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06.09.08 Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:10 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Ray Collins, Chairman
Dick Goduti
Ross Byrne
George Wall
Pete Fredrickson
Jim Mitchell, Dock Master

        Ruth Hockert, Clerk

Edson Bourne- citizen
Paul Connolly- citizen
Scott Mitchell- citizen

3.      Citizens with Business Before the Commission

4.      Minutes - May 12 & 21

Motion- Dick Goduti moved to accept the Minutes of May 12 as amended and the Minutes of May 21 as submitted, Ross Byrne seconded;
May 12 - Page 4, change Marcy to Marcy Bailent
4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        The recording of the last meeting is attached hereto as Exhibit A

5.      North Cove
Clothesline marina - Rich Hanratty gave good feedback except for wait list.
5 people were taken off the wait list and 3 were given spaces.

50% requests
Bill Sanders- 7-8 week cruise
Joe Demers- repairs because of cracked hull

Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to approve Joe Demers request for an exemption to the 50% rule for 2008, George Wall seconded;
4-0-1 Ross Byrne approved

Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to approve Bill Sanders request for an exemption to the 50% Rule for 2008, Ross Byrne seconded;
4-1 motion approved, Dick Goduti abstained

6.      Ferry Road Dock
        A copy of COP to DEP to sheath the entire dock was added to the file.

7.      Harbor Master Report - none

8.      Dock Master
        Jim Mitchell purchased the GPS as per the motion at the last meeting.

        Jimmy thinks buoy 15 is off station; Ray Collins suggested he contact the Coast Guard.

        The area outside North Cove is close to full.

        Jim Mitchell brought a "show and tell" collection of items used as moorings. These moorings were from the Oyster River, Indian Town, and Saybrook Manor areas. Jim reports that nothing was salvageable. There is a clean slate. 3-4 new moorings have been approved.

9.      Correspondence
5/6/08 letter to Indian Town Association granting certificate of permission

Notice of available grants by DEP Applications due 8/15/08 - Dick Goduti called Wendy Flynn, Grant Administrator asking about what the grant could be used for and clarified that it could be used for transient moorings.

Memo from the Town-regarding payables

Letter from DEP to Army Corp regarding water quality -
Mr. Montoya reported to Ray Collins that the Army Corp received only 2 letters in response to their letter, neither is a major factor

10.     New Business
Jeff Meotti - dock application
DEP asked Ray Collins to go look at the dock layout. DEP sent a letter to Mr. Meotti asking for additional information. The Commission has not received a copy of the dock application. The letter requested at the last meeting by the Commission was written and Ray was going to hand deliver it, but had been unable to find him at home. The letter will be mailed.

AMTRAK - The Commission had no problem with the application.

Motion-  Ross Byrne moved to send a letter to DEP  saying that the Commission had no problem with the work but is concerned  that long delays to boat traffic would be an issue;  Pete Fredrickson seconded;
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Sutton COP, Sheffield Street-

Motion- Pete Fredrickson moved to send a letter to DEP saying the application is consistent with the Harbor Plan, Ross Byrne seconded;
5-0-0 motion approved

Additional permits - Island Cove Marina- Ray Collins has received different answers from DEP about who issues commercial permits. David Blatt is the person Ray needs to speak with.

Discussion- Ross and Pete had some concerns about issuing additional permits that keep other people from using the area.

Motion - Dick Goduti moved that the Chairman set up a special meeting with Island Cove ASAP, Ross Byrne seconded;
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Fees for 2009 season

Motion - Dick Goduti proposed the following fee increases, Ray Collins seconded;
15% increase at North Cove and the Ferry Dock
Clothesline $ 175
Moorings $ 150 CT River
Moorings everywhere else $ 75.00 with deeded access
Flats $ 150
The Chairman would like to table this to the next meeting, asking the Commission to research what fees are in other communities and to give consideration to the proposal.

The spit of land in North Cove is for sale for $ 1,000,000.00

Dick Goduti asked about the $ 350 overcharge - Ross Byrne was not sure that the credit was issued- The Chairman asked Ross to look into the overcharge

Bookkeeping proposal -
Dick Goduti believes that the Commission needs more control over its finances.

He proposes a system that would have mooring permit holders being issued 2 stickers, one for the boat and one for the mooring. The stickers would be numbered consecutively and a list would be kept.

Motion - Dick moved that the commission issue 2 sequentially numbers stickers as receipt for payment of mooring fees; George Wall seconded;
4-0-1 motion approved Ross Byrne abstained

11.     Old Business

        Management Plan - Marcy Bailent is working on it

        Copies of 50% letters sent will be provided to Commission members

12.      Approval of Bills
Beard Lumber $ 22.44
Gilman Corp $ 8.81
Paint shop $ 82.24
Olsen's Sanitation $ 166.00
New England Water Co $ 50.00
Scott Mitchell $ 315.00
Port Supply $ 39.73
Saybrook Hardware $ 5.64
Bob Beane $210.00
Jim Mitchell $ 1059.19
Ruth Hockert $ 300.00

Motion-   Pete Fredrickson moved to approve payment of the submitted invoices, George Wall seconded;
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to adjourn at 8:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert