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07.14.08 Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

                  Regular Meeting, July 14, 2008

1.      Call to order
Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook harbor Management Commission to order at 7:10 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Ray Collins, Chairman
Dick Goduti
George Wall
Jim Mitchell, Dock Master
Earl Endrich Harbor Master

        Ruth Hockert, Clerk

        7 members of the public

3.      Citizens with business before Commission

Edson Bourne spoke about the clothesline. He cannot use his 12 foot sailing dinghy there anymore because of the improvements.  Mr. Bourne  listed things that are free in town; his concern was the discussion about the increase of fees at the clothesline.

M.J. Lewandowski spoke about the time being posted incorrectly on the website. He also spoke about the area he was asked to place the parking sticker on his car; he knew it was a request of the police department, but he did ask that next year that the parking sticker be put back on the front windshield.  He read his letter into the minutes regarding the clothesline. His questions were about his position on the wait list and the use/non-use of the outhauls. Mr. Lewandowski's third agenda item was the Oyster River area. He stated that the town owned property at the end of Barnes Road. He owns some people driven craft and he was asking the Harbor Commission to look into perhaps using the Barnes Road ending for a launch area for human driven craft.

Bill Shaler, 7 Bayside Avenue he was asking about his mooring permit. Jim Mitchell spoke about the moorings that were taken out of the Oyster River. Jim gave him back the stainless steel chain and the anchor. Jim stated his mooring ball was cut, had no name on it and was below the surface so it had been thrown away.  Mr. Shaler then questioned why the mooring he got back from Jim was considered insufficient to hold his boat. The Commission clarified that State statute does give the Harbor Master and/or the Deputy Master the authority to establish the mooring specifications. The town specifications state that any mooring outside North Cove has to be 50 pounds heavier.  Mr. Shaler believes the total value of the materials missing is $ 150.00. Mr. Shaler feels that Jim threw his equipment away. Ray Collins thought the Commission could consider reimbursing him. Dick Goduti spoke saying that he would not vote to reimburse Mr. Shaler for equipment not knowing what really happened to it. George Wall does not believe that the Commission cannot act as an insurance company. It was suggested that Mr. Shaler go to the police and report his stuff as being removed.
Larry Kilbourn asked about his mooring permits. Earl Endrich told Mr. Kilbourn that his mooring, where it is, is in the channel needs to be moved. His second permit is contingent upon his mooring tackle being inspected. He will keep his dingy at Between the Bridges. The stated location of the dinghy resolves the unanswered information on the application.
His request for storing the dinghy at the Town Dock needs further discussion by the Commission.

4.      Minutes of previous meetings  June 9, June 19 and July 1, 2008

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to approve the minutes of all three meetings, George Wall seconded;
        3-0-0 motion approved

5.      North Cove
50 % requests
Dorothy Dupont - not sure to meet requirement
Les Bowman -  not sure to meet requirement
Gerald Heller - unlikely to meet
Thomas Isele - sold his boat, wants exemption until he p purchases new boat
Burt Langer - unable to use his boat one hour before or after, also having engines             repaired

Did not approve Heller without getting additional information

Motion - George Wall moved to approve  Dorothy Dupont, Les Bowman, Thoas Isele and Burt Langer, Dick Goduti seconded
3-0-0 motion approved

6.              Ferry Dock
Grant update - none
Item for next meeting was letter to Cronin ever sent

7.      Harbor Master/Deputy  Harbor Master Report
Jim Mitchell presented a report.

Dave Cole came in to ask if he could swap slips. He also said the Harold Swain had cleaned up the mess on the ramp. But that he is going for conch and has a lot on the ramp. Dick Goduti spoke about the condition of the Ferry Dock at this time. Broken fishing traps etc. Mr. Cole will be moved to Mr. Maikowski's slip.

All slip holder letter will be sent.  The Commission is notifying slip holders to keep the docks and ramps clean and clear; consistent with the town ordinance.  This is a reminder that all fishing paraphernalia will not be stored anywhere. The newly adopted "use it or lose it" policy will be included in letter.
The Sheffield Street town dock bulkhead is deteriorating. Ray Collins asked Jim Mitchell to ask Larry Bonin one more time to fix the bulkhead. If Larry does not have the time the Commission will have to pay someone to do the work.
Jim Mitchell has been unhappy with Bob Bean's work. Jim Mitchell got an estimate from All Care, who is willing to do the work for the same fee as Mr. Bean.
        Jim Mitchell will talk to Larry about spraying the hillside to kill the weeds.

Motion-  Dick Goduti moved to pay Jim for $30.00 for work done outside his job description, George Wall seconded; this will include  $ 5.00 per hour for the Saybrook Manor project back pay;   
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously

8.      Correspondence
RAP Riverside, LLC
Keith Neilsen and  Bill Cotter from Docko came to discuss the plan for old Persson boat yard to new dock facility. The proposal is to demolish everything on the site and install 14 slip dock with a storage shed for boats. There will be some dredging performed to get 5 foot. Most probably going to be for power boats. There will be 22 parking spaces.
6/19/08 - Letter from FOI Commission regarding complaint by Dick Goduti.

9.      New Business
The Commission will write a letter to DEP regarding the Meotti dock application, stating that the Commission has not yet seen the dock application and the Commission would be concerned if a permit was issued without the Commission having reviewed it.
George Wall went to the AMTRAK bridge replacement seminar. The proposed new bridge will be a lift bridge. A lift bridge has a fixed upper limit, it was asked to make it higher than 90 feet. Move lift more to the middle of the river. George Wall made arrangements with Chris Nelson to get AMTRAK a copy of the Harbor Management Plan. An environmental assessment will be done.
CT Maritime Commission meeting is this Wednesday, Ray Collins cannot attend.
Mr. Kellenbeck application for a mooring; its status will be checked.
Jim Mitchell said if there are out of state boats on moorings, the Old Saybrook Police cannot find out who owns the boat.

10.     Old Business
Dick Goduti had researched and provided a print out of taxable services and mooring permits are taxable. The individuals are paying the taxes, not the municipality.
Set up a transient area in North Cove as an item on all meeting agendas. George Wall will be trying to schedule a meeting a month.
Ray Collins going to set up a meeting with Island Cove Marina
Proposed fees for 2009
North Cove Road and Ferry Dock 15% increase (current fee $ 325, increase to $ 373.23)
Flats and outside North Cove $ 150.00
Moorings everywhere else $ 75.00 with deed access, Ferry Point                                    anchorage

Clothesline $ 75.00
Motion - George Wall moved to approve the proposed fee increase for the 2009 season. Dick Goduti seconded;
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously.

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to send the approved fees to the Selectman in a letter and to request placement on a town meeting agenda for approval by the Town.
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously.

Harbor Management Plan proposed ordinances and dock standards update - none
Commercial marina update - Between the Bridges - the Commission has not yet heard from Between the Bridges.
North Cove Subcommittee will be placed as an agenda item each month.
Dick Goduti stated that he feels that the town has not taken control of its assets in the past; the town has started taking control.

11.     Approval of Bills
$ 321.54 CT Dept Revenue Services for 2nd quarter
$ 80.00 Jim Mitchell (balance of Saybrook Manor project invoice)
$ 300.00 Ruth Hockert
Motion- George Wall moved to approved payment of the submitted invoices, Ray Collins seconded;
3-0-0 motion approved unanimously

12.     Adjournment

        Motion - George Wall moved to adjourn at 9: 20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, clerk