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10.01.08 Special Meeting Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125
Minutes of Special Meeting, October 1, 2008 Island Cove Marina
1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the Special Meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management   Commission to order at 5:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Ray Collins, Chairman
Dick Goduti
Pete Fredrickson
Ross Byrne
George Wall
Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor master
Jon Manafort, Owner Island Cove Marina
Dave Cronin, Yard Manager
Pat DeMeo, Office Manager
Ruth Hockert, Commission Clerk

3.      Mooring Discussion
Ray Collins opened the discussion by saying that submitted  mooring permits should contain the information on the owner of the boat so that if there are any issues that come up, the Harbor Master has a way of reaching the owner. He also opened the discussion with respect to the additional permits sent in by Island Cove.

Jon Manafort explained that they had received more than 24 so they decided to go for as many as they could, although he confirmed that he acquired 24 permits when he purchased the businesses. Twelve of the permits were issued in 1988 as part of the dock approval for the northern area of Island Cove.

Dick Goduti spoke to acquiring additional permits. He explained that DEP is bound to consider the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Plan when considering any new applications. The Commission has the right to issue recreational permits, and the right to issue town permits to holders of DEP commercial permits.  Dick further explained that the Commission has drafted some changes to the "Plan" and submitted them to DEP for their review. In follow-up to some of the changes the Commission has been talking with commercial organizations located on the river to discuss designated mooring areas and to determine which commercial organizations are interested in establishing and maintaining mooring fields. The Commission has previously spoken with Between the Bridges and received no response.

Jon Manafort spoke regarding their current system. They complete all permits and then rent the moorings as requests are received. It would take more time; hence cost more to have moorings set on an individual basis. Current mooring renters are entitled to use the head facilities, bring in their garbage and park. Jon felt there was plenty of room for additional moorings in the field as it exists.  However, moorings are not a great income producer and too many more moorings would create the necessity of creative storage for the dinghies, or if there were enough moorings perhaps the development of a launch service, particularly if there were other commercial establishments with moorings out there who helped provide the upland support. Yard Manager Dave Cronin said they set 24 moorings and used most of them. This year they had a number of transients rent moorings because of North Cove's silting problem.  He also mentioned that there are three boats currently anchored in the mooring field, and that they have been anchored all summer.  Ray Collins said that was a problem.

In summary, Island Cove would be interested in potential acquiring more mooring permits and is certainly willing to work with the Commission for a fair distribution of the space for moorings in the Ferry Point field. The Commission will speak with Brewer's to explore their interest in acquiring mooring permits. The Commission will keep Island Cove informed as the process moves along.

4.      Motion to adjourn

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to adjourn at 5: 47 p.m.

        Respectfully submitted,

        Ruth Hockert