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Randi Bradbury, Chairman, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Members Present                                 Members Absent                  
Randi Bradbury, Chairman                        Diane Aldi DePaola, Reg. Member 
Eugene Creighton, Alternate Member      Lisa LeMonte, Regular Member    
Richard Peters, Alternate Member                Jeffrey Meotti, Regular Member
                                                Mark Carruthers, Alternate Member       
Eugene Creighton and Richard Peters were both seated to vote.
Staff Present
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk

  • Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features
Alterations to Principal Building – Add hot tub to lower rear corner of house; 55 North Cove Road (Map 31 / Lot 19)
Applicant: Barbara & Wayne Harms, Owner
Agent: The English Lady Landscape

Ian Sveilich from The English Lady Landscape presented for the applicant. He explained that he would like to install a hot tub, and that it would not be visible from the roadside or from neighbor’s houses, and that it would be barely visible from the water.

I. Sveilich showed pictures on his computer of the Harms’ property to further illustrate exactly where the hot tub would go, where the plantings would go, and what the dimensions and height of the hot tub would be.

Commission members agreed that the home would not be permanently affected by the hot tub, that it would not significantly impact the home
or the neighborhood, and that it would be barely visible by land or by boat to neighbors.

MOTION: to approve Certificate of Appropriateness as to Exterior Features – Alterations to Principal Building – Add hot tub to lower rear corner of house; 55 North Cove Road (Map 31 / Lot 19) Applicant: Barbara & Wayne Harms, Owner; Agent: The English Lady Landscape MOVED: E. Creighton; SECONDED: R. Peters; IN FAVOR: R. Bradbury, R. Peters, E. Creighton; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

A.          Meeting Minutes
MOTION: to approve the minutes of Thursday, November 19, 2009 as written; MOVED: E. Creighton; SECONDED: R. Bradbury; IN FAVOR: R. Bradbury, R. Peters, E. Creighton; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

        B.        Correspondence

In their packets, Commission members received a copy of the HDC budget, the Zoning Commission’s schedule of meeting dates for 2010 and a copy of the Preservation  Brief entitled, “Architectural Character: Identifying the Visual Aspects of Historic Buildings as an Aid to Preserving Their Character.”

  • Committee, Representative  & Staff Reports
  • Annual Election of Officers
Because only 3 HDC members were in attendance at tonight’s meeting, R. Bradbury decided to postpone election of officers until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Historic District Commission which is Thursday, January 21, 2010, Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room.

  • By-Law Review
R. Bradbury has spoken with Town Planner, Christine Nelson, who has said she will attend the January 21, 2010 HDC meeting to consult with HDC members regarding HDC By-Law Review and fee structure.
MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room;  MOVED: E. Creighton; SECONDED: R. Peters; IN FAVOR: R. Bradbury, R. Peters, E. Creighton; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk