin. He had submitted and received permission from the Army Corp to do the core sampling. The whole process takes three months. 6 core samples are need at $ 1000 a piece.

Dick Goduti asked on the dredging. He believes different sampling is done based on whether disposal approval is for upland disposal instead of barging.  
31-37,000 yards is the approximate amount of spoils to be dredged.

Gary Sharpe told Mr. Cronin that is was appropriate to dredge after the bulkhead was repaired and the docks installed because the docks could be floated out of the way.  

7.      One more item, over a $ 100,000 project you must meet prevailing wage specifications.

8.      Plans approved by the Army Corp show all the requirements

        Motion- George Wall moved to approve adding conduit for both water and electrical to the bidding process, Dick Goduti seconded,
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously.

        Gary Sharpe has the approval from the U.S. Army Corp to do the core samples, but he has not done them yet.

According to Dick Goduti there are two dredging issues. What the commission was going to do with the spoils and the fact that Gary Sharpe originally showed doing sampling from the north side (of the bulkhead). Mr. Goduti believes the Commission plans on doing away with the dredging on the north side.

The Commission wants to schedule special meeting with Gary Sharpe as soon as possible. The purpose would be to review the submitted plan. The Commission wants the details of how the dock is being constructed. One loose end is the possibility of dredging. From a practical point of view how is this going together as a finished product. The meeting will be scheduled.

Michael Cronin should move forward on what he needs to do.

North Cove Proposed Fees:

Mike Cronin received Ray Collins'   letter with respect to the fees and then he reviewed the previous town meetings for form. The statute requires going to town meeting for the approval of fees. There is a statutory requirement that the mooring fee cannot be more than $ 200.00. Mike reviewed the proposed increases.

The Commission discussed the fee increase proposal Michael Cronin sent in this letter.

Motion - Pete moved that the north cove total fee be set at 343.75, Ray seconded ( 2009 mooring fee 100 administrative 25 tackle, break down is 15% on the administrative and tackle fee)
Tackle fee $ 115 and 28.75 = $343.75
Ferry Dock: Deep goes up $ 75, Shallow goes up to $60
3-2 Dick Goduti and George Wall opposed

Michael Cronin has a concern that the fee schedule has been published on the town website for the town meeting agenda. Michael Cronin recommends that this be taken off the agenda until the Commission clarifies its intent.

Motion- Dick Goduti moved to table the fee increases, George Wall seconded.
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously.

Motion- Dick Goduti moves to set fees at the special meeting being held to discuss Ferry Dock, George Wall seconded.
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously
Gear on the dock - Ross Byrne wanted a clarification of where the stuff is.  George Wall feels that there is stuff on the docks and believes that there is abandoned stuff on the roadway. Jim Mitchell will go down and check what is down there and then they will be contacted individually and asked that it be removed.  Ross felt that speaking to them would be a better way to get the stuff removed. Ross also believes that the storage area for the pots has deteriorated and needs to be rebuilt.

Ray Collins asked if the sign has been purchased. "No Trespassing, parking by permit only". Ross Byrne wants to know where the sign is going to be installed. Everyone feels it needs to be in a visible space near the entrance perhaps.

5.      Minutes of October 6, 2008 meeting

Motion - Ross Byrne to moved to accept the minutes as submitted, Pete Fredrickson seconded
change section 4 first motion - change vote to 4 abstained ( as 4 did not vote) listing Ross Byrne, Peter Fredrickson, George Wall and Dick Goduti as having abstained.
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously.

6.      North Cove
        Dredge update - the dredge has started

Roy Guile letter.  Jim Mitchell looked at the mooring and tried to assist Mr. Guile. They could not remove the shackle. Mr. Collins was concerned about the attitude of Bombaci Construction.  Mr. Fredrickson and Mr. Goduti believe it was Mr. Guile's issue for not having the preventer suggested by Jim Mitchell.  The Commission will send a letter to Mr. Guile suggesting he add a provider.

50% follow-up with Mr. Waanders. Mr. Collins spoke saying that they had already removed people from the cove who had better reasons, so the consensus was to have the decision stand. Mr. Waanders came to speak on his behalf. He will reapply and get back on the wait list.

7.      Harbor Master Report - none

8.      Dock Master - Deputy Harbor Master report
        15,000 out of 300,000 cubic yards of mud removed

9.      Correspondence
Land Use referral regarding proposed Inland Wetland changes
Pite dock permit notice from DEP
North Cove request for dredge permit, dredge permit

10.     New Business
Channelside dock application: Three neighbors had come to speak regarding the dock proposal.
Mr. Koch said the submitted maps are very old and not drawn to scale. The canal used to be wider and when the bulkhead went in on the Channelside side the canal got narrower. There is a soil erosion problem as well at the bulkhead. The proposal would take the dock 12 feet out plus the width of a boat. Mr. Koch's deed shows him owning to the halfway area of the canal. Stan Wollock   2 Anchorage Lane and Mary Berganti, 6 Anchorage Lane, Eric Koch, 4 Anchorage Lane all have the following concerns. These neighbors were not contacted about the project. They have concerns that they will lose some of their existing and deeded use of the canal if the dock protrudes as far as it is drawn.  The houses in the Channelside development are on a right of way, they have no waterfront. Commission policy is that no dock should be built on a right of way. The Commission will contact DEP asking them to contact neighbors who have houses directly across the channel and the neighbors have some legitimate concerns, names are wrong, scale is incorrect. The concern is that current canal frontage owners cannot turn around.

Chalker Beach Association application
This is a maintenance application and the consensus of the Commission is that they have no concern,

Cancellation of November 10, 2008 meeting. Dick Goduti says that 5 years ago the Commission asked that the clerk get the agenda completed a week ahead of time and that she has not done so. He believes that if she had had the agenda completed a week early one of the Commission members would have noticed the lack of a posted agenda and the problem would have not existed.

11.     Old Business
Harbor Management Plan update - none
North Cove Subcommittee - They had a meeting last week; they do not feel they have enough direction George Wall wants added to be added to the next meeting agenda a discussion of what the Commission wants them to do.

Parking permit update - Jim Mitchell stated that there are people who get stickers who do not use the facility. The clerk advises that the Commission provides two stickers to all mooring permit holders. The remainder of the ordered stickers are issued by the Selectman's Office to town residents. The stickers issued by the Selectman's Office have registration numbers written on them. Those issued by the Harbor Commission next year will indicate that the person is a mooring holder.  The Commission will order 700 and they will be put inside the front windshield low on the passenger side.

        Anchorage designation, Army Corp - Ray Collins did talk with the Army Corp but did not get to the right people yet.

        2023 CT River Bridge Update - the Amistad clears 100 feet plus. The pictures in the slide presentation are misleading. The two towers will be very large and noticeable. George feels there should more detailed discussion of the towers and the opening for large ships by the Amistad.

Harbor Management Fund interest update - Dick Goduti went into see the Treasurer. All money that Mr. Fish gets goes into the General Fund They separate the money into separate accounts. Mr. Goduti attended the Board of Finance meeting. The Board of Finance was going to take the question "if the Harbor Commission is entitled to the interest that the Harbor Management Fund is making", to town counsel. Ray Collins as devil advocate says the General Fund pays the Harbor Commission budget to the tune of $ 30-40,000 which is more than the interest they would make. The commission will await town counsel's opinion.

Letter to Carol Hughes regarding the name on the dinghy. Ray Collins clarified that he said he was going to talk to him and he did.  A letter as a reminder that the name has to be on the dinghy will be sent.

Continuing discussion with marina owner updates. Once the cove is dredged will there still be a demand for service on the river? The Commission will schedule a meeting with Brewers and Oak Leaf.

Mr. Sharpe will adjust his new bill by the $ 315 interest charge. He was waiting to new a new invoice until the Ferry Dock proposal was ready for signature.

12.     Approval of bills

Bombaci Construction- $ 3800.00
Ruth Hockert $ 450.00
Olsen sanitation 166.00
Saybrook Hardware 18.21
OS Printing 364.62

        Motion - George Wall moved to pay the submitted invoices, Ross Byrne seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - George Wall moved to adjourn at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk