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05.12.08 Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                        Meeting, May 12, 2008
1.      Call to order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:12  p.m.

2.      Roll Call
        Ray Collins
        Dick Goduti
        Pete Fredrickson
        Ross Byrne
        George Wall
        Earl Endrich, Harbor Master
        Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master, Dock Master

        2 members of the public

        Chairman Ray Collins announced that Dick Goduti was taping the meeting. Ross Byrne announced that he had contacted FOI and that if anyone were interested in a copy they could request one. Mr. Goduti provided a copy of last month's meeting and the CD will be attached to   
        tonight's  minutes in the town hall.

3.      Citizens with business before the commission
        Mr. Kilbourne came to the meeting because he is asking to put a dinghy in at the Ferry Dock. He was proposing to add a pulley to one of the pilings.
        The Commission discussed the proposal. Earl Endrich cannot issue a mooring permit until he knows where the dinghy is going to be stored. Mr. Kilbourne is not a resident and has no place to park. Ray Collins felt the Commission could not authorize his renting a space at the Ferry         Dock.
        Holly Begosion lives at 122A Sea Lane in Indian Town. She came to discuss her concerns about the moorings off the beach; particularly abandoned moorings. Jim Mitchell was down at the area to inspect a mooring and to relocate the mooring so it was not in the channel. Jim said     while he was there he pulled out two abandoned  moorings. Ms. Begosion will provide a list of people who own abandoned moorings.
4.      Minutes of March 27, 2008 and April 14, 2008
        Motion - Ross Byrne moved to approve the minutes of March 27, 2008; George Wall seconded
        3-0-1 motion approved, Pete Fredrickson abstained

        Motion- Dick Goduti moved to approve the minutes of April 14, George Wall
        seconded ;
        Under 11 - change to "there was no report on Bill DiBella"
        Under 6 - eliminate the "4"
        Have the minutes reflect that Ross Byrne, Ray Collins and  Ruth Hockert, the clerk, attended a meeting called by the First Selectman along with the Michael Cronin, town attorney and Larry Bonin, Director of Public Works.
        4-0-0 minutes approved

5.      North Cove
        Clothesline policy - limit the size of the boat, use the mooring or loose it

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved that the policy of the Old Saybrook Harbor Commission is to use a mooring or slip or lose the privilege if there is a waiting list; requests for an exemption may be granted by the Commission in accordance with policy;    George Wall seconded. There was discussion.
        5-0-0 motion carried unanimously

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved that the maximum length of vessels at the clothesline not exceed 18 feet overall, George Wall seconded;
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Dredging update - the public notice from the Army Corp was distributed.
        The Army Corp is currently talking about starting in October and they are planning on doing a full dredge.

        50 % exemptions
        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to approved the 50% for Gillen, Volker and Koster for the 2008 season and to notify them in writing of the approval.
        Ross Byrne seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved

        North Cove proposals
        Ross Byrne is working on a new scheme. George Wall distributed a list of pros and cons.  George made the following recommendations:
        Develop demand projection
        Investigate alternate technology and configurations
        Develop time phased capacity plan
        Revisit all plans for pros/cons
        George Wall will post a notice of a meeting of the North Cove proposals subcommittee.

        The flats
        Mooring holders will have to move if the cove is dredged.

6.      Harbor Master Report
        Earl Endrich has already started to receive calls from people who are cruising into Old Saybrook and do not know where to stay.

7.      Dock Master Report
        Jim Mitchell will distribute a copy of the mooring layout.
        Jim Mitchell is attempting to get a dumpster at Ferry Road directly with All        Waste at the request of the fisherman so they can clean up the dock area.
        Scott Mitchell has built a new ramp for the Ferry Dock area.. Jim Mitchell has been doing necessary work at Ferry Dock
        Jim Mitchell announced that at the Town Dock the ladders are down, the lights are up and the dock facilities are in place.
        Jim Mitchell said there was an engineering firm was doing core samples and they lost a drill in North Cove. The firm feels it is a foot under the mud and the dredge will pick it up in the fall. A copy of their email was brought to the meeting.
        Jim Mitchell is asking that  the Commission provide him with a GPS chart plotter. He is interested in model # 545. Jim feels that the ability to clearly mark the location of moorings and navigation buoys will greatly assist him in his work.

        Motion - George Wall move to approve the purchase of a chart plotter GPS  Dick Goduti seconded ;
        5-0-0 motion approved

        Motion - George Wall moved that the previous motion be amended to limit the expenditure to $ 900, Pete Fredrickson seconded;
        5-0-0 motion approved

8.      New Business
        AMTRAK application will be tabled to the next meeting.
        DEP letter to Jeff Meoti; the DEP has received a dock application but have requested additional information.
        Motion  - Dick Goduti moved that the Commission send Mr. Meoti a letter asking that a copy of his dock application be sent to us when it is sent to the DEP George Wall seconded;
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Oak Leaf Marina COP

        Motion -Pete Fredrickson moved to send a letter to the DEP stating that the Oak Leaf COP application " is not inconsistent with the Harbor Management Plan"
        Ross Byrne seconded ; 5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

9.      Old Business
        Dock Standards and Ordinances update - The copy that Ray Collins sent to the attention of Susan Bailey, was not received by Ms. Bailey. Mr. Goduti called DEP to determine the status discovered, as did Ray Collins did, that the documents were not received, so Mr. Goduti has sent  the documents via email. Ray Collins has talked with Susan Bailey. Mr. Dick Goduti submitted the ordinances to Marcy at the DEP. The Commission has not had any response.

        Island Cove has submitted 36 mooring permits. The Commission is aware that they had 24 commercial permits. Dick Goduti is concerned that property owners in the Hyde Creek area are losing the ability to set moorings in the Ferry Point anchorage because the commercial facilities   are taking up more of the anchorage.

        Ray Collins will call DEP about whether they are issuing new commercial permits. Earl Endrich has established where the 24 moorings were to be placed.

        The Commission needs to determine whether the large ketch mooring is in the Old Saybrook Waters and they need to try and get the registration number so we can contact him.

        Ray Collins asked if the Commission wanted to meet with Mr. DiBella next Wednesday or Thursday night. There will be a special meeting with Mr. DiBella at the marina. Discuss options of Between the Bridge providing dinghy access to the Ferry Point anchorage and what would he      require from the Town.

        Proposed letter not to Cronin, to McDonald/Sharpe
        Change 2 to:
        The Commission wants the driveway to be graded commensurate with the elevation of the southeast corner
        Reiterate the original letter with the changes from the last meeting

10.     Payment of Invoices
        Sarge Tower $ 120.00
        Olsen Sanitation  $ 80.00
        Computer Sign   $ 95.00
        CT River Dock and Dredge   $ 13,630.00
        Saybrook Hardware  $ 75.16
        Scott Mitchell  $ 500.00
        Beard Lumber  $ 131.40
        Port Supply  $ 39.73
        Ruth Hockert  (postage) $ 12.74
        Ruth Hockert  $ 375.00
        McDonald/Sharpe  $ 1162.50

        Motion - Ross Byrne moved to paythe submitted invoices,  Pete Fredrickson seconded;
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously
11.     Adjournment
        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert