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HMC 01.08.07 Minutes
Harbor Management Commission
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3123  FAX (860) 395-3125
SPECIAL MEETING - Monday, January 8, 2007

Call to order
Chairman Ray Collins called the Special Meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at 7: 45 p.m.

Roll Call
Ray Collins, Chairman
Ross Byrne
Jim Mitchell, Deputy Harbor Master
Pete Fredrickson
Gina Stillman
Dick Goduti
Earl Endrich, Harbor Master   

3 members of the public

Citizens with Business before Commission

Minutes of previous meeting

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to approve the Minutes of December 11, 2206 as submitted, Ross Byrne seconded
4-0-1 Gina abstained

Election of officers

Motion - Dick Goduti moved to have the current slate,  Ray Collins, Chairman and Ross Byrne, Secretary remain in office for the 2007 year, Gina Stillman seconded;
5-0-0 motion approved unanimously       

Harbor Management Plan update – none

North Cove
Dredge update- the First Selectman is seeking other options
North Cove- mooring application question

Motion - Ross Byrne moved to send Dave Henderson an application for a mooring in North Cove for the 2007 season for his 34 foot power boat; Pete Fredrickson seconded
3-2-0 motion approved, Dick Goduti and Gina Stillman opposed

Ferry Dock STEAP grant update
The RFP is being drafted and reviewed by the First Selectman and Town Counsel and will then be mailed.

Harbor Master Report
Earl Endrich attended a meeting with DEP, Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corp regarding dock construction done a number of years ago at Island Cove Marina.There has been no written follow-up at this time. This item will be added to the agenda when there is additional information.

Dock Master Report
A number of dinghies are accumulating at the transfer station. There a few to be removed from the Sheffield Street dock and moved to the transfer station.

Clothesline marina COP update

Motion - Gina Stillman  moved to approve sending the COP for the clothesline marina to the DEP, Ray Collins seconded;
4-0-1 motion approved, Pete Fredrickson abstained

Correspondence- none

New Business –

Motion - Pete Fredrickson moved to approve the 2007 calendar Gina Stillman seconded 5-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Old Business
Proposed ordinance discussion

Ray Collins confirmed that the Commission had a  consensus of opinion in favor of the proposed ordinance changes that were reviewed this evening.

Dock standards
Pete Fredrickson wanted to go on record to state he disagrees with the Status Quo Standard.

Gina Stillman asked Ray Collins to call Mike Cronin to confirm the next step in the process.

Motion-  Gina Stillman moved  to approve the discussed changes and to submit the document based on the recommendation of Town Counsel,  for appropriate action
Dick Goduti seconded
4-1-0 Pete Fredrickson opposed


        Invoices submitted for payment
        DRS (sales and use tax) $ 2047.50
        Saybrook Printing  $ 260.00
        Ruth Hockert (clerk) $ 525.00
        CT Water Co  $ 21.68
        Port Clinton Marina (removal of moorings)  $ 4,266.50
        DEP (clothesline marina COP) $ 200

        Motion - Gina Stillman moved to pay the submitted invoices, Ross Byrne seconded,
        5-0-0 motion approved unanimously


        Motion- Dick moved to adjourn at 10:30 p.m. Gina Stillman seconded

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, clerk