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01.07.08 HMC Minutes
Harbor Management Commission
302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125

1.      Call to order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the Special Meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission meeting to order at 7:32. p.m.

2.      Roll Call
        Ray Collins, Chairman
        Pete Fredrickson
        Ross Byrne, Secretary
        George Wall
        Dick Goduti
        Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master

3.      2008 Schedule of Meeting Dates
        Motion- Dick Goduti  moved to approve as amended, George Wall  seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

4.      Election of Chairman and Secretary

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson nominated Ray Collins as Chairman, Ross Byrne seconded;
        Dick Goduti nominated George Wall, as Chairman
        Ray Collins seconded

        Motion- Pete Fredrickson moved to close nominations, Ross Byrne seconded
        4 in favor of Ray Collins for Chairman -0-1 George Wall abstained
        1 in favor of George Wall for Chairman

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to make the nomination unanimous, Ross Byrne seconded;
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to nominate Ross Byrne as Secretary; George Wall seconded;
        No other nominations
        Secretary cast one vote for the Secretary

5.      Invoices
        Beard Lumber $ 7.36
        Dept of Revenue Services - $ 1,602.72
        Ruth Hockert - $ 375.00

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to approve the submitted invoices and Ross Byrne seconded;
        -0-0 motion approved unanimously
6.      2008-2009 Budget
        Chairman Ray Collins let the Commission know that the Selectmen were looking for a budget that had no increase in expenses over last year.

        For future meetings the Commission will receive copies of the monthly reports from the Accounting Department.

        The budget was reviewed and discussed.

        Motion- Pete Fredrickson moved to approve the budget for 2008 - 2009 Ross Byrne seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        The regular meeting scheduled for next Monday will be cancelled.

7.      Motion to adjourn

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to adjourn at 8:50

        Respectfully submitted,

        Ruth Hockert, Clerk