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02.11.08 Minutes
        Harbor Management Commission
        302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125
                                             MINUTES - February 11, 2008

1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Commission to order at       7:10 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
        Ray Collins, Chairman
        Dick Goduti
        Pete Fredrickson
        Earl Endrich, Harbor Master
        George Wall
        Dick Goduti
        Ruth Hockert, Clerk

        Mr. and Mrs. William Pite
        Bill Cotter, Engineer from Docko
        One member of the public

3.      Citizens with business before Commission
William Pite, a new property owner in Old Saybrook within the last 1.5 years applied for a dock at Ayers Point Road. The Harbor Commission reviewed their application and sent a letter to DEP regarding the transversing of the wetlands. The Pites feel that if the Commission had invited them to attend the meeting they could have potentially reassured the Commission regarding their concerns.
The Pites have subsequently hired a Ph.D., Dr. Bailey to review the proposed site. She found that there were no potential negative impacts to the site caused by the docks.
Ray Collins explained that the Commission does not vote or have a hearing on a dock. Only the DEP has the power to approve a dock. Mr. Pite brought a copy of the report to the meeting. A copy of which will be forwarded to Commission members. Attached hereto as Exhibit A.
Dick Goduti felt that the dock was traversing the wetlands.
Mrs. Pite spoke felt that they are very in tuned to the wetlands.
Michael Mikowski of Old Saybrook, asked whether the Commission is planning on eliminating all access over wetlands. The Commission would like to see homeowners be able to build a small structure and that they would be able to walk over the marsh.

        Mr. Cotter clarified that the application has not been denied. DEP has recommended the homeowners        find another way to access the water. The Pites  have forwarded the biologist's report to DEP

4.      Minutes of the previous meeting

Motion- Dick moved to approve the minutes of the December and January meetings as corrected, George Wall seconded;
Under approval of bills # 5 vote should be 5-0-0
December meeting# 12 - should be 4-1-0
January meeting
Calendar vote was approved unanimously
There was a motion to close nominations and it was unanimous.
Vote for chairman Dick opposed, George abstained
Motion to make the election unanimous, vote was 5-0-0
The clerk was asked to cast one vote for the secretary
End of corrections
5-0-0 vote unanimous to motion to approve corrected minutes

5.      North Cove
Clothesline marina update- Ray Collins called and asked how to get the
project paid. The Commission needs to contact three companies
and get estimates. The Commission is not going to supply and install 35 piles on the beach and related cables. A bid will be sent to additional companies.

Dredge update - No current update, the feds have not released the money                      and the Army Corp will not do anything until they have the money
The best chance is October for dredging.

        Spangler request -

Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to send Mr. Spangler a letter saying the Commission has decided to take no additional action; Ross Byrne seconded;
4-1-0    motion approved, Dick Goduti opposed

6.      Ferry Road Dock
        Ray Collins distributed two drawings. One drawing for the dock and one for the dredging. Gary
        Sharpe on vacation for 2 weeks.
        Reimbursable grant can be reimbursed to the Harbor Commission.
        Clerk will make copies of engineering drawings and forward to Commission members.

7.      Harbor Master Report
        The Harbor Master referred everyone who called him looking for transient moorings to Island Cove        because of shoaling in North Cove.

8.      Dock Master Report - none

9.      Correspondence
        Zoning Commission referrals
Proposed changes to Zoning Regulations
Section 10.11 Flood Plain Compliance- no comment
Section 64.5.5 Marine Commercial signs -no comment
water dependent use Commission reviewed- no modifications

10.     New Business
        Brink new dock applications- no action

Motion Pete moved to write a letter saying the Commission has no objection to the dock, Ross Byrne seconded
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Mr. Cotter spoke regarding the Pompea application. The dock and ramp are being removed due to exposure on the river. The boat lift is independent of float.

Mr. Goduti stated that the extending dock, obstructing navigation and the ramp elevation will be raised because it will be replaced with a fixed dock, and he is not gaining access to navigable water. His issue is the homeowner is making a modification to an existing dock to add a structure (a boat lift) He is entitled to access to navigable water.

Mr. Cotter said that DEP has already reviewed the application and does not appear to have any concerns.

Motion Pete moved to write DEP to say that the Commission has reviewed the application and they feel that because of this location which is a high wake area, and even thought does not meet our proposed prohibition on boat lifts the Commission has no objection to the application do to the exposure to wakes and current.
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously.

        Copies of all correspondence written by the Commission will be distributed to all Commission    
        members in the future.

        Mooring permit forms- make changes to less than 19' less than 4,000 pounds

Ross Byrne submitted a proposal for North Cove which would install floating docks which could hold 552 boats and charge $ 1500 a slip.
$ 798,000 annual times 10 years would be $ 7,980,000
Dick Goduti asked how to get the government out of the project. Ross Byrne believes the government would back off if the Commission paid for the dredge. It increases number of boats and increases cash flow.
There were upland support questions.

Ray Collins going to research a state grant for transient moorings. The discussion will be placed on the agenda for next meeting.

11.     Old Business
        Harbor Management Plan proposed ordinances and dock standard update - none, Ray Collins will    follow up with DEP for a status.

        Meeting with commercial enterprises regarding moorings around the Between the Bridges will be   scheduled by Ray Collins. Historically there were moorings in that area.

12.     Approval of bills
Beard Lumber $ 195.42
Saybrook Hardware $ 101.51
Scott Mitchell   $ 75.00
Ruth Hockert $ 375.00
Angus McDonald/Gary Sharpe $ 9032.

Motion- Ross Byrne moved to approve the submitted invoices, Pete Fredrickson seconded;
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Email current revenue statement to Commission members

13.     Motion

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to adjourn 9:50 p.m.

        Respectfully submitted,

        Ruth Hockert, clerk