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03.10.08 Minutes
Harbor Management Commission
302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
MINUTES,  MARCH 10, 2008

1.      Call to order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 7:05 a.m.
2.      Roll Call
        Dick Goduti
        Ross Byrne
        Pete Fredrickson
        Ray Collins, Chairman   
        Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master

        Ruth Hockert, clerk

        6 members of the public

3.      Minutes previous meeting

        Motion - Ross Byrne moved to approve the minutes of the February meeting, Pete Fredrickson seconded; correction to roll call, Dick Goduti should only be listed once
        4-0-0 minutes approved

4.      North Cove
        Clothesline marina update
        The Commission sent out three requests and received two bids.  The clerk will send specs to Mike Evangelisti who requested one.
        Dredge update
        At best it will be October. The current issue is that the dredge permit expires in May and the US Army Corp would like DEP to extend the permit.
        The Commission would like to be involved with what is going to be dredged. Ray Collins will be in contact with Mr. Denoyia of the Army Corp to set up a meeting.

        Chris Dodd is supposedly working toward getting additional funds to complete dredge.

        Future of North Cove
        Change moorings to docks
        Ross Byrne spoke with respect to his idea of installing docks in North Cove instead of moorings. The maximum number of boats would be around 523. He spoke with a distributor from Maine. Ross wants to get layout, recommendations for rods, size      of floats, etc. He will be sending information to Ross. Ross suggests that the Commission move slowly on the idea. This concept would necessitate talks with the Land Use Boards, the residents and the yacht club. The idea of the docks is to save    
        money for future dredging. It will be an expensive project to set up. It would require DEP and the Army Corp permits. Cons:  Ross would like George Wall to make a list of pros and cons. Ross went to Milford and got a tour of the harbor and spoke with      the man in charge. Milford does a per foot charge for the dock space.
        Dick Goduti outlined the problems he saw. This would be a structure permit. We would need land use approval. Set back requirements, DEP may require a pump out station. Dick said it would require an agreement with the Army Corp.
        It would increase number of boats in North Cove and it might help fund the dredging sooner.
        The increase fees will be a consideration for people.
        Where do you put all the dinghies?
        Subcommittee was established - Ross Byrne and George Wall.
        Frank Vinciguerra asked about the possibility of dredging more of the Cove with a screw dredge, putting in more moorings and would more boats help defray the cost?
        Dick Goduti brings up the concept that the town of Old Saybrook owns the Ferry Dock not the Harbor Management Commission. The Town should decide what to do with their assets.
        Adding additional transient moorings to North Cove
        Dick Goduti recommends the empty 22 moorings be converted into transient moorings instead of bring people in off the wait list.  Dick proposes that Jimmy Mitchell would go out and collect fees for transient moorings.

        Discussion ensued.

        50% request Fred Volker exemption
        Motion - Ross Byrne moved approve Mr. Volker's request for an exemption to Rule 11 for the 2008; Pete Fredrickson seconded; letters granting the requests for individuals who will be away most of the summer will ask the dates.
        4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

5.      Ferry Dock
        Ross Byrne met with Gary Sharpe. They will send the request for additional sheathing to DEP but he (Sharpe) had a few questions that need to be answered.
        1.      How high above present roadway should the sheeting go? Dick said they used the southeast corner as the high spot. Can't go to high because of the short ramps. The Commission would prefer 1.5 feet about the high corner if the ramps can              handle it.
        2.      Do we want to raise the driveway and the Commission does and plans to use millings.
        3.      Did the Commission want to go forward with getting a dredge permit?
                Cost first need samples, locations are approved by Corp. $ 8000 for sampling,
        4.      "T" dock permit was included in request? Yes there is a permit
        5.      Steel sheathing, alternative sheathing? Could an alternate be used under the existing permit? Larry Bonan brought in a plastic, fiberglass sheathing sample. The cost of sheathing $ 189,000 for used sheathing. Another $ 20,000 to truck up from              Mamaroneck and $ 40,000 to backfill it. It would save about $ 45,000 which would leave funds for backfilling the project.
                The engineer will submit the permit with steel and fiberglass.

6.      Harbor Master- none

7.      Dock Master - no report

8.      Correspondence - none

9.      Old Business
        The Pites were hoping the Commission would send another letter to DEP after having read the soil scientist report

        Motion - Dick   Goduti moved that the Commission will write a letter saying that the Harbor Management Plan allows for variances in docks and this is one of the examples; the commission recommends a 30 inch high ramp at the waterside, five feet    long and that the owner span that with a 30 inch wide ramp without railings.
        Ross Byrne went on record saying that his problem with the dock is that the proposed regulations have not been approved.
        Ross Byrne seconded     
        4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Ray Collins met with Mr. DiBella. Mr. DiBella was going to speak with the owners of Between the Bridges. And the future plan is to have his people meet with our people. The area by Between the Bridges might make a good spot for the dock set up     that the Milford has. Mr. DiBella will get in touch with Ray by the end of the week.

10.     New Business
        Ross Byrne will talk to Gary Sharpe about the $ 351 in last fee charges on the engineer's invoice.

        Legislative Bill # 352 - the current bill language and the supporting testimonies of CREPA and the DEP were distributed.

11.     Payment of bills

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to approve payment of submitted invoices,
        Dick Goduti seconded;
        4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

12.     Adjournment
        Motion- Pete Fredrickson moved to adjourn at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, clerk