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HMC 11.19.07 Minutes
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street " Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 " FAX (860) 395-3125


1.      Call to Order
        Chairman Ray Collins called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Commission to order at 7:35 p.m.

2.       Roll Call
        Ray Collins, Chairman
        Ross Byrne, Member
        Pete Fredrickson, Member
       Gina Stillman, Member
        Dick Goduti, Member
        Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master
        Newly elected member George Wall who will take office tomorrow

3.      Public Comments
        Jack Spangler came in support of his letter to the Commission requesting a reconsideration of the Commission decision not to offer him a mooring. Ray Collins read Mr. Spangler's letter into the minutes. The attendance was reviewed with Mr. Spangler.       The history was reviewed with Mr. Spangler. Mr. Goduti feels the commission has an obligation to treat people fairly and decisions should not be arbitrary. No action was taken.

4.       Minutes - previous meeting

       Motion - Gina Stillman moved to go into executive session at 7:45 p.m.
        Dick Goduti seconded
         5-0-0  motion approved unanimously

        Ray Collins terminated the executive session at 8:35

        MOTION - Pete Fredrickson moved to approve the minutes of the October meeting with the following changes: take the word  draft off minutes; # 3 Between the Bridges marina should be Ragged Rock, # 5 The commission wishes to clarify statements       reflected in the minutes dated September 10, 2007 and October 15, 2007 with respect to Commissioner Goduti's daughter. The commission feels that the minutes do not accurately represent statements made by Commissioner Goduti in the September        meeting with respect to his daughter.  In the November 19, 2007 meeting, Ross Byrne, who served as chairman while Ms. Goduti served as clerk to the commission, stated that Ms. Goduti was never replaced at anytime during her tenure as clerk for      the Harbor Management Commission.  In fact, Mr. Byrne agreed that Ms. Goduti left her job as clerk on her own volition. Ross Byrne seconded
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

5.       Approval of bills
        CT Water Company $ 70.20
        Olsen Sanitation  $ 160.00
        Saybrook Hardware  $ 6.23
        Ruth Hockert $ 450.00
        Port Clinton $ 4,440.00

        Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to pay the submitted invoices,
       Gina Stillman seconded   
        4-0-0 motion approved unanimously

6.      Ferry Road
        TEAP grant- Ray Collins met with Gary Sharpe regarding the engineering. The Commission has not received final STEAP approval. There was discussion about the payment of invoices in the future. Does the Commission want to be in the position of       approving the invoices for the project? Ray Collins will meet with Michael Pace regarding the project.

7.      North Cove
        Letter from John Donnelly was read requesting reconsideration of the loss of his mooring for not requesting a 50% in writing. The consensus was that Mr. Donnelly did not follow the rules. No action was taken.

        A draft letter was distributed for Commission review re: boats on moorings that are never used; using the mooring as a storage; the rules do not say we need to issue a renewal permit. Mr. Ray Collins read the draft letter to Mr. Dill into the minutes.

        MOTION - Pete Fredrickson moved to send a letter to Mr. Dill
        The motion failed for lack of a second.

        Dick Goduti suggested that the Commission is working on the ordinances and that this would be the time to change the ordinances.

        Clothesline update

        Motion - Dick Goduti moved to authorize Jim Mitchell to expend not more than $ 9,500 to get the clothesline area done, Gina Stillman seconded;
        ($ 8000 if the limit above which must go to bid is  $ 8000 )
        5-0-0 motion approved

8.       Harbor Master Report - none

9.      Dock Master Report
       North Cove is all closed for the season, all moorings are pulled.

10.     Correspondence
        Board of Finance - Memo to all Commissions, they shall not exceed budget
        Notice of a COP issued  to Saybrook Point Marina
       Notice of a COP issued to Frank Manafort for a boatlift
       Minutes of the Harbor Masters Association Annual Meeting

11.      New Business
       Dick Goduti suggested the meetings start at 7:00; consensus agreed
       The new calendar will be submitted to the next meeting. The clerk will        check on requirement for when a meeting needs to be held if there is a    holiday.

12.      Old Business
       Ordinance - still need to carve out mooring areas, need to meet with Mr. DiBella. Ray Collins will contact Mr. DiBella

       Mr. Goduti is concerned about the loss of North Cove.
       Ray Collins  will talk to Les Bowman

       The regular meeting next month will start at 7:00P.M. .

13.     Adjournment

        Motion - Gina Stillman moved to adjourn at 9: 45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk