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04.14.08 Minutes
                TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

1.      Call to order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7:10

2.      Roll Call
Dick Goduti
Ross Byrne
Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master
Pete Fredrickson
Earl Endrich, Harbor Master
George Wall
Ray Collins, Chairman

        5 members of the public

3.      Citizens with business before Commission - none

4.      Minutes of previous meeting: March 10, and March 27, 2008

        Motion - Ross Byrne moved to approve minutes of March 10, 2008, Pete Fredrickson seconded; changes :page 3, number 5 ,  change "to" to "too", correct Denoyia  to Montoya of US Army Corp, change Bonan to Bonin, add the statement that Mr.    Fredrickson was opposed to the idea     of changing moorings to docks,
       5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Minutes of March 27, 2008 meeting not approved due to lack of motion
             They will be added to the agenda of the next meeting.

5.      North Cove
        Clothesline update - barge showing up tomorrow
        Jim Mitchell recommended creating a policy boats not exceed 18 feet and a policy to use the outhaul or loss it. The vote on policy will be tabled to the next meeting

        Dredging update - Norwalk received a million dollars to transport our spoils to Norwalk to cap their spoils. It appears that our dredge is still on track whether Norwalk can complete its dredge. It is appearing that there may be the money for a full dredge.

        John Donnelly - removed from mooring field for not making 50% rule, but his mooring was never put in the water

        Motion - Ross Byrne moved to reinstate Mr. Donnelly to the deep water list - motion died due to a lack of a second

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to place his Mr. Donnelly in his proper place on the waiting list,
         Pete Fredrickson seconded
        5-0-0 motion passed unanimously

        Letter: John Horan not placing his mooring this year moved to wait list

        Letter - Preston Koster request for 50% commission agrees

        Letter - Peter Gillen request for 50% commission agrees

        Ross Byrne and George are continuing to research Ross's proposal. Ross Byrne reports that an estimate for the anchors alone was $ 900,000. The dock estimates would be $ 2000 a dock for 250 docks.

        Dick Goduti expressed concerns about the size of the fairways and he is concerned about the expense. He does not believe the proposal is economically feasible.

6.      Ferry Road Dock
        Update - Ferry Road project- A COP was distributed for Commission review. This COP was to complete sheathing the whole dock area. The consensus of the Commission was that the COP should be signed by the First Selectman and forwarded to DEP.

        March 17, 2008 letter to Cronin
        Rewrite letter and send to engineers, copy to Cronin

        This is the intention of the commission:

        Motion - George Wall moved to approve the cost of testing
        and to have the engineers proceed with the testing;   Ross Byrne seconded;
        3-2-0 motion carries Ross Byrne and Pete Fredrickson opposed

        With respect to the height of the4 driveway and parking area:

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved that the driveway be graded commensurate with the elevations of the dock,
        George Wall seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Confirm with the engineers that a dock permit was issued.

        Motion Dick moved that the engineering company do the dock permit in the most economic way, Peter Fredrickson seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved

        Include both types of sheathing.

        Return of engineering fees - Ross Byrne believes that the $ 315 interest charge will be credited on the next bill

7.      Harbor Master Report
        Mooring permits will be delivered to Island Cove for completion

8.      Dock Master Report
        Jim Mitchell has started inspecting

9.      Correspondence
        DEP -letter rejected Boujoukos dock application
        DEP - letter approving Indiantown COP

10.     New Business
        Ross Byrne received an alert from the Connecticut Harbor Master Association regarding bill 362.

        Between the Bridges COP -

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved that we send the DEP letter saying the application complies with the HMP,
        Dick Goduti seconded  
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

11.     Old Business
        Harbor Management Plan proposed ordinances and dock standards update; Ray Collins will contact DEP for a status report.

        Commercial marina discussion - Ray Collins and Bill DiBella
12.     Approval of bills
        Ruth Hockert
        Dept of Revenue Services
        Beard Lumber
        Saybrook Hardware

        Motion - Ross Byrne moved to pay the submitted invoices,
        Dick Goduti seconded   
        5-0-0 motion carried unanimously

         Jim Mitchell will evaluate the condition of the docks at Ferry Road

13.         Adjournment

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to adjourn at 9:12 p m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk