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Historic District Commission Minutes 06/19/2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014 at 6:00 p.m./7:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

  • WORKSHOP 6:00 p.m.
Members in attendance for Workshop:  R. Bradbury, D. Aldi DePaola and J. Meotti
Absent Members:  M. Kennedy, R. Peters, E. Creighton, D. Brigham

A.      Physical Improvements, Consider planting concept for guiderail.
Kathy Connolly returned to present the proposed plan for phase II of the planting plan on the seaside and hillside of the guiderail on North Cove Road.  She suggested types of grasses suitable to the site.  Kathy also suggested a rock border at the high tide line and rocks or small boulders among the plants.  Maintenance issues would have to be worked out. Public Works Director Larry Bonin stepped in and stated that rocks would have to be placed with equipment, they are not readily available and would have to be loaded and transported, or purchased. Ms. Connolly presented a revised estimated budget for the entire project.  There will be a public review of the planting plan at the next meeting in July.

MOTION: to approve revised budget for the planting plan for the guiderail and hillside, not to exceed $7,394.00. MADE: J. Meotti SECONDED: D. Aldi DePaola; IN FAVOR: J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

MOTION: to adjourn the Planting Workshop at 7:00 p.m. MADE: D. Aldi DePaola; SECONDED: J. Meotti; IN FAVOR: J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Randi Bradbury, Diane Aldi DePaola, Jeffrey Meotti, Mary Kennedy, Richard Peters, Eugene Creighton
Members Absent:  Donald Brigham 
Counsel present:  Attorney Michael Cronin

  • Minutes
The commission reviewed the meeting minutes of April 17, 2014.

MOTION: to approve the minutes of April 17, 2014 as presented: MADE: R. Peters; SECONDED: D. Aldi DePaola; IN FAVOR:, M. Kennedy, J. Meotti, R. Peters, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury;  OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

The commission reviewed the meeting minutes of the special meeting on May 29, 2014.

MOTION to approve the minutes of the special meeting on May 29, 2014 as presented:
MADE by D. Aldi DePaola; SECONDED by R. Peters;  IN FAVOR: J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury, M. Kennedy, R. Peters.  OPPOSED:  None. ABSTAINED: none;   APPROVED: 5-0-0

  • Correspondence
The Commission discussed payment of the bills presented and approved payment of 1 invoice from Nathan Jacobson & Assoc. Inc. invoice #79678-$224.61.

  • Committee, Representative and Staff Reports
The Chairman read a letter of petition dated April 14, 2014 with 19 signatures regarding playscapes and requesting that the Commission amend its regulations to include such structures.
The Chairman read a letter dated December 1, 2011 from Donna DiBella of 91 North Cove Road, requesting to determine the playscape in question as a structure and regulate it.
The Chairman read a memorandum dated May 23, 2014 from Zoning Enforcement Officer Christina Costa regarding the complaint-alleged violation of HDC Regulations at the Chapin Property, 151 North Cove Road, regarding playscapes.  Ms. Costa determined the the playscape is not a structure subject to District regulations and closed the complaint.  Discussion of playscapes as a structure deferred to Old Business later on the Agenda.
The Chairman discussed the memo of March 21, 2014 notifying the Town Clerk of the HDC meeting time change to 7:00 p.m from 7:30 p.m.,  and asked the clerk to notify and remind all absent members of the time change going forward.
Ms. Diane DePaola reported on a memo from Tedd Levy that the contract for the Historic Resources Inventory grant has been received and funds were approved by Board of Finance.
Chairman Bradbury opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m.
A.      Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification Sign
at District Boundary on each Cromwell Place and North Cove Road
Applicant:: Board of Selectmen      Agent: C. Fortuna, First Selectman

The commission acknowledged an error in the property address on the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior features.  Cromwell Court should be changed to Cromwell Place.   Attorney Cronin said it was ok to continue discussion.  
Mr. Creighton described the sign as presented to the Commission and attendees.  John Reiser of 152 North Cove Road questioned the possibility of snow plow damage. Mr. Creighton explained they were working with the Town Public Works on the location of the sign.  Donna DiBella of  91 North Cove Rd. asked what the pole is made of. Mr. Creighton did not know at this time.  Elizabeth Thompson asked why the signs are needed.  Mr. Peters explained they are needed to raise awareness and sensitivity of a Historic District and its location. Gina Cowles of 175 North Cove Rd. stated that the signs are satisfactory but must be done appropriately.  Paul Connelly of North Cove Rd. pointed out that the bronze material of the sign is a valuable metal and increases the possibility of theft.  Placement of the sign will be as proposed with guidance from The Public Works Dept.

MOTION to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification Sign at District Boundary on each Cromwell Place and North Cove Road, and to approve the sign as presented.   MADE by R. Bradbury; SECONDED by M. Kennedy;  IN FAVOR: J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury, M. Kennedy, R. Peters.  OPPOSED:  None. ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0

B.      Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification/Information Sign
at Clothes Line Marine Facility, 125 North Cove Road (Map 32/Lot 3)
Applicant: Harbor Management Commission         Agent: R. Goduti, Member
Harbor Commission Member R. Goduti informed the Commission that the purpose of the signs is for
visitor safety, awareness of the location, for the posting of rules for the area, and to get all information on one sign and eliminate the clutter of multiple old signs.  The size and dimensions of the signs were discussed and the Commission asked if the size could be smaller. Mr. Goduti stated that the signs were already ordered.

R. Peters stated that the signs seemed too large and were visually overwhelming for the Historic District.  He suggested some consistency with the proposed Historic District sign for size and type. D. Aldi DePaola stated that the vista and views of the residents must be protected.  The Harbor Commission needs to work with the HDC on some standards for the signage.  R Peters suggested a special public meeting to review. The Commission deems the signs not appropriate for the District.

MOTION to deny as presented the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification/Information Sign at Clothes Line Marine Facility, 125 North Cove Road (Map 32/Lot 3) by the Harbor Management Commission    MADE by R. Peters; SECONDED by D. Aldi DePaola;  IN FAVOR: J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury, M. Kennedy, R. Peters.  OPPOSED:  None. ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0

C.      Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification/Information Sign
at North Cove Launch Ramp, 0 North Cove Road (Map 31/Lot 20) Applicant: Harbor Management Commission            Agent: R. Goduti, Member

MOTION to deny as presented the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification/Information Sign at North Cove Launch Ramp, 0 North Cove Road (Map 31/Lot 20) by the Harbor Management Commission.    MADE by R. Peters; SECONDED by D. Aldi DePaola;  IN FAVOR: J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury, M. Kennedy, R. Peters.  OPPOSED:  None.  ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0

The Application for the Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification/Information Sign at Clothes Line Marine Facility, 125 North Cove Road (Map 32/Lot 3) was withdrawn by R. Goduti.

The Application for the Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification/Information Sign at North Cove Launch Ramp, 0 North Cove Road (Map 31/Lot 20) was withdrawn by R. Goduti.

Mr. Goduti stated that the Harbor Management Commission would review and revise the signage proposals and would re-submit to the HDC after the next Harbor Management Commission meeting.

MOTION to accept the withdrawals of the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification/Information Sign at Clothes Line Marine Facility, 125 North Cove Road (Map 32/Lot 3) by the Harbor Management Commission and the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for Erection of an Identification/Information Sign at North Cove Launch Ramp, 0 North Cove Road (Map 31/Lot 20).      MADE by R. Peters; SECONDED by M. Kennedy;  IN FAVOR: J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury, M. Kennedy, R. Peters.  OPPOSED:  None. ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 5-0-0

A.      Petition filed with Commission regarding Regulation of Playscapes
Attorney Michael Cronin read an old Memorandum previously presented from January 19, 2012 which
stated that the definition of a structure is one that it is not affixed to Real Estate and is easily movable.  Playscapes are not defined in the Historic District Regulations. He pointed out a Supreme Court case that an item is a non-structure if it is not affixed and easily movable, and that disputes should be treated on a case by case basis.

Barbara Aubin of 152 North Cove Rd. presented with 3 letters from other North Cove residents opposed to the current playscape at 151 North Cove Rd which were read by Chairman Bradbury. She also presented a letter from Attorney David Royston stating that the Commission may enforce its regulations through the zoning enforcement officer, but must first determine if the playscape is or is not a structure.
William and Donna Dibella asked for the dimensions of the playscape as they believe they are relevant.  Laura Lynn Mattos stated that she is in favor of the playscape as she has one for her grandchildren. Kathy Dubec is in favor of the playscape and is happy to have children in the neighborhood.
Attorney Cronin pointed out that “structure” is the essence of this discussion.  The audience was reminded of the memorandum that was read from the Zoning Enforcement Officer Chris Costa in which they determined that the playscape is not a structure.  

Conclusion: The Commission determined that no Regulation or policy is necessary for playscapes specifically. Complaints will be handled case by case if deemed "a structure affixed to the ground" by the enforcement agents. The Commission was advised by Town Counsel in arriving at this conclusion. The specific playscape at 151 North Cove Road was discussed as an example deemed as non-regulated by the enforcement agent.~
Chairman Bradbury closed the discussion regarding regulation of playscapes.
  • Proposed sections of the Town Plan of Conservation & Development
Scenic Roads:  A Corridor Management Plan for Local and State Scenic Roads in Old                                        Saybrook” and “Mariner’s Way:  A Vision to Improve the Route 1 East Corridor between Saybrook Junction town center and Ferry Point marina district”
No discussion was held regarding Scenic Roads and Mariner’s Way pending a report from the Planning Commission public hearing that was held on June 18, 2014.  Discussion for review and comment is postponed to July 17, 2014.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:55p.m. until the next regular meeting on Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.,  Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street:;  MADE by R. Bradbury;  SECONDED by R. Peters;  IN FAVOR: J. Meotti, D. Aldi DePaola, R. Bradbury, M. Kennedy, R. Peters.  OPPOSED: None.  APPROVED: 5-0-0

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Kegel
Recording Clerk